OpenOffice - 3.0 Guide de démarrage rapide

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Getting Started
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Page 1 - 3

Getting Started with 3This PDF is designed to be read onscreen, two pages at a time. If you want to print a copy, your PDF viewer shoul

Page 2 - Feedback

What is (OOo) is both a software product and a community of volunteers who produce and support the software.NoteBecause

Page 3

To turn autoformatting on or off, go to Format > AutoFormat and select or delete the items on the sub menu.Creating numbered or bulleted listsThere

Page 4

Hyphenating wordsTo turn automatic hyphenation of words on or off:1) Press F11 to open the Styles and Formatting window (Figure 72).2) On the Paragrap

Page 5

You can also set hyphenation choices through Tools > Options > Language Settings > Writing Aids. In Options, near the bottom of the dialog, s

Page 6

Figure 76: List of actions that can be undoneAfter changes have been undone, Redo becomes active. To redo a change, select Edit > Redo, or press Co

Page 7

For a book similar to this user guide, with one column of text, some figures without text beside them, and some other figures with descriptive text, u

Page 8

For a document with terms and translations to appear side-by-side in what appear to be columns, use a table to keep items lined up, and so you can typ

Page 9 - Introducing

4) Select Insert > Fields > Title. The title should appear on a gray background (which does not show when printed and can be turned off).5) To

Page 10 - What is

Method 1:1) Place the cursor in the first paragraph of the new page.2) Click Format > Paragraph.3) On the Text Flow tab of the Paragraph dialog (Fi

Page 11 - Math (formula editor)

• Using the Page Style dialog—can specify margins to two decimal places.NoteIf you change the margins using the rulers, the new margins affect the pag

Page 12

To insert a note in the text, place the cursor in the text and select Insert > Note or press Ctrl+Alt+N. The anchor point of the note is connected

Page 13 - How to get the software

Impress (presentations)Impress provides all the common multimedia presentation tools, such as special effects, animation, and drawing tools. It is int

Page 14 - How to get help

Creating a table of contentsWriter’s table of contents feature lets you build an automated table of contents from the headings in your document. Befor

Page 15 - Paid support and training

Creating indexes and bibliographiesIndexes and bibliographies work in a similar way to tables of contents. Chapter 12 (Creating Tables of Contents, In

Page 16 - Starting

Controlling printingFor more control over printing, use File > Print to display the Print dialog (Figure 81).On the Print dialog, you can choose:•

Page 17 - Using the Quickstarter icon

Figure 82. Printer Options dialog for WriterSelecting print options for a documentSelections on the Printer Options dialog apply to this printing of t

Page 18 - Reactivating the Quickstarter

Printing in black and white on a color printerYou may wish to print documents in black and white on a color printer, to save expensive color ink or to

Page 19

The Writer window changes to display the current page and the following page, and shows the Page Preview toolbar in place of the Formatting toolbar.Fi

Page 20 - Parts of the main window

2) Click Options. In the Pages section of the Printer Options dialog, choose Brochure and Right pages. Click OK twice to print the first side of each

Page 21

Figure 85. Choosing addressee and sender informationFigure 86. Choosing positioning and size of elements 4) In the lower left of this page, choose the

Page 22 - Moving toolbars

You can also choose a different printer or alter printer setup (for example, specify the tray that holds envelopes) for this print job.Figure 87. Choo

Page 23 - Floating toolbars

required information, as described in Chapter 11 (Using Mail Merge) in the Writer Guide.Figure 88. Labels dialog, Labels page3) Select the label stock

Page 24 - Starting a new document

The advantages of OpenOffice.orgHere are some of the advantages of over other office suites:• No licensing fees. OOo is free for anyone

Page 25 - Saving documents

5) Click Save to save your new format.6) When you have finished formatting, click New Document to make your sheet of labels or click Cancel (or press

Page 26 - Renaming and deleting files

Tracking changes to a documentYou can use several methods to keep track of changes made to a document.1) Make your changes to a copy of the document (

Page 27 - • View Menu

Using master documentsMaster documents are typically used for producing long documents such as a book, a thesis, or a long report; or when different p

Page 28 - Using the Navigator

referencing (see below); automatic numbering of figures, tables, headings, and other elements; and a wide range of other functions—far too many to des

Page 29 - Figure 9: Navigation toolbar

You can leave this page open while you insert many cross-references.3) Click on the required item in the Selection list, which shows all the items of

Page 30 - Closing

Chapter 5 Getting Started with CalcUsing spreadsheets in

Page 31 - Setting up

What is Calc?Calc is the spreadsheet component of (OOo). A spreadsheet simulates a worksheet on your computer: you can fill the workshe

Page 32 - User Data options

Figure 93. Parts of the Calc windowThe icons on these toolbars provide a wide range of common commands and functions. The toolbars can be modified, as

Page 33 - General options

Formula barOn the left of the Formula bar (see Figure 95) is a small text box, called the Name box, with a letter and number combination in it, such a

Page 34 - High contrast

At the top of the columns and at the left-hand end of the rows are a series of gray boxes containing letters and numbers. These are the column and row

Page 35 - View options

• No vendor lock-in. OOo3 uses OpenDocument, an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) file format developed as an industry standard by OASIS (Organization

Page 36

• The zoom level. Double-click to modify the zoom level.• Selection mode. Click to toggle between default mode (STD), extended mode (EXT) and incremen

Page 37 - Shift+Control+R

From a templateCalc documents can also be created from templates, if you have any spreadsheet templates available. Follow the above procedures, but in

Page 38 - Print options

If the spreadsheet has not been saved previously, then each of these actions will open the Save As dialog. Here you can specify the spreadsheet name a

Page 39 - Path options

Moving from cell to cellIn the spreadsheet, one cell, or a group of cells, normally has a darker black border. This black border indicates where the f

Page 40 - Color options

Figure 100: Customizing the effect of the Enter keyThe four choices for the direction of the Enter key are shown on the right side of Figure 100. Depe

Page 41 - Font options

Using the keyboardPressing Control+PgDn moves one sheet to the right and pressing Control+PgUp moves one sheet to the left.Using the mouseClicking one

Page 42 - Security options

Range of contiguous cellsA range of cells can be selected using the keyboard or the mouse.To select a range of cells by dragging the mouse:1) Click in

Page 43

Selecting columns and rowsEntire columns and rows can be selected very quickly in OOo.Single column or rowTo select a single column, click on the colu

Page 44 - Accessibility options

Single sheetClick on the sheet tab for the sheet you want to select. The active sheet becomes white (see Figure 96).Multiple contiguous sheetsTo selec

Page 45 - Java options

NoteWhen you insert a single new column, it is inserted to the left of the highlighted column. When you insert a single new row, it is inserted above

Page 46 - Online Update options

from a third-party distributor. The project maintains a list of distributors, but the distributors are not connected with, nor endorsed by, OpenOffice

Page 47 - General Load/Save options

Working with sheetsLike any other Calc element, sheets can be inserted, deleted and renamed.Inserting new sheetsThere are many ways to insert a new sh

Page 48

Deleting sheetsSheets can be deleted individually or in groups.Single sheetRight-click on the tab of the sheet you want to delete and select Delete Sh

Page 49 - Load/Save VBA Properties

scrolling around within the sheet, any frozen columns and rows remain in view.Figure 105 shows some frozen rows and columns. The heavier horizontal li

Page 50 - Load/Save – Microsoft Office

UnfreezingTo unfreeze rows or columns, select Window > Freeze. The check mark by Freeze will vanish.Splitting the windowAnother way to change the v

Page 51

2) Immediately above this button you will see a thick black line (Figure 107). Move the mouse pointer over this line and it turns into a line with two

Page 52 - Choosing language settings

3) Hold down the left mouse button and a gray line appears, running up the page. Drag the mouse to the left and this line follows.4) Release the mouse

Page 53 - CTL (complex text layout)

Entering numbers as textIf a number is entered in the format 01481, Calc will drop the leading 0. (Exception: see Tip below.) To preserve the leading

Page 54 - Choose spelling options

Fill tool, selection lists, and the ability to input information into multiple sheets of the same document.Using the Fill tool on cellsAt its simplest

Page 55 - Choosing Internet options

To add a fill series to a spreadsheet, select the cells to fill, choose Edit > Fill > Series. In the Fill Series dialog, select AutoFill as the

Page 56

Figure 113: Predefined fill seriesClick New. The Entries box is cleared. Type the series for the new list in the Entries box (one entry per line), and

Page 57 - Using Styles and Templates

Free supportUsers Mailing ListFree community support provided by a network of hundreds of experienced users. You must be subscribed to

Page 58 - What are styles?

