3 Impress GuideThis PDF is designed to be read onscreen, two pages at a time. If you want to print a copy, your PDF viewer should have
Tasks paneThe Tasks pane has five sections:Master PagesHere you define the page style for your presentation. Impress contains 28 prepackaged Master Pa
5) When done, click the Save icon to save the imagemap to a file, then click the X in the upper right corner to close the dialog box.Figure 65: The
this, write the address in this format: file:///<path>/document_name#anchor_name• Text: enter the text that will be displayed when the mouse is
4) Select a file and click Open. The image is added to the theme.Method 2 (drag and drop):1) Open the document containing an image you want to add to
5) Back on the Files tab, either click on Add All to install all of the files in the selected folder, or use File Type and/or select one or more files
Chapter 5 Creating Graphic Objects
IntroductionThis chapter describes how to create your own graphics using the drawing tools available in Impress. It focuses on the most commonly used
• Ellipse: draws an ellipse. Press the Shift button to draw a circle.• Text: creates a text box with text aligned horizontally.• Vertical text: create
Figure 70: Available shapes for ImpressThe second part of the toolbar, shown in Figure 71, contains more generic tools. 1 Edit Points 4 From File 7 Al
• Rotate: select this tool to rotate an object. As rotation is considered a formatting attribute, this is discussed in chapter 6 of this book.• Align
• Cross: use the yellow dot to change the thickness of the four sides.• Ring: use the yellow dot to change the internal diameter.• Block arc: use the
Each view is designed to ease the completion of certain tasks. In summary:•Normal view is the main view for creating individual slides. Use this view
Managing glue pointsAs described above, a glue point is the point of attachment for a connector to a shape or graphic object. Each shape has a number
Working with 3D shapes3D graphic objects can be created in different ways in Impress:• From the 3D-Objects toolbar. The 3D-Objects tool is not include
Extrusion On/Off: adds thickness to an object and activates the 3D properties.Tilt Down: tilts the object downwards around an horizontal axis.Tilt Up:
Grouping shapes togetherIt is often convenient to group shapes together so that they are treated as a single shape by Impress. A group of shapes can b
same arrange options described below are available from the right-click menu.Figure 77: The extended Arrange toolbarThe first four tools work on a sin
Aligning shapesUse the alignment tools to adjust the relative position of a graphic object compared to another object. Clicking on the Alignment icon
Using snap guidesOptions for the guides are available in the menu that opens by clicking on an empty part of the page in Normal view and choosing Snap
Figure 79: Gridline, snap lines, and snap point on a slideConverting an object to a different typeYou can convert an object into a different type. Rig
Figure 80: The convert options in the context menuSetting up interaction with a shape or imageYou can associate with a shape or an image some action t
Figure 81: dialog box to set the interaction with a graphic objectTo remove an interaction from a graphic object follow the steps 1–5, above taking ca
• Change the outline level for any of the paragraphs in a slide using the left and right arrow buttons (Promote or Demote).• Both move a paragraph and
Interaction type ParametersRun Macro Select a macro that will run during the presentation. Use the Browse button to open the macro browser dialog box.
