Getting Started with OpenOffice.orgThis PDF is designed to be read onscreen, two pages at a time. If you want to print a copy, your PDF viewer should
Chapter 1 Introducing OpenOffice.orgFree eBook Edition
indent icons on the ruler to open the Tabs page of the Paragraph dialog (Figure 75).A better strategy is to define tabs for the paragraph style. See C
Checking spelling and grammarWriter provides a spelling checker, which can be used in two ways.AutoSpellcheck checks each word as it is typed and disp
The main advantage of changing the language is that you can then use the correct dictionaries to check spelling and apply the localized versions of Au
Choose Tools > AutoCorrect Options to open the AutoCorrect dialog. There you can define which strings of text are corrected and how. In most cases,
Using AutoTextAutoText allows you to assign text, tables, graphics and other items to a key combination. For example, rather than typing “Senior Manag
system and the selection of icon size and style in Tools > Options > > View.1 Open Styles and Formatting Window5 Align Right 1
AutoformattingYou can set Writer to automatically format parts of a document according to the choices made on the Options page of the AutoCorrect dial
Using the Bullets and Numbering toolbarYou can create nested lists (where one or more list items has a sublist under it, as in an outline) by using th
2) On the Paragraph Styles page of the Styles and Formatting window, right-click on Default in the list and select Modify.3) On the Paragraph Style di
Manual hyphenationTo manually hyphenate words, do not use a normal hyphen, which will remain visible even if the word is no longer at the end of a lin
What is (OOo) is both a software product and a community of volunteers who produce and support the software.NoteBecause
For an index or other document with two columns of text, where the text continues from the left-hand column to the right-hand column and then to the n
Creating headers and footersA header is an area that appears at the top of a page. A footer appears at the bottom of the page. Information, such as pa
2) Press the spacebar once, type the word “of” and a space, then choose Insert > Fields > Page Count.NoteThe Page Count field inserts the total
Figure 80: Restarting page numbering after a manual page breakChanging page marginsYou can change page margins in two ways:• Using the page rulers—qui
TipThe small arrows on the ruler are used for indenting paragraphs. They are often in the same place as the page margins, so you need to be careful to
Choose Tools > Options > User Data to configure the name you want to appear in the Author field of the note, or to change it.If more than one pe
1) Place the cursor within the table of contents.2) Right-click and choose Update Index/Table from the pop-up menu.NoteIf you cannot place your cursor
Printing from WriterWriter provides a range of choices when printing.Quick printingClick the Print File Directly icon to send the entire document to
• What pages to print, how many copies to print, and in what order to print them. Use dashes to specify page ranges and commas or semicolons to separa
• In the Comments section, you can choose whether to print any comments that have been added to your document (using Insert > Comment), and where t
Impress (presentations)Impress provides all the common multimedia presentation tools, such as special effects, animation, and drawing tools. It is int
To use Page Preview:1) Choose File > Page Preview, or click the Page Preview button .The Writer window changes to display the current page and the
> Print. In the Print dialog, click Properties and be sure the printer is set to the same orientation (portrait or landscape) as specified in the p
• In Character, you can choose Fonts (Sizes...), Fonts Effects (Underlining, Color...), Position (Rotating/scaling...), Hyperlink, Background and more
4) In the lower left of this page, choose the envelope format from the drop-down list. The width and height of the selected envelope then show in the
Printing labelsLabels are commonly used for printing address lists (where each label shows a different address), but they can also be used for making
Figure 91. Labels dialog, Format page5) Click Save to save your new format.6) When you have finished formatting, click New Document to make your sheet
Sending a fax through the Print dialog1) Open the Print dialog by choosing File > Print and select the fax driver in the Name list.2) Click OK to o
Using fieldsFields are extremely useful features of Writer. They are used for data that changes in a document (such as the current date or the total n
Using hyperlinksThe easiest way to insert a hyperlink to another part of the same document is by using the Navigator:1) Open the document containing t
items, such as headings, bookmarks, figures, tables, and numbered items such as steps in a procedure. You can also create your own reference items; se
The advantages of OpenOffice.orgHere are some of the advantages of over other office suites:• No licensing fees. OOo is free for anyone
Using bookmarksBookmarks are listed in the Navigator and can be accessed directly from there with a single mouse click. You can cross-reference to boo
Using master documentsMaster documents are typically used for producing long documents such as a book, a thesis, or a long report; or when different p
Chapter 5 Getting Started with CalcUsing Spreadsheets in OpenOffice.orgFree eBook Edition
What is Calc?Calc is the spreadsheet component of (OOo). You can enter data (usually numerical) in a spreadsheet and then manipulate th
Parts of the main Calc windowWhen Calc is started, the main window looks similar to Figure 96.Figure 96. Parts of the Calc windowTitle barThe Title ba
In the Formatting toolbar, the three boxes on the left are the Apply Style, Font Name, and Font Size lists (see Figure 97). They show the current sett
The Function button inserts an equals (=) sign into the selected cell and the Input Line, thereby setting the cell ready to accept a formula.When you
Figure 99: Left end of Calc status barFigure 100: Right end of Calc status barStarting new spreadsheetsA new spreadsheet can be opened from any compon
Opening existing spreadsheetsYou can open an existing spreadsheet from the Start Center or from any component of OOo.From the Start CenterClick the Op
6) You can preview the layout of the imported data at the bottom of the dialog. Right-click a column in the preview to set the format or to hide the c
• No vendor lock-in. OOo3 uses OpenDocument, an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) file format developed as an industry standard by OASIS (Organization
From the toolbarClick the Save button on the Function bar. If the file has been saved and no subsequent changes have been made, this button is graye
Figure 102: Choosing options when exporting to Text CSVNavigating within spreadsheetsCalc provides many ways to navigate within a spreadsheet from cel
Figure 103: The Navigator in CalcThe Navigator displays lists of all the objects in a spreadsheet document, grouped into categories. If an indicator (
Figure 104. (Left) One selected cell and (right) a group of selected cellsUsing the Tab and Enter keys• Pressing Enter or Shift+Enter moves the foc
left. Depending on the file being used or on the type of data being entered, different directions can be useful.The Enter key can also be used to swit
Figure 106. Sheet tab arrowsSelecting items in a sheet or spreadsheetSelecting cellsCells can be selected in a variety of combinations and quantities.