CautionThis technique overwrites any information that is already in the cells on the other sheets—without any warning. For this reason, when you are f

Page 59

Replacing all the data in a cellTo remove data and insert new data, simply type over the old data. The new data will retain the original formatting.Ch

Page 60 - Applying styles

Formatting multiple lines of textMultiple lines of text can be entered into a single cell using automatic wrapping or manual line breaks. Each method

Page 61 - Using the Apply Style list

Using manual line breaksTo insert a manual line break while typing in a cell, press Ctrl+Enter. This method does not work with the cursor in the input

Page 62 - Modifying styles

For more control or to select other number formats, use the Numbers tab (Figure 121).Figure 121: Format Cells > Numbers• Apply any of the data type

Page 63 - Using AutoUpdate

To choose the size of the font, click the arrow next to the Font Size box on the Formatting toolbar. For other formatting, you can use the Bold, Itali

Page 64 - Creating new (custom) styles

Autoformatting cells and sheetsYou can use the AutoFormat feature to quickly apply a set of cell formats to a sheet or a selected cell range.1) Select

Page 65 - Copying and moving styles

6) Click OK to save. The new format is now available in the Format list in the AutoFormat dialog.Formatting spreadsheets using themesCalc comes with a

Page 66

To hide or show selected cells, choose Format > Cells from the menu bar (or right-click and choose Format Cells). On the Format Cells dialog, go to

Page 67

If you no longer need a group, place the mouse cursor in any cell in it and select Data > Group and Outline > Ungroup. To remove all groups on a

Page 68 - Deleting styles

A list of independent consultants and the services they offer, listed alphabetically by region and then by country, is provided on the

Page 69 - Creating a template

Advanced filters are structured similarly to standard filters. The differences are that advanced filters are not limited to three conditions, and thei

Page 70

DirectionSets whether rows or columns are sorted. The default is to sort by columns unless the selected cells are in a single column.PrintingPrinting

Page 71

Selecting sheets to printYou can select one or more sheets for printing. This can be useful if you have a large spreadsheet with multiple sheets and o

Page 72 - Editing a template

Figure 127. The Sheet tab of the Page Style dialogPrintYou can specify which details to print. Those details include:• Row and column headers• Sheet g

Page 73

ScaleUse the scale features to control the number of pages the data will print on. This can be useful if a large amount of data needs to be printed mo

Page 74 - Setting a default template

Printing rows or columns on every pageIf a sheet is printed on multiple pages, you can set up certain rows or columns to repeat on each printed page.F

Page 75

2) Select Insert > Manual Break.3) Select Row Break or Column Break depending on your need.The break is now set.Row breakSelecting Row Break create

Page 76 - Organizing templates

Headers and footers are assigned to a page style. You can define more than one page style for a spreadsheet and assign different page styles to differ

Page 77 - Deleting a template

Header or footer appearanceTo change the appearance of the header or footer, click More.From this dialog (Figure 130) you can set the background and b

Page 78 - Exporting a template

Figure 131: Edit contents of header or footerAreasEach area is independent and can have different information in it.HeaderYou can select from several

Page 79 - Examples of style use

open the other components (Draw, Calc, Impress, Base), go to the File menu of the Writer window and select the component you want.OOo does not automat

Page 80 - Defining a sequence of styles

Chapter 6 Getting Started with ImpressPresentations in

Page 81 - Getting Started with Writer

What is Impress?Impress is’s slide show (presentations) program. You can create slides that contain many different elements, including

Page 82 - The Writer interface

Figure 132: Main window of ImpressSeveral additional operations can be performed on one or more slides in the Slides pane:• Add new slides at any plac

Page 83

Tasks paneThe Tasks pane has five sections.Master PagesHere you define the page style for your presentation. Impress contains 28 prepackaged Master Pa

Page 84 - Document views

Each view is designed to make completing certain tasks easier. In summary:•Normal view is the main view for creating individual slides. Use this view

Page 85 - Figure 56: Navigation icons

Figure 133: NavigatorWorking with viewsThis section describes the use of the five views.Normal viewNormal view is the main view for working with indiv

Page 86 - Working with documents

Figure 134: Outline viewOutline view serves at least two purposes.1) Making changes in the text of a slide:• You can add and delete the text in a slid

Page 87 - Working with text

Notes viewUse the Notes view to add notes to a slide.1) Click the Notes tab in the Workspace (Figure 135).2) Select the slide to which you want to add

Page 88 - Shift+F8

Slide Sorter viewSlide Sorter view contains all the slide thumbnails (Figure 136). Use this view to work with a group of slides or with only one slide

Page 89

To select a group of slides, use one of these methods:• Use the Control (Ctrl) key: Click on the first slide and, while pressing Control, select the o

Page 90

Figure 1: Quickstarter popup menuDisabling the QuickstarterTo close the Quickstarter, right-click on the icon in the system tray, and then click Exit

Page 91 - Setting tab stops and indents

Handout viewHandout view is for setting up the layout of your slide for a printed handout. Click the Handout tab in the workspace, then choose Layouts

Page 92 - Checking spelling

Who is to see the presentation? How will it be used? What is the subject matter? What should be in its outline? How detailed should the outline be? Wi

Page 93 - Using language tools

Figure 139. Choosing the type of presentation1) Select Empty Presentation under Type. It creates a presentation from scratch.NoteFrom Template uses a

Page 94 - Figure 66: The Language menu

Figure 140. Selecting a slide design3) Choose a design under Select a slide design. The slide design section gives you two main choices: Presentation

Page 95 - Using word completion

5) Click Next. The Presentation Wizard step 3 appears.Figure 141. Selecting a slide design6) Choose the desired slide transition from the Effect drop

Page 96 - Using AutoText

Formatting a presentationNow put your presentation together based on your outline.CautionRemember to save frequently while working on the presentation

Page 97 - Formatting text

Inserting additional slidesThe steps for inserting additional slides are basically the same as for selecting the title page. It is a process that has

Page 98 - Formatting characters

CautionChanges to any of the pre-packaged layouts can only be made using View > Normal, which is the default. Attempting to do this by modifying a

Page 99 - Autoformatting

CautionWhen resizing a graphic, right-click the picture. Select Position and Size from the context menu and make sure that Keep ratio is selected. The

Page 100

2) Would an additional slide make a particular point clearer? If so, another slide needs to be created.3) Would some custom animations help some of th

Page 101 - Hyphenating words

Starting from the command lineYou may want to start OOo from the command line (using the keyboard instead of the mouse). Why? Well, by using the comma

Page 102 - Undoing and redoing changes

slides based on that slide master; it is, however, possible to modify each individual slide without affecting the slide master.Slide masters have two

Page 103 - Formatting pages

Creating slide mastersYou can create a new slide master in a similar way to modifying the default slide master.To start, enable editing of slide maste

Page 104

2) Select in the new dialog the template from which to load the slide master. Click OK.3) Click OK again to close the slide design dialog.The slide ma

Page 105 - Creating headers and footers

CautionAny changes made to one slide when in Master View mode will appear on all slides using this slide master. Always make sure you close Master Vie