Frame by frame animation1) Create the image you intend to animate using the drawing tools.2) Select the image and click the Apply Object button. Thi
3) Select the 6 segments created by Impress and open the Animator (Insert > Animated image from the main menu bar).4) On the Animator dialog box, c
2) Select from the Fontwork Gallery (Figure 83) the preferred style and click OK. You can modify it later, so pick one providing an effect similar to
Now that the Fontwork object is created, you can edit some of its attributes. To do this, you can use the Fontwork toolbar or other options as describ
Figure 87. Left: normal letters; right: same letter heights Fontwork Alignment: specify the alignment of the text within the frame from the choices av
Modifying Fontwork text as a shapeIt is possible to treat Fontwork text as a shape and therefore to apply to it all the formatting that has been descr
Chapter 6 Formatting Graphic Objects
IntroductionThis chapter describes how to format the graphic objects created with the drawing tools described in Chapter 5.The formatting of each grap
To create a new style, follow the procedures outlined in Chapter 2. As shown in Figure 90, the dialog box to create a graphics style consists of 15 p
You can resize the notes text box using the green resizing handles and move it by placing the pointer on the border, then clicking and dragging. To ma
To apply a style, select the object (or objects) and click on the style from the Styles and Formatting window. If the window is not showing, press F11
Moving graphic objects1) Click the graphic object, if necessary, to show the green resizing handles.2) Move the pointer over the graphic object until
To prevent accidental modification of the position of the graphic object, select the Position option in the Protect section (bottom left) of the dialo
Rotating graphic objectsAs for the position and the size, rotation of an object can be done manually or using a dedicated dialog box. To rotate a grap
pictures of right angles, for example from portrait to landscape or vice versa.Instead of rotating a graphic object manually, you can use the Rotation
The Line Properties section (left side) is the most important. It includes the following parameters:• Line style: a variety of line styles is availabl
Use the Corner style section of this page to choose how the connection between two segments should look. There are four available options in the drop-
5) Specify the number and length (not available for dot style) of each of the types of line selected, set the spacing between the various elements, an
Figure 96: Advanced options for creating arrow stylesFormatting areasImpress offers many different options for formatting the fill of an area.1) Start
3) Select the desired type of fill from the drop-down list. The Area page changes to display the choices available for that fill style, as described o
Change the number of slides per row, if desired:1) Check View > Toolbars > Slide View to show the Slide view toolbar (Figure 5).Figure 5: Slide
Figure 98: Customizing colorsTo modify a color:1) Select the color to modify from the list.2) Enter the new values that define the color (if necessary
Select Gradient in the drop-down list on the Area page and pick the gradient from the list (see Figure 99). To manually input the number of steps (inc
It is highly recommended to create a new gradient even if you just want to change the two colors rather than modifying the predefined ones which shoul
Table 3: Gradient propertiesProperty MeaningCenter X For Radial, Ellipsoid, Square and Rectangular gradients, modify these values to set the horizonta
Figure 103: Selecting a hatching fill patternTo do so:1) Select a pattern similar to the one that will be created as a starting point.2) Modify the pr
Table 4: Properties of hatching patternsProperty MeaningSpacing Determines the spacing between two lines of the pattern. As the value is changed the p
Table 5: Bitmap fill propertiesProperty MeaningSize – Original Select this box to retain the original size of the bitmap.Size – Relative To rescale th
Figure 106: Some examples of bitmap fillCreating and importing bitmapsAs for the other types of fill, OOo comes with a number of predefined bitmaps, b
Figure 107: The Bitmaps page of the Area fill dialog box.To import a bitmap created in Draw or another program:1) Click the Import button.2) A file pi
Using the first method, you cannot customize the shadow; it is applied according to the default settings. The second method offers full flexibility to
You can work with slides in the Slide Sorter view just as you can in the Slide pane.To make changes, right-click a slide and do the following, using t
Figure 110: Shadow with 50% transparencyTransparency formattingTransparency is applicable to lines, areas, and shadows. To apply transparency to lines
• Center X, Y: for some types of gradient, you can specify the position of the center in percentage points.• Angle: the angle of the gradient, applica
Figure 112: Main dialog box to set the text propertiesThe top section of the dialog box offers several options in the form of options. Some of the opt
Text animationUse this page to specify special effects applied to the text. Choose between four options in the list and where applicable the direction
Standard (the default), Line, Straight, and Curved connector. Whenever multiple connectors overlap, use the Line skew section of the dialog box to dis
Chapter 7 Inserting Spreadsheets, Charts, and Other Objects
Using spreadsheets in ImpressA spreadsheet embedded in Impress includes most of the functionality of a spreadsheet in Calc and is therefore capable of