The result of any of these methods looks like the right side of Figure104.TipYou can also directly select a range of cells using the Name box. Click i
Figure 107. Select All boxYou can also press Control+A to select the entire sheet.Selecting sheetsYou can select either one or multiple sheets. It can
Working with columns and rowsInserting columns and rowsColumns and rows can be inserted individually or in groups,NoteWhen you insert a single new col
Multiple columns or rowsMultiple columns or rows can be deleted at once rather than deleting them one at a time.1) Highlight the required number of co
from a third-party distributor. The project maintains a list of distributors, but the distributors are not connected with, nor endorsed by, OpenOffice
Figure 109. Insert Sheet dialogDeleting sheetsSheets can be deleted individually or in groups.Single sheetRight-click on the tab of the sheet you want
NoteSheet names must start with either a letter or a number; other characters including spaces are not allowed. Apart from the first character of the
You can set the freeze point at one row, one column, or both a row and a column as in Figure 110.Freezing single rows or columns1) Click on the header
Figure 111. Split screen exampleSplitting the screen horizontallyTo split the screen horizontally:1) Move the mouse pointer into the vertical scroll b
Notice in Figure 111, the Beta and the A0 values are in the upper part of the window and other calculations are in the lower part. Thus you can make c
Entering data using the keyboardMost data entry in Calc can be accomplished using the keyboard.Entering numbersClick in the cell and type in the numbe
CautionWhen a number is formatted as text, take care that the cell containing the number is not used in a formula because Calc will ignore the value.E
The most basic ability is to drop and drag the contents of one cell to another with a mouse. However, Calc also includes several other tools for autom
type, and enter as the Start value an item from any defined series. The selected cells then fill in the other items on the list sequentially, repeatin
Defining a fill seriesTo define a fill series, go to Tools > Options > Calc > Sort Lists. This dialog shows the previously-def
newsgroups, forums, or mailing lists. There are also numerous websites run by users that offer free tips and tutorials.Free supportUser
Sharing content between sheetsYou might want to enter the same information in the same cell on multiple sheets, for example to set up standard listing
Removing data from a cellData can be removed (deleted) from a cell in several ways.Removing data onlyThe data alone can be removed from a cell without
The process is the similar to the one described above, but you need to place the cursor inside the cell. You can do this in two ways.Using the keyboar
Figure 121: Format Cells > Alignment dialogFigure 122: Automatic text wrapUsing manual line breaksTo insert a manual line break while typing in a c
Figure 123: Cell with manual line breaksShrinking text to fit the cellThe font size of the data in a cell can automatically adjust to fit in a cell. T
Figure 126: Format Cells > NumbersFormatting the fontTo quickly choose the font used in a cell, select the cell, then click the arrow next to the F
To specify the language of the cell (useful because it allows different languages to exist in the same document and be spell checked correctly), use t
Figure 127: Choosing an AutoFormat3) To select which properties (number format, font, alignment, borders, pattern, autofit width and height) to includ
Formatting spreadsheets using themesCalc comes with a predefined set of formatting themes that you can apply to your spreadsheets.It is not possible t
Hiding and showing dataWhen elements are hidden, they are neither visible nor printed, but can still be selected for copying if you select the element
Starting OpenOffice.orgThe most common way to launch any component of OOo is by using the system menu, the standard menu from which most applications
When you close the dialog, the outline group controls are visible between either the row or column headers and the edges of the editing window. The co
operators AND and OR. Standard filters are mostly useful for numbers, although a few of the conditional operators, such as = and < > can also be
Copy sort results toSets a spreadsheet address to which to copy the sort results. If a range is specified that does not have the necessary number of c
Figure 131. Top of the Printer Options dialogSelecting sheets to printYou can select one or more sheets for printing. This can be useful if you have a
Where a sheet prints on more than one page of paper, it can be printed either by column, where the first column of pages prints, and then the second c
NoteRemember that since the print detail options are a part of the page’s properties, they are also a part of the page style’s properties. Therefore,
Adding to the print rangeAfter defining a print range, you can add more cells to it. This allows multiple, separate areas of the same sheet to be prin
Figure 133: Specifying repeating rows2) Columns can also repeat; type the columns in the text entry box under Columns to repeat. For example, to repea
Column breakSelecting Column Break creates a page break to the left of the selected cell. For example, if the active cell is H15, then the break is cr
From here you can also set the margins, the spacing, and height for the header or footer. You can check the AutoFit height box to have the height of t
Using the Quickstarter under WindowsThe Quickstarter is an icon that is placed in the Windows system tray during system startup. It indicates that Ope
Figure 135: Header/Footer Border/BackgroundContents of the header or footerThe header or footer of a Calc spreadsheet has three columns for text. Each
AreasEach area is independent and can have different information in it.HeaderYou can select from several preset choices in the Header drop-down list,
Chapter 6 Getting Started with ImpressPresentations in OpenOffice.orgFree eBook Edition
What is Impress?Impress is’s slide show (presentations) program. You can create slides that contain many different elements, including
Figure 137: Main window of ImpressSeveral additional operations can be performed on one or more slides in the Slides pane:• Add new slides at any plac
Tasks paneThe Tasks pane has five sections.Master PagesHere you define the page style for your presentation. Impress contains 28 prepackaged Master Pa
Each view is designed to make completing certain tasks easier. In summary:• Normal view is the main view for creating individual slides. Use this view
Figure 138: Left end of the Impress status barFigure 139: Right end of Impress status barNavigatorThe Navigator (Figure 140) displays all objects cont
Working with viewsThis section describes the use of the five views.Normal viewNormal view is the main view for working with individual slides. Use thi
Outline view serves at least two purposes.4) Making changes in the text of a slide:• You can add and delete the text in a slide just as you would in t
Reactivating the QuickstarterIf the Quickstarter has been disabled, you can reactivate it by selecting the Load during system start-up
Figure 142: Notes viewSlide Sorter viewSlide Sorter view contains all the slide thumbnails (Figure 143). Use this view to work with a group of slides
Change the number of slides per row if desired.1) Check View > Toolbars > Slide View to make the Slide View toolbar (Figure 144) visible.Figure
You can work with slides in the Slide Sorter view just as you can in the Slide pane. To make changes, right-click a slide and do any of the following