Page 106 - Numbering pages

• Author—First and last names listed in the user data• Page number (slide number)• File nameTipTo change the number format (1,2,3 or a,

Page 107 - Changing page margins

Figure 145: Selected text box showing the green resizing handles and text toolbarYou can move, resize, and delete text boxes. For more information, se

Page 108 - Adding notes to a document

Pasting unformatted textIt is normally good practice to paste text without formatting and apply the formatting later. To paste without formatting, eit

Page 109 - Ctrl+Alt+Page Up

Creating bulleted and numbered listsThe procedure to create a bulleted or numbered list is quite different depending on the type of text box used, alt

Page 110 - Creating a table of contents

Creating a new outline level1) If necessary, press Enter to begin a new line.2) Press Tab. Each time you press Tab the line indents to the next outlin

Page 111 - Printing from Writer

If the list was created in an AutoLayout text box, then an alternative way to change the entire list is to modify the Outline styles. Changes made to

Page 112 - Controlling printing

CopyrightThis document is Copyright © 2005–2008 by its contributors as listed in the section titled Authors. You may distribute it and/or modify it un

Page 113 - Brochure

Option Description-helpGet a complete list of options.-nologoDo not show the startup screen.-show <odp-file>Start presentation immediately.-view

Page 114

After the table is created, you can modify it in much the same ways as you would modify a table in Writer: adding and deleting rows and columns, adjus

Page 115 - Printing a brochure

Alternatively, select Insert > Spreadsheet from the main menu bar. This opens a small spreadsheet in the middle of the slide. When a spreadsheet is

Page 116 - Printing envelopes

Slide transition choices are also found on the Tasks pane. For more information about slide transitions, see Chapter 9 in the Impress Guide.TipThe Sli

Page 117

Chapter 7 Getting Started with DrawVector drawing in

Page 118 - Printing labels

What is Draw?Draw is a vector graphics drawing program. It offers a series of powerful tools that enable you to quickly create all sorts of graphics.

Page 119 - Writer Guide

Figure 148. Initial Draw windowRulersYou should see rulers (bars with numbers) on the upper and left-hand side of the workspace. These show the size o

Page 120 - Sending a fax using Writer

To modify the units of measurement of the rulers, right-click on one of the rulers. The two rulers can have different units.Status barThe Status bar i

Page 121 - Using mail merge

You can also select the buttons that you wish to appear on the corresponding toolbar. On the View > Toolbars menu, select Customize, click on the T

Page 122 - Using fields

The tools available in the various toolbars are explained in the following sections. The appearance of the toolbar icons may vary with your operating

Page 123 - Using cross-references

Figure 154. Changing the color paletteTo load another palette, click on the Load Color List button (circled). The file selector dialog asks you to cho

Page 124 - Using bookmarks

• View contains commands for controlling the display of the document such as Zoom and Web Layout.• Insert contains commands for inserting elements int

Page 125 - Getting Started with Calc

Figure 155. Defining color schemesOptions toolbarThe Options toolbar lets you activate or deactivate various drawing aids. The Options toolbar is not

Page 126 - Parts of the main Calc window

Icon FunctionSnap to object bordersSnap to object pointsAllow quick editingSelect text area onlyDouble-click to edit textSimple handlesLarge handlesCr

Page 127

Snap to gridUse this function to move an object exactly to a grid point (see Figure157). This function can be switched on and off with View > Grid

Page 128 - Individual cells

Figure 158. Setting grid optionsChanging the color of the grid pointsThe default grid dots are light gray, which can be hard to see. To improve visibi

Page 129 - Status bar

In the Drawing / Presentation section, you can change the color of the grid points. On the Color Settings pulldown menu, select a more suitable/visibl

Page 130 - Starting new spreadsheets

the selection mode (green for simple selection and blue when in point edit mode). This effect is easily apparent if on the Options toolbar both Simple

Page 131 - Saving spreadsheets

Drawing lines and arrowsClick on the small black triangle on the Lines and Arrows icon to open a floating toolbar with ten tools for drawing lines a

Page 132 - Going to a particular cell

Drawing a circle or ellipseTo draw an ellipse (also called an oval) or a circle, use the Ellipse icon from the Drawing Toolbar. (A circle is simply a

Page 133 - Moving from cell to cell

Figure 165: Floating Curves toolbar (incorrectly titled “Lines”)If you move the mouse cursor over one of the icons, a tooltip pops up with a descripti

Page 134 - Moving from sheet to sheet

When you type text, the upper toolbar includes the usual paragraph attributes: indents, first line, and tab stops.You can change the style of all or p

Page 135 - Selecting cells

The tear-off toolbars can be floating or docked along an edge of the screen or in one of the existing toolbar areas. To move a floating tear-off toolb

Page 136 - Range of non-contiguous cells

the Gluepoints icon on the Drawing toolbar and then move the end of a connector over the object.Connectors are a type of line or arrow whose ends do

Page 137 - Selecting sheets

Basic shapesThe Basic Shapes icon makes available the range of tools for drawing basic shapes.If you choose the rectangle tool from this toolbar, it

Page 138 - Working with columns and rows

Stars and bannersThese tools are associated with the Stars icon .You can add text to all these shapes. See Chapter 2 (Drawing Basic Shapes) and Chapte

Page 139 - Deleting columns and rows

Changing the selection modeTo go from one mode to another, you can do one of the following:• Toggle the Points button on the Drawing toolbar to switch

Page 140 - Working with sheets

NoteThere may be some variation in the use of the Alt key on different operating systems. In general the Alt key on a Windows computer functions as de

Page 141 - Viewing Calc

Moving and dynamically adjusting an object’s sizeThere are several ways of moving or changing the size of an object. The method described here will be

Page 142 - Freezing a row and a column

Dynamic size modification of objectsTo change the size of an object (or group of selected objects) with the mouse, you need to move one of the handles

Page 143 - Splitting the window

Figure 169: Rotating an objectInclination and perspectiveTo slant or shear objects, use the red handles located at the midpoint of an edge of the sele

Page 144 - Thus you can

1 Styles and Formatting2 Line3 Arrow Style4 Line Style5 Line Width6 Line Color7 Area8–9 Area Style / Filling10 ShadowFigure 170: Line a

Page 145 - Entering text

Figure 172: The vertical lines have different levels of transparency (0%, 25%, and 50%).Drawing arrowsArrowheads (and other line endings, usually refe

Page 146 - Speeding up data entry

Floating toolbarsOOo includes several additional context-sensitive toolbars, whose defaults appear as floating toolbars in response to the cursor’s cu

Page 147 - Using the Fill tool on cells

In most cases, you will choose one of the standard fill options, which are all available from the Line and Filling toolbar. You can also define your o

Page 148 - Defining a fill series

This dashed line is the axis of symmetry. The object will be reflected about this line. Move one or both ends of the line with your mouse to set the a

Page 149 - Using selection lists

transparency gradient, the direction and degree of an object’s fill color changes from opaque to transparent (in a regular gradient, the fill changes

Page 150 - Editing data

Cross-fadingCross-fading transforms a shape from one form to another, with handling all of the intermediate transitions. The result is

Page 151 - Formatting data

Grouping by common selectionWhen several objects are selected, any operations you carry out are applied to all of the objects. For example, you can ro

Page 152 - Using automatic wrapping

• Distributing the distance and space between objectsSee Chapter 5 (Combining Multiple Objects) in the Draw Guide for more information.Editing picture

Page 153 - Formatting numbers

Exchanging objects with other programsTo save a Draw image in a foreign format, use File > Export. Draw can save to many graphic file formats, as l

Page 154 - Formatting the font

Chapter 8 Getting Started with’s database component

Page 155 - Formatting the cell borders

IntroductionA data source, or database, is a collection of pieces of information that can be accessed or managed by (OOo). For example,

Page 156 - Defining a new AutoFormat

Base creates relational databases. This makes it fairly easy to create a database in which the fields of the database have relationships with each oth

