Draw Guide:A guide to using the Draw component of OpenOffice.orgTitle: Draw Guide: A guide to using the Draw component of OpenOffice.orgVersion: 1.0Fi
Introduction to DrawThe WorkplaceThe main components of the Draw interface have the appearance shown in Figure 1.The major area located in the center
Additional ToolsThis chapter describes the many ways that Draw can help you create drawings more easily.Drawing Aid ToolsThis section describes the dr
Additional ToolsZoom ToolbarOpenOffice.org provides a toolbar that deals entirely with zoom functions (see Figure 52). Itis a floating toolbar that c
Additional ToolsManaging LayersDraw has a workspace that can optionally comprise a series of layers on which you can drawthe different parts of your d
Additional ToolsOnce you are in layer mode, you can insert, modify, delete, or rename layers by clicking Edit> Layer on the top menu bar, as show i
Additional ToolsThe snap tools are divided into 3 groups: the magnetic grid, snap lines, and snap points.Using these tools allows you to drag an objec
Additional ToolsFigure 59 - Grid Options DialogCapture LinesCapture or snap lines are horizontal or vertical lines to which you can snap objects.In or
Additional ToolsYou can always relocate a snap line with the mouse. However, moving snap lines will notmove any objects that have been snapped to that
Additional ToolsSnapping to pageIf you click on the button, you can snap your objects to the margins of your workspace.The snap can be made to the m
Additional ToolsSpecific FunctionsDraw contains several advanced functions that are useful in certain specific instances (webimages and data exchange)
Additional ToolsFigure 68 - Example ofDuplicationThe end result of a duplication is a new group.Cross-FadingThis operation lets you transform a shape
Introduction to DrawThe ToolbarsThe various Draw toolbars can be displayed or hidden according to your needs. To displayor hide the toolbars, simply
Additional ToolsFigure 70 - Result of a crossfadeTo carry out a cross-fade, you first need to select both objects and then choose Edit > Cross-fadi
Additional ToolsNote: In order for the cross-fade to function, the objects need to have attributes that aresimilar. It is, for example, impossible to
Additional ToolsNote that it is the same basic object in both cases. To convert an object, just click on the context menu of the object, and two optio
Additional ToolsThe result will look as follows:Figure 75 - Web page generated by OpenOffice.org exportThe following is a description of the various p
Additional ToolsOn this page you can choose howyou want to be able to navigate yourweb document: either via simplepages, frames (see Figure 75) orscr
Additional ToolsOn this page, you choose thenavigation button style that is usedto move from page to another. If youdecide not to choose any,OpenOffi
Introduction to DrawThe Object BarThe Object Bar gives you a preview, and lets you modify the major characteristics of thedrawing objects that you are
Introduction to DrawThe Color BarTo display the Color Bar, you need to use View > Toolbars > Color Bar. The toolbar thenappears at the bottom of
Introduction to DrawThe Option BarThis toolbar lets you activate or deactivate various mechanisms that make drawing easier. Asopposed to the other to
Introduction to DrawAs you can see from the illustration, the two rulers can have different units.The rulers are also used to manage handle points and
Drawing Basic ShapesThis chapter will teach you the basic methods for drawing simple shapes. In the remainder ofthis document, we'll use the ter
Drawing Basic ShapesTo draw a straight line segment, click the straight line button and place the mouse cursor atthe point where you wish to start dra
Drawing Basic ShapesIf you replace the Shift key with the Control key [Ctrl], the constraining angle will be 15°.You can set this angle in the Tools &
Drawing Basic ShapesDrawing a rectangleDrawing rectangles is similar to drawing straight line segments, except that you use theRectangle button from
Drawing Basic ShapesThere are three other ways to draw an ellipse or circle: Shift-circle - forces the ellipse to be a circle. Alt-circle - draws a
Drawing Basic Shapeson it.When you type your text, you will notice that the upper ruler includes the usual paragraphattributes: indents, first line, t
Drawing Basic ShapesRectangles and SquaresThis toolbar palette has 8 tools:These buttons let you draw filled or empty rectangles.These buttons let you
Drawing Basic ShapesThese two tools let you draw empty or filled ellipses.These two buttons let you draw empty or filled circles. Note: Drawing an ell
Drawing Basic Shapes3D ObjectsDraw lets you draw three dimensional objects. The 3D object palette offers a choice of 8basic primitives that can be us
Drawing Basic ShapesThis tool draws a pyramid.This one lets you draw a torus (a ring).And this one a shell or cup shape; that is, a hollowed out hemis
Drawing Basic ShapesThis tool lets you create polygons. A polygon is a series of straight segments.The way it works is fairly simple: just click on th
Drawing Basic ShapesThe two ends of the segment will be made up of a square at one end and anarrow at the other.The segments drawn will have an angle
Drawing Basic ShapesThe default gluepoints are located at the centers of the lines forming the edges of theselection rectangle around an object. As yo
Drawing Basic ShapesConnector toolbarThe connector toolbar contains a large number of buttons. As shown by the figure above, the connectors can be gro
Drawing Basic ShapesThis button lets you insert a new gluepoint. If the object is filled, the point can beinserted anywhere within the object and not
Drawing Basic ShapesIf, when you are in gluepoint edit mode, you click on the button, you can add anew possible direction to a gluepoint. If we kee
Editing Objects Part IIn this chapter, we shall look at the tools and functions that let you modify existing drawings.All of the functions apply to th