Creating a new presentationThis section describes how to set up a new presentation. The settings selected here are general: they apply to all the slid
the drop-down menu or choose File > New > Presentation from the menu bar.When you start Impress, the Presentation Wizard appears (Figure146).Tip
2) Click Next. Figure 147 shows the Presentation Wizard step 2 as it appears if you selected Empty Presentation at step 1. If you selected From Templa
4) Select how the presentation will be used under Select an output medium. Most often, presentations are created for computer screen display. Select S
Formatting a presentationNow put your presentation together based on your outline.CautionRemember to save frequently while working on the presentation
Inserting additional slidesThe steps for inserting additional slides are basically the same as for selecting the title page. It is a process that has
CautionChanges to any of the pre-packaged layouts can only be made using View > Normal, which is the default. Attempting to do this by modifying a
CopyrightThis document is Copyright © 2005–2010 by its contributors as listed in the section titled Authors. You may distribute it and/or modify it un
Type of document Component Command-line optionText Writer-writerSpreadsheet Calc-calcDrawing Draw-drawPresentation Impress-impressFormula Math-mathDat
CautionWhen resizing a graphic, right-click the picture. Select Position and Size from the context menu and make sure that Keep ratio is selected. The
2) Would an additional slide make a particular point clearer? If so, another slide needs to be created.3) Would some custom animations help some of th
slides based on that slide master; it is, however, possible to modify each individual slide without affecting the slide master.Slide masters have two
Creating slide mastersYou can create a new slide master in a similar way to modifying the default slide master.To start, enable editing of slide maste
2) Select in the new dialog the template from which to load the slide master. Click OK.3) Click OK again to close the slide design dialog.The slide ma
CautionAny changes made to one slide when in Master View mode will appear on all slides using this slide master. Always make sure you close Master Vie
• Author—First and last names listed in the user data• Page number (slide number)• File nameTipTo change the number format (1,2,3 or a,
Figure 152: Selected text box showing the green resizing handles and text toolbarYou can move, resize, and delete text boxes. For more information, se
bullet points and so on. There are several ways to ensure consistency; these methods are explained below.Pasting unformatted textIt is normally good p
TipPresentation styles are very different from Writer styles and are applied in quite a different way.Creating bulleted and numbered listsThe procedur
Parts of the main windowThe main window is similar in each component of OOo, although some details vary. See the chapters in this book about Writer, C
4) The default list type is a bulleted list. The mechanisms to change the appearance of the list are explained on page 210.Creating a new outline leve
For a single line in the list:1) Click anywhere in the line to place the cursor in it.2) Follow steps 2–4 of the previous instruction set.If the list
toolbar offers many of the same buttons as the table toolbar in Writer, with the exception of functions like Sort and Sum for performing calculations.
formatting of the spreadsheet, it is necessary to activate it and enter the edit mode. To do so, double-click inside the frame with the green handles.
Type or paste your comment into the text box. You can optionally apply some basic formatting to parts of the text by selecting it, right-clicking, and
Slide transition choices are also found on the Tasks pane. For more information about slide transitions, see Chapter 9 in the Impress Guide.TipThe Sli
Chapter 7 Getting Started with DrawVector Drawing in OpenOffice.orgFree eBook Edition
What is Draw?Draw is a vector graphics drawing program. It offers a series of powerful tools that enable you to quickly create all sorts of graphics.
Figure 155. Initial Draw windowRulersYou should see rulers (bars with numbers) on the upper and left-hand side of the workspace. These show the size o
To modify the units of measurement of the rulers, right-click on one of the rulers (Figure 3). The two rulers can have different units.Status barThe S
The top docked toolbar (default position) is called the Standard toolbar. The Standard toolbar is consistent across the applications.Th
You can also select the icons that you wish to appear on the corresponding toolbar. On the View > Toolbars menu, choose Customize, click on the Too
The tools available in the various toolbars are explained in the following sections. The appearance of the toolbar icons may vary with your operating
Figure 162. Changing the color paletteTo load another palette, click on the Load Color List button (circled). The file selector dialog asks you to cho
Figure 163. Defining color schemesOptions toolbarThe Options toolbar lets you activate or deactivate various drawing aids. The Options toolbar is not
Icon FunctionAllow quick editingSelect text area onlyDouble-click to edit textSimple handlesLarge handlesPositioning objects with snap functionsIn Dra
Showing the gridMake the grid visible under View > Grid > Display Grid. Alternatively turn the grid on and off with the icon on the Options to
• The pixel (pix element) size of the snap area defines how close you need to bring an object to a snap point or line before it will snap to it.Changi
The basic drawing shapesDraw provides a wide range of shapes, located in palettes accessed from the Drawing Toolbar. This chapter describes only a few
Hold down the Shift key while drawing the line to restrict the angle of the line to a multiple of 45 degrees (0, 45, 90, 135, and so on).Hold down the
Figure 170: Lines and Arrows toolbarDrawing a rectangle or squareDrawing rectangles is similar to drawing straight lines, except that you use the Rect
Moving toolbarsTo move a docked toolbar, place the mouse pointer over the toolbar handle, hold down the left mouse button, drag the toolbar to the new
Figure 172: Drawing an ellipseThere are three other ways to draw an ellipse or circle:• Hold down the Shift key while drawing to force the ellipse to
If you move the mouse cursor over one of the icons, a tooltip pops up with a description of the function. For a more detailed description of the handl
Text frames can also have fill colors, shadows, and other attributes, just like any other Draw object. You can rotate the frame and write the text at
Figure 175 shows two Draw objects and a connector.Figure 175: A connector between two objectsDraw has a range of advanced connector functions. You can
Symbol shapesThe Symbol Shapes icon brings you to an array of tools for drawing the various symbol shapes.Block arrowsThe Block Arrows icon opens
Selection modesThere are three selection modes: moving and changing size, rotating, and editing points.The default mode for selecting objects depends
Selecting objectsDirect selectionTo select an object, the easiest way is to click directly on it. For objects that are not filled, click directly on t
When you click on the selected object, its outline appears briefly through the objects on top of the selected object.In the illustration to the right,
Dynamic movement of objectsTo move an object, select it and then click within the object’s border and hold down the left mouse button while moving the
NoteRotation works in a slightly different way for 3D objects because the rotation occurs in 3D space and not in one plane. See Chapter 7 (Working wit