Page 157 - Hiding and showing data

Customizing toolbarsYou can customize toolbars in several ways, including choosing which icons are visible and locking the position of a docked toolba

Page 158 - Outline group controls

the car’s license plate and driver’s license every four years did not fit into any of these. It will be a table of its own: license fees.What fields f

Page 159

Creating a new databaseTo create a new database, click the arrow next to the New icon. In the drop-down menu, select Database (Figure 175). This opens

Page 160 - Sorting records

Caution As you create a database, you should save your work regularly. This means more than just saving what you have just created. You must save the

Page 161 - Printing

Since none of the fields we need for our Automobile database are contained in any of the wizard tables, we will create a simple table using the wizard

Page 162 - Selecting sheets to print

Figure 177: Order of fieldsCaution Below the Selected Fields list are two buttons: one with a +, and one with a –. These buttons are used to add or to

Page 163

NoteIf any of these fields requires an entry, set Entry required to Yes. If Entry required is set to Yes, this field must have something in it. For ex

Page 164 - Using print ranges

NoteEach field also has a Field Type. In Base the field type must be specified. These types include text, integer, date and decimal. If the field is g

Page 165 - Page breaks

Creating a table by copying an existing tableIf you have a large collection of music, you might want to create a table for each type of music you have

Page 166 - Headers and footers

Creating tables in Design ViewDesign View is a more advanced method for creating a new table. It allows you to directly enter information about each f

Page 167 - Figure 129: Header dialog

Figure 180: Primary key fieldClick Primary Key in the context menu. This places a key icon in front of FuelID.NoteThe primary key serves only one purp

Page 168 - Header or footer appearance

• Use File > Wizards for some types of documents.Opening an existing documentWhen no document is open, the Welcome screen provides an icon for open

Page 169

Use Currency as the Category and your currency as the Format. My currency has two decimal places. Use what is appropriate for your currency.Figure 182

Page 170 - Getting Started with

Figure 183: Example of Description entriesCreating tables for the list boxWhen the same information can be used in several fields, design a table for

Page 171 - What is Impress?

Figure 184: Table in Design ViewNote: If you have several tables to create with the same fields, design one table and produce the other tables by cutt

Page 172

Figure 185: View of some fields from the Vacations tableA View is also a table. Its fields come from the fields of one or more tables of the database.

Page 173 - Workspace

of the other tables which use the entries of the Payment Type table. That will be done when the forms are created.The Fuel and Maintenance tables do n

Page 174 - Navigator

• Click and drag the Date field in the Fuel table to the Date field in the Vacations table. When you release the mouse button, a connecting line forms

Page 175 - Working with views

a) Right-click the line connecting the Date fields in the two table lists to open a context menu.b) Select Edit to open the Relation window (Figure 19

Page 176 - Figure 134: Outline view

made from the same table with a text label (Fuel Purchases), a list box placed in PaymentType, and a graphic background.Using the Wizard to create a f

Page 177 - Notes view

Figure 196: Adding a subformStep 3: Add subform fields.This step is exactly the same as step 1. The only difference is that not all of the fields will

Page 178 - Slide Sorter view

Figure 198: Selection of joined subform and main form fields1) Select Date from the First joined subform field dropdown list. This is the Date field i

Page 179

Password protectionTo protect an entire document from being viewable without a password, use the option on the Save As dialog to enter a password. Thi

Page 180 - Creating a new presentation

1) Arrangement of the main form: Click Columnar - Labels on top. The labels will be placed above their field.2) Arrangement of the subform: Click As D

Page 181 - Using the Presentation Wizard

Modifying a formWe will be moving the controls to different places in the form and changing the background to a picture. We will also modify the label

Page 182 - From Template

•Control+click a label or field selects only the label or the field (Figure 201).Figure 200: A selected control• By using the Tab key, you can change

Page 183 - Recommendation of a Strategy

TipWhen either changing a size or moving a control, two properties of the Form Design toolbar should be selected: Snap to Grid, and Guides when Moving

Page 184 - From template

Click the default No setting to open the list. Click Yes to select it.TipTo see what the Date field will look like, click the Form Mode On/Off icon (t

Page 185 - Formatting a presentation

1) Click the first control you want to move. A border appears around the control with eight green handles.2) Move the cursor over the label or field o

Page 186 - Inserting additional slides

– Use the spacebar to make SnackNo into two words.– Place a . (period) after the No. (Figure 209).– Close the properties window.Figure 209: Multi-word

Page 187

Step 6: Replace fields with other fields.We want to replace the PaymentType field with a List Box. Then we can choose the type of payment from the Pay

Page 188 - Modifying the slide show

Figure 213: Dropdown list open to reveal choices5) Click the Data tab.•Type of list contents is a dropdown list. Change it to Sql.Figure 214: Type of

Page 189 - Slide masters and styles

TipYou should be able to copy and paste SELECT "Type", "Type" FROM "Payment Type" from above directly into the List cont

Page 190 - Working with slide masters

Using the Open and Save As dialogsYou can choose whether to use the Open and Save As dialogs or the ones provided by your operating sys

Page 191 - Applying a slide master

3) Scroll down to the Scrollbars setting. Change the selection from None to Vertical in this dropdown list.Figure 217: Scrollbar selections in the Pro

Page 192 - Modifying a slide master

2) Select Replace with, and then select List box from the context menu.3) Again right-click the label PaymentType to open a context menu.4) Select Col

Page 193 - Adding text to all slides

4) Use the spacebar to move the cursor to where you want the heading to start.5) Type the heading Meals.6) Use the spacebar to move the cursor to the

Page 194 - Adding and formatting text

d) Change the Background selection from Default to Light cyan. (This is a dropdown list.)2) Select the other labels in the same way and then change th

Page 195 - Pasting text

Figure 225: Left side of Font Effects tabd) Click OK to close the Paragraph Style: Heading 2 dialog.e) Press the F11 key to close the Formatting and S

Page 196 - Formatting pasted text

d) Select this file and click Open.e) In the Type section, select Area.f) Click OK to close the Page Style: Default window.The form should look like F

Page 197 - Shift + Enter

Figure 229: Tab Order window• Find the txtMPayment listing near the bottom of the list and click it.• Click the Move Up button until txtPayment is jus

Page 198 - Creating a new outline level

Creating forms in Design ViewThis method requires using the Form Controls and Form Design toolbars extensively. These techniques are beyond the scope

Page 199 - Creating tables

Accessing a dBase database1) File > New > Database opens the Database Wizard window.NoteClicking the New icon and Database in the drop-down menu

Page 200

2) Select Connect to an existing database. Select Spreadsheet as the Database type (Figure 231).3) Click Browse to locate the spreadsheet you want to

Page 201 - Setting up the slide show

For documents that have been saved with more than one version, use the version drop-down to select which version you wish to open in re

Page 202 - Running the slide show

This brings up Tables and Queries. Click on the + next to Tables to view the individual tables created. Now click on a table to see all the records he

Page 203 - Getting Started with Draw

Using data sources in OOo documentsData can be placed into Writer and Calc documents from the tables in the data source window. In Writer, values from

Page 204 - The Draw workspace

3) Replacing the first name:• Continue typing after <Breakfast>: paid by making sure to add a space afterward.• Click the Bpayment field name an

Page 205 - Figure 149: Rulers show the

Figure 235: Selected row in data source window1) Navigate to the place you want to place the table and click the location.2) Click the gray box to the

Page 206

5) Select the settings for your table. Use the default settings as in Figure 236.6) Click OK.7) Save the document.Calc spreadsheetsThere are two ways

Page 207

4) Close the Data Source window: use F4.5) Save the spreadsheet and click the Edit File button to make the spreadsheet read only. All of the fields wi

Page 208

The first step to entering data in a form is to open it from the main database window.1) Click the Forms icon in the Database list.2) Find the form’s