Figure 115: A slide ready to host a spreadsheetFigure 116: A spreadsheet in edit mode. Note the active cell and the smalle black resizing handles on t
Figure 117: The menu bar and the formatting toolbar in spreadsheet editing modeOne of the most important changes is the presence of the Formula toolba
You can move the spreadsheet (change its position within the slide) whether in edit mode or not. In both cases:1) Move the mouse over the border until
ToolbarsThe various Impress toolbars can be displayed or hidden by clicking View > Toolbars and selecting from the menu. You can also select the ic
Moving the cursor to a cellTo move around the spreadsheet and select the cell which has the focus, you can:• Use the arrow keys.• Left-click with the
The fastest and most flexible way to format the embedded spreadsheet is to make use of styles. When working on an embedded spreadsheet, you can access
Figure 118: The Format Cells dialog box consists of 7 pagesIf the text does not fit the width of the cell, you can increase the width by hovering the
Inserting a chartTo add a chart to a slide, select the corresponding layout in the list of predefined layouts in the task pane or use the Insert Chart
Figure 120: Chart made with sample dataCreating a chart using the Insert Chart feature1) Select Insert > Chart, or click the Insert Chart icon on
Figure 121: Chart Type dialog box showing two-dimensional charts3) As you change selections in the left-hand list, the chart examples on the right, an
data points. (For large time series, a line chart would be better.) It is the default chart type.Bar chartsBar charts are excellent for giving an imme
or any data which matches two series of numeric data. In contrast to line charts, the x-axis are the left to right labels which usually indicate a tim
Figure 122: Data Table dialog boxEntering dataEnter data in the Data Table dialog box.•Insert buttons insert a row or column.•Delete buttons remove th
Figure 123: Insert menu for chartsUsing the Format menuThe format menu has many options for formatting and fine-tuning the look of your charts.Double-
NavigatorThe Navigator (Figure 7) displays all objects contained in a document. It provides another convenient way to move around a document and find
•Position and Size opens the Position and Size dialog box (see “Resizing and moving the chart”).•Arrangement provides two choices: Bring Forward and S
NoteChart Floor, from the Format menu, is only available for 3D charts and has the same formatting options as 3Chart Area and Chart Wall.Knowing the d
1) Double-click the chart so that is enclosed by a gray border.2) Click any of the elements—the title, the legend, or the chart graphic—to select it.
Figure 126: Chart Area dialog boxInserting other objectsImpress offers the capability of inserting in a slide various types of objects such as music o
Movies and soundNoteOn UNIX systems, the Media Player requires the Java Media Framework API (JMF). Download and install the JMF files, and add the pat
Note that Impress will only link the media clip, therefore when the presentation is moved to a different computer, the link will most likely be broken
To create and insert a new OLE object:1) Select Insert > Object > OLE object from the main menu. This opens the dialog box shown in Figure 130.F
Figure 131: Inserting an object as a linkOther OLE objectsUnder Windows, the Insert OLE Object dialog box has an extra entry, Further objects, as show
Figure 133: Insert object from a fileFormulasUse Insert > Object > Formula to create a Math object in a slide. When editing a formula, the main
Chapter 8 Adding and Formatting Slides, Notes and Handouts
is alright. You can make some changes as you go. Change your outline to match the changes you make in your slides.The important part is that you have
IntroductionThis chapter describes how to add new slides to the presentation and how to format them. It then introduces two additional views—the Notes
Adding, renaming, and removing slidesAdding a new slideThere are several equivalent ways to add a slide to a presentation:• Select Insert > Slide (
Figure 136: Inserting slides from another presentationTo copy and paste slides between presentations:1) Open the presentations that you want to copy f
The duplicated slide is inserted after the original slide and is displayed in the work area.Here is another way to duplicate a slide:1) In Normal view
Expanding a slideSometimes you will have a slide with too many subpoints to fit in the space available. Instead of reducing the font size or using oth
Creating a summary slideIt is also possible to “reverse” the Expand operation to create summaries. The Summary command is useful to create an agenda f
Creating slides from an outlineAs discussed in Chapter 1, when planning a presentation it is often quite useful to develop an outline using OOo Writer
Click on the Normal tab to populate the slides in the Slides pane.As shown in Figure 141, some outline levels may have too many points to fit on one s
4) If some outline levels have too many points to fit on one slide, you can expand those slides as described in “Expanding a slide” on page 184 or dup
Formating the slide or page areaThe Page Setup dialog box (Figure 143) is used for several purposes, some of which depend on where you open the dialog
Figure 9. Using the Presentation Wizard to choose the type of presentation 1) Select Empty presentation under Type. It creates a presentation from scr
3) In the Paper format section, select the preferred Paper format from the drop-down list. Note that the dimensions change automatically when a standa
3) Select Format > Page from the menu bar, or right-click and choose Slide > Page Setup from the pop-up menu to open the Page Setup dialog box.