To dock a window or toolbar, do one of the following:• Click on the title bar of the floating window and drag it to the side until you see the outline
Editing objectsTo change an object’s attributes (such as color, border width, among others) you can use the Line and Filling toolbar or the context me
You can change some properties from the Line and Filling toolbar. To see more options, select the object and click on the Line icon or right-click o
Editing the inside (fill) of an objectThe term for the inside of an object is Area fill. The area fill of an object can be a uniform co
Special effectsWith Draw, you can apply many special effects to objects and groups of objects. This section describes a few of these effects. Others i
Distorting an imageThere are three tools on the Effects menu that let you drag the corners and edges of an object to distort the image.The Distort too
Cross-fadingCross-fading transforms a shape from one form to another, with handling all of the intermediate transitions. The result is
Grouping by common selectionWhen several objects are selected, any operations you carry out are applied to all of the objects. For example, you can ro
Aids for positioning objectsDraw has various tools to help you arrange the objects with respect to each other:• Moving an object to the front or to th
shapes than with 3D bodies, but 3D bodies currently allow for more customizing than 3D shapes.See Chapter 7 (Working with 3D Objects) in the Draw Guid
Type or paste your comment into the text box. You can optionally apply some basic formatting to parts of the text by selecting it, right-clicking, and
Right-click (context) menusYou can quickly access many menu functions by right-clicking on a paragraph, graphics, or other object. A context menu will
Chapter 8 Getting Started with’s Database ComponentFree eBook Edition
IntroductionA data source, or database, is a collection of pieces of information that can be accessed or managed by (OOo). For example,
books. There is an obvious relationship between the authors and the books they have written. The library may contain more than one book by the same au
What fields fit the maintenance area? Date of service, odometer reading, type of service, cost of service, and next scheduled service of this type (fo
On the first page of the Database Wizard, select Create a new database and then click Next.The second page has two questions. Make sure the choice for
Creating database tablesIn a database, a table stores information for a group of things we call fields. For example, a table might hold an address boo
Step 1: Select fields.We will use the CD-Collection Sample table in the Personal category to select the fields we need.1) Category: Select Personal. T
Step 2: Set field types and formats.In this step you give the fields their properties. When you click a field, the information on the right changes. (
• NumberofTracks: Change the Field Type to Tiny Integer [TINYINT]. Your allowable number of tracks will be 999. Small Integer [SMALLINT] would allow 9
Creating a table by copying an existing tableIf you have a large collection of music, you might want to create a table for each type of music you have
Digital signatureIf the document has been digitally signed, an icon shows here. You can double-click the icon to view the certificate.Object informa
The first table to be created is Fuel. Its fields are FuelID, Date, FuelCost, FuelQuantity, Odometer, and PaymentType.1) Click Create Table in Design
3) All other fields (Date, FuelCost, FuelQuantity, Odometer, and PaymentType):• Type the next field name in the Field Name column.• Select the Field T
Figure 188: Field Format options4) To access additional formatting options, click the button to the right of the Format example field.5) Description c
Creating tables for the list boxWhen the same information can be used in several fields, design a table for each type of information. Each table will
c) Enter Cash in the third row. The PaymentID changes to 2.2) Save and close the table window.TipYou can also use the Enter key to move from entry fie
• Double-click the name of the table. In our case, do this for both Vacations and Fuel.• Or, click the name of the table and then click Add for each t
5) Modifying the Update options and Delete options section of the Relation window.a) Right-click the line connecting the Date fields in the two table
Creating a database formDatabases are used to store data. But, how is the data put into the database? Forms are used to do this. In the language of da
Figure 196: Form Wizard stepsStep 2: Set up a subform.Since we have already created a relationship between the Fuel and Vacations tables, we will use
5) Click Next.Figure 198: Selecting fields of a subformStep 4: Get joined fields.This step is for tables or queries for which no relationship has been
Figure 9: Dialog showing common controls:1=Tabbed page (not strictly speaking a control)2=Radio buttons (only one can be selected at a time)3=Checkbox
right are Columnar left, Columnar - Labels on top, As Data Sheet, and In Blocks - Labels Above.1) Arrangement of the main form: Click the second icon
1) Provide a dropdown capability for the Date field in the main form, and lengthen the field to show the day of the week, month, day, and year.2) Shor
Figure 200: Selecting a field of a control• Moving a group of controls is almost as easy as moving one of them.1) Click the field of the top left cont
Figure 202: Form Controls toolbar• Scroll down to the Date format property. This is a dropdown list with Standard (short) as the default setting. Clic
Figure 204: Positioning of controls1) Click the first control you want to move. A border appears around the control with eight green handles.2) Move t
2) The dialog that opens is labeled Properties: Label Field. It contains all of the properties of the selected label.• In the Label selection, edit th
Step 6: Replace fields with other fields.We want to replace the PaymentType field with a List Box. Then we can choose the type of payment from the Pay
Figure 207: Type of list contents dropdown list • Type the following exactly as it is in the List contents box:SELECT "Type", "Type&quo
Figure 209: Position of controls in main formStep 7: Change the Misc. Notes field.We want the Misc. Notes control, which has a field type of Memo, to
Step 8: Change labels and fields in the subform.The subform is located at the bottom of the form. We want to widen the Date column, change the field i
• Press Control+N on the keyboard.• Use File > Wizards for some special types of documents.Opening an existing documentWhen no document is open, th
Step 9: Add headings to groups.This step is easier to do if you have end-of-paragraph markers visible. Choose View > Nonprinting Characters to turn
b) Control+shift+click the rest of the labels of the top row. The border will gradually grow to the right as you do this until all the labels are encl
4) To add a graphic to the background:a) Right-click on the background and select Page from the pop-up menu.b) On the Page Style dialog, click the Bac
Figure 216: Form Design toolbar with Activation Order icon circled4) Rearrange the order of the fields in the Tab Order window.a) Find the txtMPayment
Accessing other data allows data sources to be accessed and then linked into OOo documents. For example, a mail merge links an e
Registering *.odb databasesDatabases created by OOo2.x or later are in the *.odb (OpenDocument Base) format. Other programs can also produce databases
Editing data sourcesSome data sources can be edited in the View Data Sources dialog. A spreadsheet can not. A record can be edited, added, or deleted.