Page 209 - Draw Guide

• If two or more elements of the list have the same first letter, repeated typing of the first letter will cycle through the elements with this same f

Page 210 - Figure 156: Options toolbar

• Or, click the New Record icon.TipThe number in the Record box is the number of the record whose data is shown in the form. (The data from the second

Page 211

from the Fuel table includes what our fuel economy is. We will do this using the Design View.NoteQueries blur the differences between a database and a

Page 212 - Configuring the grid

To open the Navigator, click its icon on the Standard toolbar, or press F5, or choose Edit > Navigator on the main menu bar. You can dock the Navi

Page 213 - Appearance (Figure 159)

NoteWhen working with a query, more than one table can be used. Since different tables may contain the same field names, the format for naming fields

Page 214 - The basic drawing shapes

In our query, the artist is most important. The album title is less important, and the date purchased is of least importance. Of course, if we were in

Page 215 - Drawing an arrow

NoteThese conditions apply to numbers, letters (using the alphabetical order), and dates.1) Since we are only searching for one thing, we will use the

Page 216 - Drawing a rectangle or square

Caution The procedures we will be using only work with relational databases. This is because of how relational databases are constructed. The elements

Page 217 - Drawing curves

3) Double-click the FuelQuantity field.The table at the bottom of the query window should now have three columns (Figure 246).Figure 246: Query tableS

Page 218 - Writing text

2) Add the Fuel table to the query just as you did in step 2: Addtables. But, do not close the Add Tables window.3) Add the End-Reading query to this

Page 219 - Gluepoints and connectors

Step 8: Enter the FuelID difference field.We want the difference between the FuelID value of the Fuel table and FuelID value of the End-Reading query

Page 220 - Drawing geometric shapes

Caution When entering fields for these calculations, you must follow this format: table or query name followed by a period follow by the field name. F

Page 221

Figure 258: Making a field invisible in a query run5) Rerun the query (Figure 259).Figure 259: Query run with aliasesStep 10: Close, save, and name th

Page 222 - Selection modes

CautionDynamic reports update only the data that is changed or added to a table or query. It does not show any modifications made to a table or query.

Page 223 - Selecting objects

ContentsChapter 1 Introducing is

Page 224 - Selecting several objects

Closing a documentTo close a document, click File > Close.You can also close a document by clicking on the Close icon on the document window. This

Page 225 - Dynamic movement of objects

from to pay the expenses.) At the present time, using the data from the queries in a spreadsheet is the best way to handle reports like this. In the n

Page 226 - Rotation

• Click the field label you want to change and make your changes as you would in any text box.• Shorten Miscellaneous to Misc. Click Next.5) Since we

Page 227 - Editing objects

Figure 262: Setting the criterion for a query2) Save, name, and close the query. (Suggestion: Vacation Fuel Purchases.)TipWhen using dates in a query,

Page 228 - Common line properties

Creating a dynamic reportWe will create a report with some statistics on our fuel consumption. To do this, we have to modify two queries: End-Reading

Page 229 - Drawing arrows

3) Add the FuelCost field from the End-Reading query to the Fuel Economy query:• Right-click the Fuel Economy query and select Edit from the context m

Page 230 - Special effects

Modifying a reportAt the end of the last section, we left the Fuel Statistics report open in the edit mode (Figure 265). We will be working on that re

Page 231 - Dynamic gradients

Step 2: Change the column widths.The column widths can be changed by moving the cursor over the right border of each column so that it becomes a doubl

Page 232 - Duplication

5) Change the Fuel Cost field.a) Right-click in the cell below Cost per mile.b) Select Number Format.c) In the Category list, select Currency.d) In th

Page 233 - Combining multiple objects

More ways to create reportsAn extension is available to assist in report creation. Sun Report Builder creates stylish, complex database reports. You c

Page 234 - Aids for positioning objects

Chapter 9 Getting Started with's equation editor

Page 235 - Working with 3D objects

Chapter 2 Setting up OpenOffice.orgChoosing options to suit the way you work

Page 236

What is Math?Math is (OOo)’s component for writing mathematical equations. It is most commonly used as an equation editor for text docu

Page 237 - Getting Started with Base

The equation editor uses a markup language to represent formulas. For example, %beta creates the Greek character beta (). This markup is designed to

Page 238 - Introduction

TipYou can hide (or unhide) the Selection window with View > Selection.Example 1:5×4For this example we will enter a simple formula:5×4On the Selec

Page 239 - Planning a database

Figure 274. Result of entering "5" and "4" next to the "times" operatorTipTo keep the equation from updating automatical

Page 240

MarkupYou can type the markup directly on the equation editor. For example, you can type “5 times 4” to obtain 5×4. If you know the markup, this can b

Page 241 - Creating a new database

NoteA complete table of Greek characters is included in Chapter 16 (Math Objects) in the Writer Guide.Another way to enter Greek characters is by usin

Page 242 - Creating database tables

Figure 277. Tooltip indicates the "Relations" button.Step 4: Delete the <?> text and add “3.14159” at the end of the equation. Hence w

Page 243 - . More fields may be

Figure 279. Hold down the Control key and double-click on the border of the math editor to turn it into a floating window.Figure 280 shows the result.

Page 244 - Figure 177: Order of fields

Figure 281. Changing the font size for a formula2) Select a larger font size under “Base Size” (top-most entry), as shown in Figure 281.Figure 282. Ed

Page 245 - Entry required

Formula layoutThe most difficult part of using OOoMath comes when writing complicated equations. This section provides some advice about writing compl

Page 246 - Field Type

Choosing options for all of OOoThis section covers some of the settings that apply to all the components of For information on setting

Page 247 - Copy table

Common problem areasHow do I add limits to my sum/integral?The “sum” and “int” commands can (optionally) take in the parameters “from” and “to”. These

Page 248 - Design View

OOoMath provides “scalable” brackets. That is, the brackets grow in size to match the size of their contents. Use the commands left( and right) to mak

Page 249 - as the name of the

Now you can double-click on the formula to edit it. For example, here is the Riemann Zeta function:  z =∑n= 1∞1nz (3)You can reference an equation

Page 250

Chapter 10 Printing, Exporting, and E-mailing

Page 251

IntroductionThis chapter provides general information about printing, exporting, and e-mailing documents from OOo.Quick printingClick the Print File D

Page 252 - Creating a View

Figure 285. The Print dialogSelections on the Printer Options dialog are different in Writer, Calc, Impress, and Draw, but in all cases they apply to

Page 253 - Defining relationships

Make your selections, and then click Export. Then you are asked to enter the location and file name of the PDF to be created, and click Save to export

Page 254 - Figure 188: Added table lists

Images section• Lossless compression: Images are stored without any loss of quality. Tends to make large files when used with photographs. Recommende

Page 255

an odd page, OOo inserts a blank page between the two odd pages. This option controls whether to export that blank page.Initial View page of PDF Optio

Page 256 - Creating a database form

Figure 288: User Interface page of PDF Options dialogUser interface options section• Hide menubar. Causes the PDF viewer to hide the menu bar.• Hide t

Page 257

Figure 12: Filling in user dataGeneral optionsIn the Options dialog, click > General. The options on this page are described below.F

Page 258 - Tables or queries

Figure 289: Links page of PDF Options dialogExport URLs relative to file systemIf you have defined relative links in a document, this option exports t

Page 259 - First joined main form field

• With an open password set, the PDF can only be opened with the password. Once opened, there are no restrictions on what the user can do with the doc

Page 260

In addition, OOo Writer can export to BibTeX (.bib), LaTeX 2e (.tex) and MediaWiki (.txt). OOo Draw and OOo Impress can export to Macromedia Flash (.s

Page 261 - Modifying a form

To use the Mail Merge Wizard to send a previously-created Writer document:1) Click Tools > Mail Merge Wizard. On the first page of the wizard (Figu

Page 262 - • By using the

Figure 294: Selecting an address list5) In the left-hand list, click 8. Save, print or send. OOo displays a “Creating documents” message and then disp

Page 263 - Guides when Moving

Figure 296: Sending a document as an email messageDigital signing of documentsTo sign a document digitally, you need a personal key, the certificate.