2) Hover the mouse cursor over the layout thumbnail to get a tooltip with a summary of the contents included in the layout.3) Click on the selected la
To add notes to a slide:1) In the Slides pane, select the slide to which you want to add notes.2) Switch to Notes view (click the tab in the main work
To open the Notes Master (Figure 146), choose View > Master > Notes Master from the menu bar.Figure 146: Notes Master ViewFormatting the Notes p
Figure 147: The Page Setup dialog box for notes Setting automatic layout optionsIn Notes view, Impress creates four areas where you can put informatio
4) Click the Apply to All button to save these settings and close the dialog box.Figure 148: The dialog box to set up header and footer for notesText
Figure 149: Select Notes for printing3) Make any other needed changes and then click OK to print.For more about printing slides, notes, and handouts,
presented as well as use it as reference. This section explains how to customize the handout page. An example is shown in Figure 151.Figure 151: Examp
Figure 152: The available layouts for handouts in the Task Pane4) Choose the preferred layout. The main work area changes to reflect the choice.Format
CopyrightThis document is Copyright © 2007–2009 by its contributors as listed in the section titled Authors. You may distribute it and/or modify it un
Impress provides about 25 types of Presentation Backgrounds that you can select from the list shown in Figure 10. <Original> is an empty backgro
The way to access and customize these areas is the same as for the Notes and uses the same dialog box. Refer to “Setting automatic layoutoptions” on p
Printing handouts1) Choose File > Print from the menu bar.2) In the Print content section of the Print dialog box, make sure that Handouts is selec
Chapter 9 Slide ShowsTransitions, animations, and more
Putting together a slide Impress gives you the tools to organize and display a slide show, including:• Which slides to show and in
In the Range section, choose which slides to include in the slide show:• All slides includes all of the slides except for those marked Hidden (see “Hi
saved when you exit the slide show. The color of the pen cannot be changed.• Navigator visible displays the Navigator during the slide show. For more
in a box with a diagonal line through it, to indicate that it is hidden (see Figure 158). The slide remains in the file.Figure 158: Slide 2 is hiddenT
Figure 159: Start here to define or change a custom slide show3) On the Define Custom Slide Show dialog box (Figure 160), type a name for the new cust
NoteIf you include several slides at the same time, they are added to the Selected slides list in numerical order regardless of the order in which you
Using slide transitionsSlide transitions are the effects that take place when one slide gives way to the next one in the presentation, like Roll down
Figure 11: Selecting a slide transition effectTipYou might want to accept the default values for both Effect and Speed unless you are skilled at doing
Applying a slide transition effectIn the Tasks pane, choose Slide Transition (Figure 161).In the Slides pane or Slide Sorter view, select the slides t
2) In the Modify transition section, select the entry Other sound from the Sound drop-down menu.3) Select the Loop until next sound checkbox if you wa
Applying an animation effectIn Normal View, display the desired slide. Select the text or object you want to animate. An object such as a graphic or a
Figure 163: Custom Animation dialog box. Choices may vary depending on the selected object; for example, pictures and text have different Emphasis cho
Choosing additional properties of an animation effectMany animations have a set of properties that you can set or change. For example, if you chose th
5) The four effects you have just set up are listed in the animations list on the Custom Animation page, as shown in Figure 166.Figure 165: Choosing a
Step 2. Apply the “change font color” effect to some list items.Now we want to set each of the first three list items to change color when the followi
4) Use the Change order: up-arrow button to move each of the last three items up the list to just under the other item with the same name. The animati
pre-packaged motion path animation which is similar to the effect you want to obtain. Alternatively use the Polygon or Curve animation to create a new
Figure 172: Object set to move along a polygon and curve pathAdvanced animation effectsClick the Effect Options button [...] next to the Properties dr