Writer documentsTo insert a field from a table opened in the data source window into a Writer document, click on the field name (the gray square at th
• Click another row and then click this icon again. The data in the sentence changes to this selected row of data.• Save the document if you want to u
You can also limit the fields you use to less than all of the fields available.• If you want to use all of the fields, use the double arrow pointing t
To save an open document with the current file name, choose File > Save. This will overwrite the last saved state of the file.Password protectionTo
Adding records to a spreadsheet is fairly easy. You need to have the Data Source window open, your spreadsheet open, and the table you want to use sel
The quickest way to enter a date in the Date field is to click the arrow that opens the dropdown calendar. Then click the day the you want (Figure 224
NoteSince the Tab key is used to move between fields, it can not be used in a text field. All spacing must be done by the spacebar. Finally, the Enter
Figure 225: Sample record of the Vacation form and subformCreating queriesQueries are used to get specific information from a database. Query results
NoteWhen working with a query, more than one table can be used. Since different tables may contain the same field names, the format for naming fields
Step 2: Select the sorting order.Up to four fields can be used to sort the information of our query. A little simple logic helps at this point. Which
1) Since we are only searching for one thing, we will use the default setting of Match all of the following.2) We are looking for a particular artist,
1) Click Fuel to highlight it.2) Click Add. Click Close.TipMove the cursor over the bottom edge of the fuel table (Figure229) and drag the to make it
Figure 232 contains the Fuel table with my entries and the query results based upon the Fuel table: the query results are in the right table.Figure 23
Figure 234: Tables in this query1) Double-click FuelQuantity in the End-Reading query.2) Double-click Odometer in the End-Reading query.3) Double-clic
ContentsChapter 1 Introducing is
Renaming and deleting filesYou can rename or delete files within the OOo dialogs, just as you can in your usual file manager. However, you cannot copy
Figure 237: Field for distance traveled calculations3) Calculate fuel economy (Figure 238):Type ("End-Reading".Odometer – Fuel.Odometer)/&qu
Notice that not all of the last column label is visible because some of the labels are long. We can fix this problem by using an alias for many of the
NoteTo fully use queries requires a knowledge of set operations (unions, intersections, and, or, complements, and any combinations of these). Having a
• How do we want the information arranged?• What fields are required to provide this information?• Will a query have to be created because these field
Figure 244: Adding fields to a reportStep 2: Labeling fieldsChange any field labels you wish. We will shorten Miscellaneous to Misc. Click Next.Step 3
NoteIf you feel adventurous, try selecting some of the other layout choices. After selecting a choice, drag the Report Wizard window out of the way so
4) Create the report.Use >> to move both fields from the Available fields list to the Fields in report list. Click Next.5) Label fields.Add a sp
1) Add the FuelCost field to the End-Reading query:a) Right-click the End-Reading query and select Edit from the pop-up menu.b) In the Fuel table list
8) Group fields.Use > to move the Date field to the Groupings list. Click Next.9) Sort options: the wizard skipped this one.10) Choose layout: acce
Figure 250: Modifying a date fieldb) Since this is a dynamic report, change the Select field from Date (fixed) to Date.c) Change the Format to what yo
folders; to go to one of the folders on the list, move the mouse pointer over its name and release the mouse button.• Create New Folder.• Default Dire
Figure 252: Option section of the Number Formating window3) Change the Cost per mile field.a) Right-click in the cell below Fuel Cost.b) Select Number
More ways to create reportsAn extension is available to assist in report creation. Sun Report Builder creates stylish, complex database reports. You c
Chapter 9 Getting Started with’s Equation EditorFree eBook Edition
What is Math?Math is (OOo)’s component for writing mathematical equations. It is most commonly used as an equation editor for text docu
Entering a formulaThe equation editor uses a markup language to represent formulas. For example, %beta creates the Greek character beta (). This mark
The Formula Elements window is divided into two main parts.• The top shows the symbol categories. Click on these to change the list of symbols.• The b
The <?> symbols shown in Figure 257 are placeholders that you can replace by other text, for example 5 and 4. The equation will update automatic
MarkupYou can type the markup directly in the equation editor. For example, you can type 5 times 4 to obtain 5×4. If you know the markup, this can be
NoteA complete table of Greek characters is provided in the Math Objects chapter in the Writer Guide.Another way to enter Greek characters is by using
Figure 261. Tooltip indicates the Relations button.Figure 262. After selecting Relations.Step 4: Click on the a≃b symbol. The equation editor now show
Click the marker (+ or arrow) by any of the categories to display the list of objects in that category. To hide the list of categories and show only t
2) Hold down the Control key and double-click.Figure 264. Hold down the Control key and double-click on the border of the formula editor to turn it in
2) Select a larger font size under Base size (top-most entry).Figure 267. Edit Base size (top) to make a formula bigger.The result of this change is i
Equations over more than one lineSuppose you want to type an equation covering more than one line. For example:x=3y=1Your first reaction would be to s
Brackets with matrices look ugly!For background, we start with an overview of the matrix command.Markup Resultmatrix { a # b ## c # d }a bc dNoteRows
Markup Result{df} over {dx}{partial f} over {partial y}{partial^2 f} over {partial t^2}How do I align my equations at the equals sign?OOo Math does no
2) In the Spacing dialog (Figure 269), click the Category button and select Matrices in the drop-down menu.3) Enter 0% for Column spacing and click OK
Figure 270. Inserting a cross-reference to an equation number 326 Getting Started with 3.xFree eBook Edition
Chapter 10 Printing, Exporting, and E-mailingFree eBook Edition
IntroductionThis chapter provides general information about printing, exporting, and e-mailing documents from OOo.Quick printingClick the Print File D
Figure 271. The Print dialogExporting to can export documents to PDF (Portable Document Format). This industry-standard file format
Undoing and redoing changesTo undo the most recent change, press Control+Z, or click the Undo icon on the Standard toolbar, or choose Edit > Undo
General page of PDF Options dialogOn the General page, you can choose which pages to include in the PDF, the type of compression to use for images (wh
• JPEG compression: Allows for varying degrees of quality. A setting of 90% works well with photographs (small file size, little perceptible loss of q
numbered (right-hand) page. When the previous chapter ends on an odd page, OOo inserts a blank page between the two odd pages. This option controls wh
• Display document title. Causes the PDF viewer to display the document’s title in the title bar.Figure 274: User Interface page of PDF Options dialog
Convert document references to PDF targetsIf you have defined links to other documents with OpenDocument extensions (such as .ODT, .ODS, and .ODP), th
Figure 276: Security page of PDF Options dialogFigure 277: Setting a password to encrypt a PDFChapter 10 Printing, Exporting, and E-mailing 335Free e
NotePermissions settings are effective only if the user’s PDF viewer respects the settings.Exporting to other formatsOOo uses the term “export” for so
E-mailing a document to several recipientsTo e-mail a document to several recipients, you can use the features in your e-mail program or you can use O
3) On the third page, click the Select Address List button. Select the required address list (even if only one is shown) and then click OK. (If the ad
5) In the left-hand list, click 8. Save, print or send. OOo displays a “Creating documents” message and then displays the Save, print or send page of
Closing a documentTo close a document, choose File > Close.You can also close a document by clicking on the Close icon on the document window. This
When someone later opens the document on any computer with a recent version of, the program will compute the checksum again and compare
Chapter 11 Graphics, the Gallery, and FontworkFree eBook Edition
IntroductionYou can add graphic and image files, including photos, drawings, scanned images, and others, to documents. OOo can import v