Page 264 - Figure 206: Selecting a field

On Windows operating systems, the Windows features of validating a signature are used. On Solaris and Linux systems, files that are supplied by Thunde

Page 265 - Figure 208: Context menu

Chapter 11 Graphics, the Gallery, and Fontwork

Page 266 - Figure 209: Multi-word

IntroductionYou can add graphic and image files, including photos, drawings, scanned images, and others, to documents. OOo can import v

Page 267

image remain as two separate files, and they are merged together only when you open the document again.Linking an image has two advantages and one dis

Page 268

Help AgentTo turn off the Help Agent (similar to Microsoft’s Office Assistant), deselect this option. To restore the default Help Agent behavior, clic

Page 269

Figure 298: The Edit Links dialogNoteGoing the other way, from embedded to linked, is not so easy—you must delete and reinsert each image, one at a ti

Page 270

1) In the graphics program window, select an area of the image to be copied.2) Move the cursor over the selected area and press Control+C to copy.3) S

Page 271

The box on the left of the gallery window lists the available themes. Click on a theme to see its graphics displayed in the Gallery window.Figures 300

Page 272

Inserting objects as linksTo insert an object as a link:1) Choose Tools > Gallery and select a theme.2) Select an object with a single click, then

Page 273

Adding objects to the GalleryYou may wish to add to the Gallery any images that you use frequently, for example, a company logo. You can then very eas

Page 274

Deleting images from the GalleryTo delete an image from a theme:1) Right-click on the name of the image file or its thumbnail in the Gallery.2) Click

Page 275 - Figure 227: Finished form

The location of the user Gallery is specified in Tools > Options > > Paths. You can change this location, and you can copy you

Page 276 - Figure 229: Tab Order window

Figure 304. The Fontwork Gallery3) Double-click the object to edit the Fontwork text. Type your own text in place of the black Fontwork text that appe

Page 277 - Accessing other data sources

Editing a Fontwork objectNow that the Fontwork object is created, you can edit some of its attributes. To do this, you can use the Fontwork toolbar, t

Page 278 - Accessing spreadsheets

Fontwork Alignment: Changes the alignment of characters. Choices are left align, center, right align, word justify, and stretch justify. The effects o

Page 279 - Viewing data sources

Memory optionsIn the Options dialog, click > Memory. Some considerations:• More memory can make faster and more conve

Page 280 - Editing data sources

Note that in this figure the toolbar has been undocked for ease of illustration: unless you have chosen to float the toolbar in this way, it appears i

Page 281 - Writer documents

Area optionsArea icon: Opens a dialog (Figure 310) with seven tabs: Area, Shadow, Transparency, Colors, Gradients, Hatching, Bitmaps. • Area tab: Choo

Page 282 - Data to Fields

Positioning optionsRotate icon: Rotate the selected object manually using the mouse to drag the object.To Foreground icon: Moves the selected object i

Page 283

On the Position and Size dialog (Figure 311), you can enter precise values concerning size and position. For more information, see the Draw Guide.Figu

Page 284 - Calc spreadsheets

Chapter 12 Creating Web PagesSaving documents as HTML files

Page 285 - Entering data in a form

IntroductionThis chapter describes how to save documents as web pages from Writer, Calc, Draw and Impress.NoteCross references do not become hyperlink

Page 286

Figure 312. Hyperlink dialog showing details for Internet linksThe top right part of the dialog changes according to the choice made for the hyperlink

Page 287 - • Click the

• Set the value of Frame to determine how the hyperlink will open. This applies to documents that open in a Web browser.• Form specifies if the link i

Page 288 - Creating queries

NoteWriter does not replace multiple spaces in the original document with the HTML code for non-breaking spaces. If you want to have extra spaces in y

Page 289 - Create Query

Creating web pages using a WizardOOo’s Web wizard allows you to create several types of standard web pages. To use it:1) Select File > Wizards >

Page 290 - Vacation.Lunch

depending on the screen fonts available on your system. However, it does not affect the actual font size of the text in your documents.Figure 15: Choo

Page 291

3) Chose a layout for the web site by clicking on the layout boxes. Click Next.4) Chose the information to be listed and the screen resolution. Click

Page 292 - Grouping

5) Select a style for the page. Use the drop-down list to choose different styles and color combinations. You can browse to a background image and ico

Page 293

To edit or view the document’s underlying HTML code, click View > HTML Source or click the HTML Source icon on the Main toolbar.Saving Calc sprea

Page 294 - Run Query

1) To begin, select File > Export and choose HTML Document as the file type.2) Create a folder for the files, supply a name for the resulting HTML

Page 295

•WebCast: generates an ASP or Perl application to display the slides. Unfortunately OOo has no direct support for PHP as yet.5) Decide how the images

Page 296

This page of the Wizard does not display if Create title page was not chosen.7) Choose the navigation button style to use to move from one page to ano

Page 297

9) Click Create to generate the HTML files. If this is a new design, a small dialog pops up. If you might want to reuse this design, you can give it a

Page 298 - Creating reports

Chapter 13 Getting Started with MacrosUsing the macro recorder

Page 299 - Creating a static report

Your first macroA macro is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for later use. An example of a simple macro is one that “types”

Page 300 - Fields in report

Figure 314: OOo Macro Organizer dialog, DBInspection library selected5) The default module name is Module1; choose a better name. Although it is still

Page 301 - • Click Finished

formatting (Figure 16, Right). The fonts you will see listed are those that are installed on your system.Figure 16. Font list (Left) With preview; (Ri

Page 302 - Report Wizard

Figure 316: Select your macro and click RunThere are other methods to run a macro. For example, use Tools > Macros > Organize Macros > OpenOf

Page 303 - Creating a dynamic report

dispatcher = createUnoService("")rem -------------------------------------------------------------dim args1

Page 304 - Fuel Economy

• Another kind of subroutine is called a function. A function is a subroutine that returns a value. The keyword FUNCTION is used rather than SUB to de

Page 305 - Modifying a report

CreateUnoService accepts the name of a service and it tries to create an instance of that service. On completion, the dispatcher variable contains a r

Page 306 - Currency

first column indicates the constant name. Each name is followed by a space and a tab.DONTKNOW The font weight is not specified/known.THIN specifies

Page 307 - Figure 269: Final report

10) Press Backspace twice to remove the two trailing spaces.11) Press Home to move the cursor to the start of the line.12) Press Ctrl+V to paste the s

Page 308 - More ways to create reports

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertText", "", 0, args6())rem (6) Press Ctrl+Right Arrow twice to move the cursor to

Page 309 - Getting Started with Math

Cursor movements are used for all operations (as opposed to searching). If run on the DONTKNOW line, the word weight is moved to the front of the line

Page 310 - What is Math?