Creating the first slideThe first slide is normally a title slide. Decide which of the layouts will best suit your purposes for this first slide: simp
Figure 173: Effect option settings for a direction effectFigure 174: Effect option settings for a font color effectOn the Text Animation page of the E
Figure 176: Timing page of Effect Options dialog boxRemoving animation effects1) On the Custom Animation page of the Task pane, select the desired obj
Figure 177: Interaction dialog box before choosing an interactionFigure 178: Interaction dialog box after choosing the “Go to page or object” interact
• Press the Spacebar.To go backwards through the show one slide at a time, press the up arrow key, the left arrow key, or the Page Up key. For more co
Figure 179: Right-clicking on the screen during a slide show brings up this menu.224 Impress Guide
Chapter 10 Printing, e-mailing, exporting, and saving slide shows
IntroductionGeneral information about printing documents from OOo is provided in Chapter 10 of the Getting Started guide. This chapter describes some
On the Print dialog box, you can choose:• Which printer to use (if more than one are installed on your system) and the properties of the printer—for e
Figure 181: Selecting printer options for a presentationSome items of interest on the Printer Options dialog box include:Under Quality:•Default prints
Under Page options:•Default prints the slides full size.•Fit to page scales down slides so they fit on the paper in the printer.•Tile pages prints sev
Figure 12: Choosing a slide layoutFirst insert all the slides your outline indicates you will need. Only after this should you begin adding special ef
Printing in black and white on a color printerYou may wish to print documents in black and white on a color printer, to save expensive color ink or to
3) Flip the pages and put them back into the printer, new side up, and in the correct orientation. You may need to experiment a bit to find out what t
Figure 183: General page of PDF Options dialog boxRange section• All: Exports the entire document.• Pages: To export a range of slides, use the format
NoteEPS images with embedded previews are exported only as previews. EPS images without embedded previews are exported as empty placeholders.General s
Figure 184: Initial View page Figure 185: User Interface page Window options section• Resize window to initial page. Causes the PDF viewer window to r
• Open in full screen mode. Causes the PDF viewer to open full-screen instead of in a smaller window.• Display document title. Causes the PDF viewer t
Cross-document linksDefines the behavior of links clicked in PDF files.Security page of PDF Options dialog boxPDF export includes options to encrypt t
Figure 188: Setting a password to encrypt a PDFAfter you set a password for permissions, the other choices on the Security page (shown in Figure 187)
Exporting as web pages (HTML files)You can export presentations as a series of web pages that can be viewed in any browser.NoteSaving as web pages (HT
4) Click Next to select the type of web pages to create.•Standard HTML: one page for each slide, with navigation links to move from slide to slide.•St
1) Remove any element on the slide that is not required (Figure 14).a) Click the element to highlight it. (The green squares show it is highlighted.)b
6) If Create title page was chosen in step 4, supply the information for it on the next page. The title contains an author name, e-mail address and ho
scheme so that it will appear on the first page of the HTML export wizard.Figure 194: HTML Export – Choosing color scheme9) Click Create to generate t
2) In your e-mail program, enter the recipient, subject and any text you want to add, then send the e-mail.File > Send > E-mail as OpenDocument
detailed description of how to get and manage a certificate, and signature validation, see “Using Digital Signatures” in the OOo Help.To sign a docume
Figure 196: Warning message when saving in Microsoft PowerPoint formatTipAlways save your work in Impress OpenDocument format (.odp) before saving in
Chapter 11 Setting Up and Customizing Impress
Choosing options that affect all of OOoThis section covers some of the settings that apply to all the components of Other general opti
You can also define colors within Impress, but those colors will not be available to other components of OOo.Figure 197. Defining colors to use in col
To change the default color for grid points, click the down-arrow by the color and select a new color from the pop-up box.If you wish to save your col