Insert Picture dialog1) Click in the OOo document where you want the image to appear.2) Choose Insert > Picture > From File from the menu bar.3)
• Advantage – You can modify the image file separately without changing the document because the link to the file remains valid, and the modified imag
Figure 284: The Edit Links dialogInserting an image from the clipboardUsing the clipboard, you can copy images into an OOo document from another OOo d
Modifying and positioning provides many tools for resizing, modifying, filtering, and positioning graphics; wrapping text aroun
Figure 285. Icon view of one theme in the GalleryInserting images into a documentYou can copy or link an object from the Gallery into a document.To in
Figure 286. Copying a graphic object from the Gallery into a documentManaging the GalleryThe default themes are locked; no items can be added to or de
Method 1 (selecting a file):1) In the theme’s Properties, on the Files page, click the Find Files button. The Select path dialog opens.2) You can ente
Chapter 2 Setting up OpenOffice.orgChoosing options to suit the way you workFree eBook Edition
Adding a new theme to the GalleryTo add a new theme to the Gallery:1) Click the New Theme button above the list of themes (Figure285).2) In the Proper
Creating an image mapAn image map defines areas of an image (called hotspots) with hyperlinks to web addresses, other files on the computer, or parts
The main part of the dialog shows the image on which the hotspots are defined. A hotspot is identified by a line indicating its shape.The toolbar at t
You can also use the drawing tools to annotate photographs, screen captures, or other illustrations produced by other programs, but this is not recomm
5) You can now change the properties (fill color, line type and weight, anchoring, and others) of the drawing object using either the Drawing Object P
and drag it to its new position. For a scaled resizing, select one of the corner handles and keep the Shift key pressed while dragging the handle to i
• If you click on an existing Fontwork object, the Formatting toolbar changes to display the Fontwork options as shown in Figure 284. The contents of
Figure 292. Editing Fontwork text4) Click anywhere in a free space or press Esc to apply your changes.Editing a Fontwork objectNow that the Fontwork o
Fontwork Same Letter Heights: Changes the height of characters in the object. Toggles between normal height (some characters taller than others, for e
Figure 295. Formatting toolbar for a Fontwork object in WriterThis figure shows the toolbar floating. In its default, docked position it is one of the
Choosing options for all of OOoThis section covers some of the settings that apply to all the components of For information on setting
• Transparency tab: Set the transparency properties of the selected object.• Colors tab: Modify the available colors or add new ones to appear on the
Using menu optionsYou can use some the choices on the Format menu to anchor, align, arrange and group selected Fontwork objects, wrap text around them
Hovering the pointer over other parts of the object turns the pointer into the usual symbol for dragging the object to another part of the page.For pr
Chapter 12 Creating Web PagesSaving Documents as HTML FilesFree eBook Edition
IntroductionThis chapter describes how to do the following in Writer, Calc, Draw and Impress:• Create hyperlinks within a document and to other docume
You can also insert hyperlinks using the Navigator and the Hyperlink dialog, and you can modify all hyperlinks using the Hyperlink dialog, as describe
You can also use the Navigator to insert a hyperlink from one document (the source) to a specific place in another document (the target). Open the Nav
For a Mail and News type hyperlink, specify whether it is a mail or news link, the receiver address and for email, also the subject.For a Document typ
activates them, check that page to see if the option has been deselected.To change the color of hyperlinks, go to Tools > Options > OpenOffice.o
3) In the dialog (Figure 298), type the file name to save the pages under. Also specify which style indicates a new page (as decided in step 1).4) Cli
Figure 18: Filling in user dataGeneral optionsThe options on the – General page are described below.Figure 19: Setting general options
2) Choose or browse to the document you would like to format. The Title, Summary and Author information is picked up from the document’s properties; i
4) Choose the information to be listed and the screen resolution. Click Next.Chapter 12 Creating Web Pages 371Free eBook Edition
5) Select a style for the page. Use the drop-down list to choose different styles and color combinations. You can browse to a background image and ico
To edit or view the document’s underlying HTML code, click View > HTML Source or click the HTML Source icon on the Main toolbar.Saving Calc sprea
1) To begin, select File > Export and choose HTML Document as the file type.2) Create a folder for the files, supply a name for the resulting HTML
5) Decide how the images will be saved (PNG, GIF, or JPG) and what resolution to use.When choosing a resolution, consider what the majority of your vi
7) Choose the navigation button style to use to move from one page to another. If you do not choose any, OOo will create a text navigator.8) Select th
9) Click Create to generate the HTML files. If this is a new design, a small dialog pops up. If you might want to reuse this design, you can give it a
Chapter 13 Getting Started with MacrosUsing the Macro RecorderFree eBook Edition
Your first macroA macro is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for later use. An example of a simple macro is one that “types”
Help AgentTo turn off the Help Agent (similar to Microsoft’s Office Assistant), deselect this option. To restore the default behavior, click Reset Hel
Figure 300: OOo Macro Organizer dialog, DBInspection library selected5) The default module name is Module1; choose a better name. Although it is still
Figure 302: Select your macro and click RunThere are other methods to run a macro. For example, use Tools > Macros > Organize Macros > OpenOf
dispatcher = createUnoService("")rem -------------------------------------------------------------dim args1
• Another kind of subroutine is called a function. A function is a subroutine that returns a value. The keyword FUNCTION is used rather than SUB to de
CreateUnoService accepts the name of a service and it tries to create an instance of that service. On completion, the dispatcher variable contains a r
first column indicates the constant name. Each name is followed by a space and a tab.DONTKNOW The font weight is not specified/known.THIN specifies
10) Press Backspace twice to remove the two trailing spaces.11) Press Home to move the cursor to the start of the line.12) Press Ctrl+V to paste the s
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertText", "", 0, args6())rem (6) Press Ctrl+Right Arrow twice to move the cursor to
Cursor movements are used for all operations (as opposed to searching). If run on the DONTKNOW line, the word weight is moved to the front of the line
The dispatch framework can also be used to send “commands” back to the UI (User Interface). For example, after saving the document, the File Save comm
Memory optionsIn the Options dialog, click > Memory. Some considerations:• More memory can make faster and more conve
as you learn more. Learning to read generated macros is a good place to start.If you record Calc macros, and the recorder can correctly generate a mac
• A library container contains one or more libraries, and each library is contained in one library container.• A library contains zero or more modules
Macros container. The My Macros container is stored in your user area or home directory.If a macro is contained in a document, then a recorded macro w
example, on one or more of my upgrades, all of my macros disappeared. Although the macros were still on disk, the macros were not copie
Figure 307: Select a macro library to importNavigate to the directory containing the library to import. There are usually two files from which to choo
Downloading macros to importMacros are available for download. Some macros are contained in documents, some as regular files that you must select and
Figure 309: Use the Macro Selector dialog to run macrosThe answers will determine where to store the macro and how to make it available. For example,
Figure 310: Customize dialogToolbarMacros can be added to toolbars. For more about modifying toolbars, see Chapter 14 (Customizing Open
EventIn, when something happens, we say that an event occurred. For example, a document was opened, a key was pressed, or the mouse mov
A common use is to assign the Open Document event to call a specific macro. The macro then performs certain setup tasks for the document. Select the d
What are styles?... 63Applying styles...