The dispatch framework can also be used to send “commands” back to the UI (User Interface). For example, after saving the document, the File Save comm

Page 311 - Entering a formula

as you learn more. Learning to read generated macros is a good place to start.If you record Calc macros, and the recorder can correctly generate a mac

Page 312 - Example 1:

Mouse positioningSpecifies if and how the mouse pointer will be positioned in newly opened dialogs.Middle mouse buttonDefines the function of the midd

Page 313 - Right-click menu

• A library container contains one or more libraries, and each library is contained in one library container.• A library contains zero or more modules

Page 314 - Greek characters

Macros container. The My Macros container is stored in your user area or home directory.If a macro is contained in a document, then a recorded macro w

Page 315 - Example 2:

example, on one or more of my upgrades, all of my macros disappeared. Although the macros were still on disk, the macros were not copie

Page 316 - Customizations

Figure 321: Select a macro library to importNavigate to the directory containing the library to import. There are usually two files from which to choo

Page 317 - Control

Downloading macros to importMacros are available for download. Some macros are contained in documents, some as regular files that you must select and

Page 318

Figure 323: Use the Macro Selector dialog to run macrosAlthough you can use Tools > Macros > Run Macro to run all macros, this is not efficient

Page 319 - Formula layout

To add a menu item, keyboard shortcut, or toolbar icon that calls a macro, use the Customize dialog (see Figure 325). Open this dialog in either of th

Page 320 - Common problem areas

ToolbarMacros can be added to toolbars. For more about modifying toolbars, see Chapter 14 (Customizing itemUse Tools > Customi

Page 321 - Numbering equations

Figure 325: Assign macro to an application level eventA common use is to assign the Open Document event to call a specific macro. The macro then perfo

Page 322 -   z =

Figure 326: Assign macro to the document open eventFigure 327: PrintHello is assigned to the Open Document eventExtensionsAn extension is a package th

Page 323 - Printing, Exporting

Figure 17: Choosing general printing options to apply to all OOo componentsTipIf your printouts are coming out incorrectly placed on the page or chopp

Page 324 - Quick printing

Although individual extensions can be found in different places, there is an extension repository at: m

Page 325 - Exporting to PDF

Finding more informationNumerous resources are available that provide help with writing macros. Use Help > Help to open the OOo help

Page 326 (contains content related to macros) (examples)

Page 327

Chapter 14 Customizing

Page 328 - User Interface

IntroductionThis chapter describes some common customizations that you may wish to do.You can customize menus, toolbars, and keyboard shortcuts in Ope

Page 329 - Export bookmarks

Figure 328. The Menus page of the Customize dialogCreating a new menuIn the Customize dialog, click New to display the dialog shown in Figure 329.1) T

Page 330

Figure 329: Adding a new menuModifying existing menusTo modify an existing menu, select it in the Menu list and click the Menu button to drop down a l

Page 331 - Exporting to other formats

3) Add a tilde (~) in front of the letter that you want to use as an accelerator. For example, to select the Save All command by pressing Alt+V, enter

Page 332 - E-mailing documents

Menu Content. Click the Modify button and choose the required action from the drop-down list of actions.Most of the actions should be self-explanatory

Page 333 - Figure 292:

To customize toolbars:1) In the Save In drop-down list, choose whether to save this changed toolbar for the application (for example, Writer) or for a

Page 334 - Save, print

Deleting styles...68Using a template to create a document...

Page 335 - Digital signing of documents

Figure 18: Viewing the paths of files used by OpenOffice.orgColor optionsOn the – Colors page (Figure 19), you can specify colors to us

Page 336

2) The Add Commands dialog is the same as for adding commands to menus (Figure 330). Select a category and then the command, and click Add. The dialog

Page 337 - Graphics, the Gallery

Example: Adding a Fax icon to a toolbarYou can customize so that a single click on an icon automatically sends the current document as

Page 338

Figure 334: Adding a Send Fax command to a toolbarAssigning shortcut keysIn addition to using the built-in keyboard shortcuts (listed in Appendix A),

Page 339 - Embedding linked images

NoteAll existing shortcut keys for the currently selected Function are listed in the Keys selection box. If the Keys list is empty, it indicates that

Page 340

2) To have the shortcut key assignment available only with one component (for example, Writer), select that component’s name in the upper right corner

Page 341 - Control+V

Loading a saved keyboard configurationTo load a saved keyboard configuration file and replace your existing configuration, click the Load button near

Page 342

2) In OOo, select Tools > Extension Manager from the menu bar. In the Extension Manager dialog (Figure 336), click Add.3) A file browser window ope

Page 343 - Managing the Gallery

PDF ImportEnables you to make minor modifications to the text of existing PDF files when the original source files do not exist or you are unable to o

Page 344 - Adding objects to the Gallery

Report BuilderCreates stylish, complex database reports from Base. You can define group and page headers, group and page footers, and calculation fiel

Page 345

Appendix A Keyboard Shortcuts

Page 346 - Creating a Fontwork object

Font optionsYou can define replacements for any fonts that might appear in your documents. If you receive from someone else a document containing font

Page 347 - Fontwork

IntroductionYou can use (OOo) without requiring a pointing device, such as a mouse or trackball, by using its built-in keyboard shortcu

Page 348 - Editing a Fontwork object

Function key shortcutsShortcut Keys ResultF1Starts the Help.In the Help: jumps to main help page.Shift+F1Activates What’

Page 349 - Using the Formatting toolbar

Shortcut Keys ResultBackspaceWhen a folder is shown: goes up one level (goes back).Ctrl+Shift+SpacebarRemoves direct formatting from selected text or

Page 350 - Line options

Shortcut keys in the GalleryShortcut Keys ResultTabMoves between areas.Shift+TabMoves between areas (backwards).In the New Theme area of the GalleryS

Page 351 - Area options

Selecting rows and columns in a database table (opened by F4)Shortcut keys ResultSpacebarToggles row selection, except when the row is in edit mode.Ct

Page 352 - Using menu options

Shortcut keys ResultAlt+Up/Down/Left/ Right ArrowMoves the selected Drawing Object one pixel (in Selection Mode).Re-sizes a Drawing Object (in Handle

Page 353

Appendix B Background InformationHistory, licensing, and file formats

Page 354 - Creating Web Pages is both a product and an open-source project. If you are new to OOo, its open source development, and the community that pr

Page 355 - Inserting hyperlinks

on the wrong side of the digital divide. For tens of thousands of community members, this makes the community their volunteering opport

Page 356

For more information on Free and Open Source software, visit these websites:Open Source Initiative (OSI): http://www.opensource.orgFree Software Found

Page 357 - Editing hyperlinks

Security optionsUse the – Security page (Figure 21) to choose security options for saving documents and for opening documents that cont

Page 358 - Spacebar

Unified Office Format text (.uot, .uof)Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 (.jtd and .jtt)Hangul WP 97 (.hwp)T602 Document (.602, .txt)AportisDoc (Palm) (.pdb)Pocket W

Page 359 - Default

Opening graphic filesIn addition to OpenDocument formats (.odg and .otg), Draw 3 can open the formats used by OOo 1.x (.sxd and .std) and the followin

Page 360 - Click Next

Rich Text Format (.rtf)StarWriter 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 (.sdw)StarWriter 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 Template (.vor)Text (.txt)Text Encoded (.txt)Unified Office For

Page 361

Saving presentationsIn addition to OpenDocument formats (.odp, .otp, and .odg), Impress 3 can save in these 1.x Presentation (.

Page 362

May I use in a business?Yes.Is OpenOffice available in my language? has been translated (localized) into over 40 language

Page 363 - Automatic

How can I contribute to can help with the development of OOo in many ways, and you do not need to be a programmer. To start, check

Page 364 - Create title page

IndexA accessibility features 410accessibility options 44advantages of 12antialiasing screen font 36appearance options 44Apply St

Page 365

database form activation order 275background 272creating in Design View 277creating using a Wizard 257entering data 285modifying 261subform 25

Page 366

extensions 389, 405extensions and addons sources of 16F fax icon, adding to toolbar 120, 401fax sending 120FDF 327fields 193fields bookmark

Page 367 - Chapter 13

HTML export 51HTML Export Wizard 363hyperlinks editing 357inserting 355I icon size and style (user interface) 36icons in menus 36IDE 370ignor

Page 368 - Your first macro

Ctrl-click required to follow hyperlinks. In older versions of OOo, clicking on a hyperlink in a document opened the linked document. Now you can choo

Page 369 - Running the macro

REM 371resources 391running 369, 384storage 381subroutines 371, 379variables 372viewing 370writing 390Mail Merge Wizard e-mailing Writer docu

Page 370 - Viewing and editing the macro

EPS images 327export documents to 325form 327image compression and resolution 327initial view selection 328pages to export 326password-protect

Page 371 - Defining subroutines with SUB

scanner 341screen font antialiasing 36security 26security options 42selecting objects 223selection clipboard 38selection modes 222send backward

Page 372 - Pulling the macro together

update document styles from 73Template Changer extension 408Template Management dialog 66templates importing 78text bulleted or numbered list 1

Page 373 - Creating a macro

Appearance optionsWriting, editing, and page layout are often easier to do when you can see as much as possible of what is going on in your document.