Text objects sectionAllow quick editing sets Impress to immediately switch to the text editing mode when you click a text object. You can also activat
ii. Browse to the graphic file. To see a preview of the picture, check Preview at the bottom of the Insert picture dialog box. Select a picture and cl
not checked, a printer-independent layout is used for screen display and printing.Add spacing between paragraphs in the current document calculates th
If you have activated the snap grid but wish to move or create individual objects without snap positions, you can press the Ctrl to deactivate the sna
object must be in the snap range. You can also use the Snap to Page Margins icon on the Options toolbar.To object frame aligns the contour of the gr
Figure 203: Specifying print options for ImpressCustomizing the user interfaceCustomizing the menu fontIf you want to change the menu font from that s
6) When you are done customizing menus, click OK to save your changes.Figure 204. The Menus page of the Customize dialog boxCreating a new menuIn the
Figure 205: Adding a new menuModifying existing menusTo modify an existing menu, select it in the Menu list and click the Menu button to drop down a l
Adding a command to a menuYou can add commands to the supplied menus and to menus you have created. On the Customize dialog, select the menu in the Me
Customizing toolbarsYou can customize toolbars in several ways, including choosing which icons are visible and locking the position of a docked toolba
3) Click the Toolbar button on the right to display a drop-down list of choices.4) To display or hide commands, select or deselect the checkboxes in t
2) The Add Commands dialog is the same as for adding commands to menus. Select a category and then the command, and click Add. The dialog remains open
save additional slide masters. See Chapter 2 for information on creating and modifying slide masters.Modifying the slide showNow review the entire pre
Customizing keyboard shortcuts The Appendix to this book lists the default keyboard shortcuts supplied with Impress. You can change these defaults or
Figure 209: Customizing keyboard shortcutsSaving changes to a fileChanges to the shortcut key assignments (and other configurations) can be saved in a
3) Next enter a name for the keyboard configuration file in the File name box, or select an existing file from the list. If you need to, browse to fin
2) In OOo, select Tools > Extension Manager from the menu bar. In the Extension Manager dialog box (Figure 210), click Add.3) A file browser window
a presentation timer—while the audience sees only the current slide. The Presenter Console displays the elements in three easily changeable views:• Th
Appendix A Keyboard Shortcuts
IntroductionYou can use (OOo) without requiring a pointing device, such as a mouse or trackball, by using its built-in keyboard shortcu
Other shortcut keys for ImpressShortcut Keys EffectArrow keyMove the selected object or the page view in the direction of the arrow.Ctrl+Arrow keyMove
Shortcut keys in the Normal ViewShortcut Keys EffectPlus(+) keyZoom in.Minus(-) keyZoom out.Times(×) key (number pad)Fit page in window.Divide(÷) key
Shortcut keys in slide showsShortcut Keys Effect EscEnd presentation.Spacebar or Right arrow or Down arrow or Page Down or Enter or Return or N Play n
Slide transitionsYour first slide show should probably have the same slide transition for all slides. Setting Advance slide to On mouse click is the d
IndexA accessibility 266adding pictures 89agenda, creating 185alignment of text 68Alignment toolbar 115alignment tools 115animation 120animati
duplicate 121E e-mail attachment 241Effect Options 219encryption of PDF 236expand slide 184export directly as PDF 231exporting to PDF 231Exten
hyperlink button 87editing 87inserting 85I image map 99image quality in PDF 232indents and spacing 67Insert OLE Object dialog box 176Insert P
PDF options 231encryption 236passwords 236security 236user interface 233PDF/A-1 233personal key 242perspective tool 112Picture toolbar 95pict
modifying 34Slide pop-up submenu 180slide show custom 206hide slides 205organizing 203Rehearse Timings 209running 27settings 203timing of aut
importing 52installing using Extension Manager 47modifying 50moving 51organizing 50setting default template 48supplied with OOo 46using 46text
Chapter 2 Using Slide Masters, Styles, and Templates
Designing a presentationIn addition to careful planning of the content (as discussed in Chapter 1), you need to plan the appearance of the presentatio
ContentsChapter 1 Introducing Impress...7What is Impress?...