User Interface – ScalingIf the text in the help files or on the menus of the OOo user interface is too small or too large, you can change it by specif
ExtensionsAn extension is a package that can be installed into to add new functionality. Extensions can be written in almost any progra
MsgBox "This macro only works with a text document" Exit Sub End If REM Get the view cursor from the current controller. oCurs = (Andrew Pitonyak’s macro page) (numerous examples of working macros)http://www.p
Chapter 14 Customizing OpenOffice.orgFree eBook Edition
IntroductionThis Appendix describes some common customizations that you may wish to do.You can customize menus, toolbars, and keyboard shortcuts in Op
Figure 314: The Menus page of the Customize dialogCreating a new menuIn the Customize dialog, click New to display the dialog shown in Figure 315.1) T
Figure 315: Adding a new menuModifying existing menusTo modify an existing menu, select it in the Menu list and click the Menu button to drop down a l
3) Add a tilde (~) in front of the letter that you want to use as an accelerator. For example, to select the Save All command by pressing Alt+V, enter
Menu Content. Click the Modify button and choose the required action from the drop-down list of actions.Most of the actions should be self-explanatory
To customize toolbars:1) In the Save In drop-down list, choose whether to save this changed toolbar for the application (for example, Writer) or for a
Font Lists - Show preview of fontsCauses the font list to look like Figure 22, Left, with the font names shown as an example of the font; with the opt
2) The Add Commands dialog is the same as for adding commands to menus (Figure 316). Select a category and then the command, and click Add. The dialog
Example: Adding a Fax icon to a toolbarYou can customize so that a single click on an icon automatically sends the current document as
Figure 320: Adding a Send Fax command to a toolbarAssigning shortcut keysIn addition to using the built-in keyboard shortcuts (listed in Appendix A),
NoteAll existing shortcut keys for the currently selected Function are listed in the Keys selection box. If the Keys list is empty, it indicates that
2) To have the shortcut key assignment available only with one component (for example, Writer), select that component’s name in the upper right corner
select the configuration file from the Load Keyboard Configuration dialog.Resetting the shortcut keysTo reset all of the keyboard shortcuts to their d
4) When the installation is complete, the extension is listed in the Extension Manager dialog.TipTo get extensions that are listed in the repository,
When the extension is installed, PDF is listed as a choice in the File Type drop-down list in the File > Open dialog. Best results can be achieved
send them as email attachments. From Sun Microsystems. Open source.Professional Template Pack IIProvides more than 120 templates for Writer, Calc, and
Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsFree eBook Edition
keyboard shortcuts. Clipboard and “Selection clipboard” can contain different contents at the same time.Function Clipboard Selection clipboardCopy con
IntroductionYou can use (OOo) without requiring a pointing device, such as a mouse or trackball, by using its built-in keyboard shortcu
change the activated option field in that area. Press the Tab key to go from one element or area to the next one, or press Shift+Tab to go in the reve
General shortcut keys for OpenOffice.orgShortcut Keys ResultEnter Activates the focused button in a dialog.EscTerminates the action or dialog. If in O
Shortcut Keys ResultCtrl+V Pastes from the clipboard.Ctrl+Shift+V Opens the Paste Special dialog.Ctrl+A Selects all.Ctrl+Z Undoes last action.Ctrl+Y R
Appendix B Background InformationHistory, licensing, and file formatsFree eBook Edition is both a product and an open-source project. If you are new to OOo, its open source development, and the community that pr
on the wrong side of the digital divide. For tens of thousands of community members, this makes the community their volunteering opport
For more information on Free and Open Source software, visit these websites:Open Source Initiative (OSI): http://www.opensource.orgFree Software Found
Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP) (.doc and .dot)Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml)Microsoft Word 2007 XML (.docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm)Microsoft WinWord 5
Opening presentationsIn addition to OpenDocument formats (.odp, .odg, and .otp), Impress 3 can open the formats used by OOo 1.x (.sxi and .sti) and th
TipIf your printouts are incorrectly placed on the page or chopped off at the top, bottom, or sides, or the printer is refusing to print, the most lik
TipWhen sharing a document that you do not expect or want the recipient to modify, the safest option is to convert the document to PDF. OOo provides a
dBase (.dbf)SYLK (.slk)Text CSV (.csv and .txt)StarCalc 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 formats (.sdc and .vor)Unified Office Format spreadsheet (.uos)HTML Document
Exporting to other formatsOOo uses the term “export” for some file operations involving a change of file type. If you cannot find what you want under
Who owns the software? The copyright is shared by Sun Microsystems and all the volunteers who have contributed.Does that mean that they can take away
IndexA accepting or rejecting changes 127accessibility features 420accessibility options 49advantages of 13antialiasing screen fon
primary key 255, 258, 260registering 285Report Wizard 303Table Wizard 255tables 255database form activation order 282background 280creating in
markup 317matrix markup 323right-click menu 316event handling 398export directly as PDF 329export HTML 56exporting to PDF 329extended tips 37e
H handouts (Impress) 192header different on right and left pages 85Help Agent 38Help system 15Help Tips 37hidden objects 236high contrast 38h
editing 381event handling 398example 384functions 390IDE 381, 388library container 379library containers 390menu items 396module 379modules
page margins 113, 218parts of the main window 21password protection 29password-protect PDF 334pasting unformatted text 208path options 43PDF bl
Color optionsOn the – Colors page (Figure 25), you can specify colors to use in OOo documents. You can select a color from a color tabl
S save as web page 368save AutoRecovery information 53save original Basic code 54save relative URLs 53saving files 28scaling factor (user inter
create from document 75create using wizard 76deleting 83description 63editing 77exporting 84Extension Manager 78folders 82update document styl
442 Getting Started with 3.xFree eBook Edition
Modify the color components as required and click OK to exit the dialog. The newly defined color now appears in the lower of the color preview boxes s
2) Select or type the name of the font to be replaced in the Font box. (If you do not have this font on your system, it will not appear in the drop-do
OpenDocument format, or has been saved to other formats, including PDF.Click the Options button to open a separate dialog with specific choices (Figur
Figure 29: Security options and warnings dialogRemove personal information on savingSelect this option to always remove user data from the file proper
Figure 30: Showing or hiding text, object, and table boundaries• To show or hide items such as text boundaries, select or deselect the options next to
Linking to another part of a document...127Using mail merge...