Page 374

Accessibility support relies on Sun Microsystems Java technology for communications with assistive technology tools. See “Java options“ below. The Sup

Page 375

If you are a system administrator, programmer, or other person who customizes JRE installations, you can use the Parameters and Class Path pages (reac

Page 376

Choosing options for loading and saving documentsYou can set the Load/Save options to suit the way you work.Figure 27: Load/Save optionsGeneral Load/S

Page 377 - The dispatch framework

update links is affected by the Load user-specific settings option. Some settings (printer name, data source linked to the document) are always loaded

Page 378 - Other options

Size optimization for ODF format. documents are XML files. When you select this option, OOo writes the XML data without indents and lin

Page 379 - Macro organization

Starting new spreadsheets...130Opening existing spreadsheets...

Page 380 - Macro from

Microsoft Office Load/Save optionsOn the Load/Save – Microsoft Office page (Figure 30), you can choose what to do when importing and exporting Microso

Page 381 - Where are macros stored?

Figure 31. Choosing HTML compatibility optionsImport - Use 'English (USA)' locale for numbersWhen importing numbers from an HTML page, the d

Page 382 - Importing macros

create the Basic macro; otherwise the script will not be inserted. Basic macros must be located in the header of the HTM

Page 383

Change locale and language settingsYou can change some details of the locale and language settings that OOo uses for all documents, or for specific do

Page 384 - How to run a macro

Figure 34: Extra pages available when enhanced language support options are selectedChoose spelling optionsTo choose the options for checking spelling

Page 385 - Event Yes No Yes

Here you can also check which user-defined (custom) dictionaries are active by default, and add or remove dictionaries, by clicking the New or Delete

Page 386

Figure 37: The AutoCorrect dialog in Writer, showing the five tabs and some of the choices56 Getting Started with 3

Page 387 - Keyboard shortcuts

Chapter 3 Using Styles and Templates

Page 388

What is a template?A template is a model that you use to create other documents. For example, you can create a template for business reports that has

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In addition, styles are used by for many processes, even if you are not aware of them. For example, Writer relies on heading styles (or

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Positioning objects with helper lines...214The basic drawing shapes...

Page 391 - Finding more information

Table 1. Styles available in OOo componentsStyle Type Writer Calc Draw ImpressPage X XParagraph XCharacter XFrame XNumbering XCell XPresentation X XGr

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Figure 38: The Styles and Formatting window for Writer, showing paragraph styles.Using Fill Format modeUse Fill Format to apply a style to many differ

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You can open this list and click once on the style you want, or you can use the up and down arrow keys to move through the list and then press Enter t

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Changing a style using the Style dialogTo change an existing style using the Style dialog, right-click on the required style in the Styles and Formatt

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TipIf you are in the habit of manually overriding styles in your document, be sure that AutoUpdate is not enabled.Updating styles from a document or t

Page 396 - Modifying existing menus

4) In the Create Style dialog, type a name for the new style. The list shows the names of existing custom styles of the selected type. Click OK to sav

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Using the Template Management dialogTo copy or move styles using the Template Management dialog:1) Click File > Templates > Organize.2) In the T

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Figure 43: Copying a style from one document to another.Loading styles from a template or documentYou can copy styles by loading them from a template

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NoteTo copy the styles from another document, click the From File button to open a window from which you can select the required document.CautionIf yo

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4) Select the template that you want to use. You can preview the selected template or view the template’s properties:• To preview the template, click

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Chapter 10 Printing, Exporting, and E-mailing...323Introduction...

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3) From the main menu, choose File > Templates > Save. The Templates dialog opens (see Figure 46).4) In the New template field, type a name for

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Creating a template using a wizardYou can use wizards to create templates for letters, faxes, agendas, presentations, and Web pages.For example, the F

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Editing a templateYou can edit a template’s styles and content, and then, if you wish, you can reapply the template’s styles to documents that were cr

Page 405 - Assigning macros to events

Updating a document from a changed templateThe next time you open a document that was created from the changed template, the following message appears

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Figure 50: Newly-added package of templates.Setting a default templateIf you create a document by choosing File > New > Text Document (or Spread

Page 407 - Presenter Console

Although many important settings can be changed in the Options dialog (see Chapter 2), for example default fonts and page size, more advanced settings

Page 408 - Template Changer

1) Use File > New > Templates and Documents. Choose the template you want. If the template has unwanted text or graphics in it, delete them.2) O

Page 409 - Keyboard Shortcuts

Creating a template folderTo create a template folder:1) In the Template Management dialog, click any folder.2) Click the Commands button and choose N

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To delete a template:1) In the Template Management dialog, double-click the folder that contains the template you want to delete. A list of the templa

Page 411 - Function key shortcuts

Examples of style useThe following examples of common use of page and paragraph styles are taken from Writer. There are many other ways to use styles;

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Macro organization...379How to run a macro...

Page 413 - Shortcut keys in the Gallery

Changing page orientation within a documentA Writer document can contain pages in more than one orientation. A common scenario is to have a landscape

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Chapter 4 Getting Started with WriterWord processing with

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What is Writer?Writer is the word processor component of (OOo). In addition to the usual features of a word processor (spell checking,

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Status barThe Writer status bar provides information about the document and convenient ways to quickly change some document features. From left to rig

Page 417 - The community

Section or object informationWhen the cursor is on a section or object (such as a picture), information about that item appears in this field. For det

Page 418 - What is “open source”?

When in Web Layout, you can use the Zoom slider on the Status bar, as described above. In Print Layout, you can use both the Zoom slider and the View

Page 419 - File formats OOo can open

Figure 57: Navigation toolbarClick an icon to select that object type. Now all the Previous and Next icons (in the Navigator itself, in the Navigation

Page 420 - Opening presentations

TipTo have OOo save documents by default in the Microsoft Word file format, go to Tools > Options > Load/Save. See “Choosing options for loading

Page 421 - File formats OOo can save to

NoteMacintosh users: substitute the Command key when instructions in this chapter say to use the Control key.Figure 59: Selecting items that are not n

Page 422 - Saving spreadsheet files

Figure 60: Selecting a vertical block of textCutting, copying, and pasting textCutting and copying text in Writer is similar to cutting and copying te

Page 423 - Frequently asked questions

Chapter 1 Introducing

Page 424 - . May I use

Type the text you want to find in the Search for box.To replace the text with different text, type the new text in the Replace with box.You can select

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Inserting special charactersA special character is one not found on a standard English keyboard. For example, © ¾ æ ç ñ ö ø ¢ are all special characte

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Figure 64: Ruler showing default tab stopsDouble-click on a blank part of the ruler to open the Indents & Spacing page of the Paragraph dialog. Do

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Here are some more features of the spelling checker:• Right-click on a word with a wavy underline to open a menu. If you select from the suggested wor

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Figure 66: The Language menuThe following options are available:• For selection: select this option to apply a specified language to the selected text

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The language used for checking spelling is also shown in the status bar, next to the page style in use.You can also configure the language for a parag

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You can customize word completion from the Tools > AutoCorrect > Word Completion page:• Add (append) a space automatically after an accepted wor

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Inserting dashes and non-breaking spacesYou can insert a dash by using the Special Characters window or by using AutoCorrect. For more about AutoCorre

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system and the selection of icon size and style in Tools > Options > > View.TipIt is highly recommended that you use paragraph

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The appearance of the icons may vary with your operating system and the selection of icon size and style in Tools > Options > >

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