All of the characteristics of slide masters are controlled by styles. The styles of any new slide you create are inherited from the slide master from
TipPress F11 to open the Styles and Formatting window. You can dock or undock this window by holding down the Control key while double-clicking the to
Graphic stylesGraphic styles affect many of the elements of a slide. Notice that text styles exist in both the presentation and graphic style selectio
Applying a slide masterIn the Tasks Pane, be sure the Master Pages section is showing (Figure 17).To apply one of the slide masters to all slides in y
NoteThe slide masters you have loaded will also be available the next time you load the presentation. If you want to delete the unused slide masters,
CautionAny changes made to one slide when in Master View mode will appear on all slides using this slide master. Always make sure you close Master Vie
Figure 18: Background choicesA list of choices for the selected fill type then appears (see Figure19 for an example).3) Select one of the items on the
Adding background objectsThis section describes how to add background objects and graphic elements (such as a logo, decorative lines, and so on). OOo
In addition to pictures you can add a number of other background objects, for example decorative lines, text and shapes. Figure 20 is an example of a
Figure 21: Slide master showing five editable areasClick with the left mouse button on any of these areas to display eight green squares (handles) aro
Creating an image map...99Managing the Gallery themes...
To more accurately control the shape and size as well as the position of the default text area, instead of using the mouse it is better to access the
Further modifications to the default text areasBesides the shape, size and position, it is also possible to modify other aspects of the 5 areas of the
The fields you can use in Impress are:• Date (fixed).• Date (variable) —updates automatically when you reload the file.• Time (fixed).• Time (variable
Creating graphics stylesAs discussed above you cannot create new presentation styles. You can create a new graphics style in two ways:• Using the Styl
2) In the Styles and Formatting window, click the New Style from Selection icon, highlighted in Figure 25.Figure 25: New Style from Selection3) In the
Figure 27. Updating a style from a selectionTipAny changes you make to a style are effective only in the document on which you are working. The change
Deleting stylesYou cannot remove (delete) any of OOo’s predefined styles, even if you are not using them.You can remove any user-defined (custom) styl
You can create a new presentation from a previously saved presentation template by choosing File > New > Templates and Documents from the menu b
TipTo get extensions that are listed in the repository, you can open the Extension Manager and click the Get more extensions here link. You do not nee
Resetting the default to OOo’s in-built Default templateTo re-enable OOo’s Default presentation background template as the default:1) In the Template
Chapter 8 Adding and Formatting Slides, Notes and Handouts...179Introduction...
Modifying a templateYou can edit a template’s styles and content, and then, if you wish, you can reapply the template’s styles to documents that were
Creating a template folderTo create a template folder:1) In the Template Management dialog box, click any folder.2) Click the Commands button and choo
To delete a template:1) In the Template Management dialog box, double-click the folder that contains the template you want to delete. A list of all th
Chapter 3 Adding and Formatting Text
IntroductionThis chapter describes the different ways to add text to slides and format the text.Text in slides is contained in text boxes.There are tw
3) Release the mouse button when finished. The cursor appears in the text box, which is now in edit mode (gray hashed border with green resizing handl
3) When the four-headed arrow appears, click and drag to move the text box. An empty dashed-line box shows where your text box will be placed.4) Relea
TipSometimes it is faster to to delete a text box by dragging a selection rectangle around the text box and then hitting the Delete key. Take care to
give it the appropriate outline level. The button with the arrow pointing left promotes the list entry by one level (for example from Outline 3 to Out
Selecting more than one character will insert all those characters. Characters to be inserted are displayed below the character section in the order t
Function keys for Impress...266Other shortcut keys for Impress...
Formatting textFormatting text can give a presentation a consistent look and a dynamic feel. The appropriate use of formatting can even enhance the au
If you have selected a presentation style, the dialog box in Figure 33 is shown.The dialog box for making modifications to a graphics style is shown i
Figure 34: The Graphics Style modification dialog boxFor additional details on the other tabs in the Graphics Style dialog box, please refer to Chapte
TipPressing the Control key along with the Shift key while creating a selection is useful to speed up the process. This combination highlights the tex
TipWhen writing a presentation in multiple languages, you can make the best of the language setting by creating two styles that only differ in the lan
Figure 37: Advanced options for the character can be set in the Font Effects pagePosition pageThe Position page, shown in Figure 38, has advanced opti
Figure 38: Setting the character position attributesTwo more position attributes can be set on this page:• The (width) scaling of the text, which spec
This dialog box contains three pages that are described in detail below. If Asian Typography has been activated, a page called Asian Typography is als
TipYou can change the default unit of measurement, for example from inches to centimetres, from Tools > Options > Impress > Ge
Tabs pageUse the Tabs page, shown in Figure 41, to set tab stops. To delete one existing tab stop, select it in the list and click the Delete button.