Figure 31: Choosing accessibility optionsJava optionsIf you install or update a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) after you install, or if
If OOo finds one or more JREs, it will display them there. You can then select the Use a Java runtime environment option and (if necessary) choose one
Choosing options for loading and saving documentsYou can set the Load/Save options to suit the way you work.If the Options dialog is not already open,
overruled by the user-specific settings of the person who opens it. If you deselect this option, the user’s personal settings do not overrule the sett
Size optimization for ODF format. documents are XML files. When you select this option, OOo writes the XML data without indents and lin
Microsoft Office Load/Save optionsOn the Load/Save – Microsoft Office page (Figure 37), you can choose what to do when importing and exporting Microso
Figure 38. Choosing HTML compatibility optionsImport - Use 'English (USA)' locale for numbersWhen importing numbers from an HTML page, the d
create the Basic macro; otherwise the script will not be inserted. Basic macros must be located in the header of the HTM
Change locale and language settingsYou can change some details of the locale and language settings that OOo uses for all documents, or for specific do
Figure 41: Extra pages available when enhanced language support options are selectedChoose spelling optionsTo choose the options for checking spelling
Chapter 6 Getting Started with Impress...182What is Impress?...
Here you can also check which user-defined (custom) dictionaries are active by default, and add or remove dictionaries, by clicking the New or Delete
Controlling OOo’s AutoCorrect functionsSome people find some or all of the items in OOo’s AutoCorrect function annoying because they change what you t
Chapter 3 Using Styles and TemplatesFree eBook Edition
What is a template?A template is a model that you use to create other documents. For example, you can create a template for business reports that has
In addition, styles are used by for many processes, even if you are not aware of them. For example, Writer relies on heading styles (or
Table 1. Styles available in OOo componentsStyle Type Writer Calc Draw ImpressPage X XParagraph XCharacter XFrame XNumbering XCell XPresentation X XGr
Figure 45: The Styles and Formatting window for Writer, showing paragraph styles.Using Fill Format modeUse Fill Format to apply a style to many differ
You can open this list and click once on the style you want, or you can use the up and down arrow keys to move through the list and then press Enter t
Changing a style using the Style dialogTo change an existing style using the Style dialog, right-click on the required style in the Styles and Formatt
TipIf you are in the habit of manually overriding styles in your document, be sure that AutoUpdate is not enabled.Updating styles from a document or t
Working with 3D objects...247Exporting graphics...
4) In the Create Style dialog, type a name for the new style. The list shows the names of existing custom styles of the selected type. Click OK to sav
Using the Template Management dialogTo copy or move styles using the Template Management dialog:1) Click File > Templates > Organize.2) In the T
Figure 50: Copying a style from one document to another.Loading styles from a template or documentYou can copy styles by loading them from a template
NoteTo copy the styles from another document, click the From File button to open a window from which you can select the required document.CautionIf yo
4) Select the template that you want to use. You can preview the selected template or view the template’s properties:• To preview the template, click
Creating a template from a documentTo create a template from a document:1) Open a new or existing document of the type you want to make into a templat
• Format and settings regarding indexes, tables, bibliographies, table of contentsTemplates can also contain predefined text, saving you from having t
templates directory, but you can choose a different location if you prefer.4) Finally, you have the option of creating a new document from your templa
Caution If you choose No in the message box shown in Figure 54, that message will not appear again the next time you open the document after changing
To install an extension, follow these steps:1) Download an extension package and save it anywhere on your computer.2) In OOo, select Tools > Extens
Chapter 11 Graphics, the Gallery, and Fontwork...341Introduction...
Setting a custom template as the defaultYou can set any template to be the default, as long as it is in one of the folders displayed in the Template M
template from which the styles were loaded—so you cannot use this method. What you need to do is associate the document with the different template.Yo
Organizing templatesOOo can only use templates that are in OOo template folders. You can create new OOo template folders and use them to organize your
Moving a templateTo move a template from one template folder to another template folder:1) In the Template Management dialog, double-click the folder
Exporting a templateTo export a template from a template folder to another location:1) In the Template Management dialog, double-click the folder that
Dividing a document into chaptersIn a similar way, you can divide a document into chapters. Each chapter might start with the First Page style, with t
Compiling an automatic table of contentsTo compile an automatic table of contents, first apply styles to the headings you want to appear in the conten
Chapter 4 Getting Started with WriterWord Processing with OpenOffice.orgFree eBook Edition
What is Writer?Writer is the word processor component of (OOo). In addition to the usual features of a word processor (spelling check,
Status barThe Writer status bar provides information about the document and convenient ways to quickly change some document features.Figure 60: Left e
Customizing toolbars...408Assigning shortcut keys...
selecting text. See “Working with text” on page 94 for more information about ADD and BLK.Unsaved changesAn asterisk (*) appears here if changes to th
ZoomTo change the view magnification, drag the Zoom slider, or click on the + and – signs, or right-click on the zoom level percent to pop up a list o
Moving quickly through a documentIn addition to the navigation features of the Status bar (described above), you can use the main Navigator window and
Working with documentsChapter 1 (Introducing includes instructions on starting new documents, opening existing documents, and saving d
Figure 66. Saving a file in Microsoft Word formatWorking with textWorking with text (selecting, copying, pasting, moving) in Writer is similar to work
Figure 67: Selecting items that are not next to each otherTo select nonconsecutive items using the keyboard:1) Select the first piece of text. (For mo
Figure 68: Selecting a vertical block of textCutting, copying, and pasting textCutting and copying text in Writer is similar to cutting and copying te
Finding and replacing text and formattingWriter has a Find and Replace feature that automates the process of searching for text inside a document. In
TipIf you click Find All, OOo selects all instances of the search text in the document. Similarly, if you click Replace All, OOo will replace all matc
Inserting dashes and non-breaking spaces and hyphensTo prevent two words from being separated at the end of a line, press Control+spacebar after the f
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