Chapter 1 Introducing Impress
Their use is self-explanatory.Figure 42: The Asian Typography page optionsCreating bulleted and numbered listsThe procedure to create a bulleted or nu
Creating lists in other text boxesTo create a list in a text box, follow these steps:1) Place the cursor in the text box.2) Click the Bullets On/Off b
Selecting the entriesFor the entire list:1) Select the entire list or click on the gray border of the text box so that just the green resizing handles
If the list was created in an AutoLayout text box, then an alternative way to change the entire list is to modify the Outline styles. Changes made to
To set up an outline level, first select it from the list on the left hand side of the page. Then set the Indent, which is the spacing between the bul
The options available on this page depend on the type of marker selected for the list. Select first the level you want to modify on the left hand side
Figure 46: Nested list with mixture of numbers and bulletsChanging the order or the outline level linesClick once in a line of text to place the curso
Using tablesTables are a powerful mechanism to convey structured information quickly, so they represent an important tool when creating a presentation
Figure 48: Insert Table dialog boxThe table is placed at the center of the slide, but you can move it wherever it is more convenient by selecting it t
Table toolbarWhen a table is selected (you can tell by the presence of 8 blue square handles around the edges), the Table toolbar (Figure 49) should b
What is Impress?Impress is’s presentations (slide show) component. You can create slides that contain many different elements, includin
Line StyleUse to change the style of the line of the selected cells. Opens a new dialog box where you can choose among a wide number of predefined sty
Select the number of resulting cells from the split as well as whether the cell should be split horizontally or vertically. When splitting horizontall
Figure 52: The Format Cells dialog box showing the Borders pageThis dialog box contains the following pages:•Font: see “Font page” on page 63 for a de
NoteUnlike other graphic objects, it is not possible to rotate a table.Deleting a tableTo delete a table, select it and then press the Delete key on t
2) Select Edit > Fields from the menu bar.3) Select the desired format in the dialog box that appears.4) Click OK when satisfied.TipA similar list
Using hyperlinksWhen inserting text (such as a website address or URL) that can be used as a hyperlink, Impress formats it automatically, creating the
• Document: the hyperlink points to another document or to another place in the presentation.• New document: the hyperlink creates a new document. The
Editing text hyperlinksTo edit a text hyperlink, select it (by dragging across the text, not clicking on it), then choose Edit > Hyperlink from the
Chapter 4 Adding and Formatting Pictures
IntroductionPictures are often used in presentations as they can convey quickly a large amount of information. When wisely used, they can also give th
Figure 1: Main window of ImpressSeveral additional operations can be performed on one or more slides in the Slides pane:• Add new slides at any place
Whether you are using an AutoLayout for the placement of the picture, or you are just inserting a picture, follow these steps:1) Select Insert > Pi
Select the Link option to insert the picture as a link to the file rather than embedding the file itself. In general it is preferable to embed images
Select Tools > Gallery or click the Gallery icon on the Drawing toolbar. By default, the Gallery (shown in Figure 57) is docked above the Impress
Figure 58. Inserting an image from the GalleryFormatting picturesThis section discusses the formatting of pictures inserted with one of the methods ex
4) Release the mouse button when satisfied with the new size.The corner handles resize both the width and the height of the graphic object simultaneou
At step 2 a black crosshair with a circle appears in the middle of the picture: this represents the pivot point for the rotation. Normally the center
select Edit > Undo: Bitmap Graphic Filter from the menu bar or press Control+Z.Table 1 describes briefly each of the available graphic filters and
• Watermark: adjusts the brightness of the image making it suitable to be used as a watermark. For more information on creating watermarks, refer to C
To crop a selected picture interactively, click the Crop icon on the Picture toolbar (Figure 60). A set of crop marks appears around the picture (se
value of 3cm in the Left box will cut 3cm from the left side of the picture.When Keep scale is selected, the size of the image also changes, so in thi
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