Editing Objects Part ISelections for the Edit Points mode are indicated by blue squares. An extra, larger handlealso appears on most drawings. When th
Editing Objects Part ISelecting hidden objectsWhen objects are located behind others, they can still be selected. To select an object that iscovered b
Editing Objects Part IMoving and Dynamically Adjusting the Size of anObjectThere are several ways of moving or changing the size of an object. The met
Editing Objects Part INote: If you press the Shift key at the same time as you carry out the resizingoperation, the size change will be carried out sy
Figure 1 - Simple Rectangle Figure 2 - Rounded RectangleFigure 3 - PieFigure 4 - Moving controlpoints in the pieFigure 5 - CircularSegmentFigure 6 - M
figure 7 - Definition of atangentFigure 9 - SymmetricalDefinitionEditing Objects Part IHow curves workEditing curves works on the basis of a method ca
Figure 10 -AsymmetricalTangentFigure 11 - InflexionPointFigure 12 - Moving a junctionpointEditing Objects Part IThe button lets you separate the len
Editing Gluepoints...21Editing Objects Pa
Figure 13 - Rotating a tangentFigure 14 - Adding an edit point toa curveFigure 15 - Deleting points from acurveEditing Objects Part ITo change the loc
Figure 16 - Moving a pointon a curveFigure 17 - Slicing a curveEditing Objects Part IThe object rotation button can be used in Edit Point mode.In th
Figure 18 - Moving a segmentFigure 19 - Closing an opencurveEditing Objects Part IYou can also separate a curve at several pointssimultaneously. Just
Editing Objects Part IThe Select Points button functions as a switch. It works asfollows.If you have two points linked together by a straight line
Editing Objects Part IIThis chapter describes how to change object attributes, use the Stylist to apply attributes toobjects, and apply special transf
Editing Objects Part IIThe Object ToolbarThe buttons in the Object toolbar let you change the following properties.Line typeClicking this button opens
Editing Objects Part IIThe second tab lets you finely tune the type of line you want to have. Using this dialog, youcan define the appearance, number,
Editing Objects Part IIChoosing line attributes from the object toolbarThe Arrow Style (line ends) button located to the right of Line button on the O
Editing Objects Part IIThe drop-down menu located to the right of the Arrow Style button lets you directly choosethe line type without going through t
Editing Objects Part IIThe first tab, Area, lets you make a quick selection of the type of fill that you want, whereasthe other tabs let you change, d
Entering Position and Size data... 46Size Data Entry...
Editing Objects Part IIThe shadow will match the contour of the object that has been selected. This tab also lets youset the color and distance with r
Editing Objects Part IIThe Colors tab lets you edit the palette of available colors. You can choose the fill color of anobject by clicking on one of t
Editing Objects Part IIThe Hatching tab lets you define a hatch motif. Indicate the spacing between the lines (in thecurrent unit of measurement), hat
Editing Objects Part IIThe Pattern Editor on the left lets you draw a simple pattern from two colors. To draw apattern, click on the various boxes in
Editing Objects Part IIWhen an object is selected, pressing the F4 key (Position and Size) or using the right-clickmenu and choosing Position and Size
Editing Objects Part IIdescribed in the preceding topic. The zone marked Default Settings lets you quickly choosethe angle of rotation in 45° steps.In
Editing Objects Part IIUsing the StylistThe application of the same style to several different objects can soon turn out to be a tediousjob with the d
Editing Objects Part IIApplying a StyleTo apply an existing style to one or more objects, all you have to do is select them anddouble-click on the req
Editing Objects Part IIThe next step is to apply your new style to other objects. Select your new style, Brick wallwith border and shadow, then click
Editing Objects Part IIChanging a StyleAll of the objects memorize the style that has been applied to them. If you modify the basicstyle, all of the
Group by common selection... 78Maintaining groups and group d
Editing Objects Part IIFlipThis function lets you flip an object with respect to a given axis that you can define precisely.Here's an example exp
Editing Objects Part IIRelease the mouse button and the fliptransformation is complete.3D Rotation ObjectsThis function lets us enter the world of thr
Editing Objects Part IIHere's the start profile. It was made with thepolygon drawing tool. When you click on the button , a red axis with ahandl
Editing Objects Part IITo see the end result, click on the 2D object thatyou've created.To make the object more visible, we changed thecolor to b
Editing Objects Part IIDistortThis tool lets you distort an object by freely moving the handles located at the edges of itsselection rectangle. A rect
Editing Objects Part IIDynamic Transparency Gradient DefinitionThe transparency dialog box lets you adjust all of the parameters linked to this, but i
Editing Objects Part IIDynamic Gradient DefinitionThis tool works just like the tool for managing transparency. It is only activated if theselected o
Managing 3D Objects andBitmapsThis chapter describes the tools and functions that let you let you create powerful 3Ddrawings and work with bitmaps suc
Managing 3D Objects and Bitmaps3D effects3D objects have their own configuration dialog. This dialog is called the 3D Controller orthe 3D Effects dial
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsTo apply a 3D attribute to a selected object, choose an example from the Favorites zone andclick the button. (The obj
Reminder Concerning Image Formats... 103The Web export function...
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsGeometry Management pageThe Geometry Management page lets you define the geometric settings that are linked to a3D obje
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsHere you can see that the front face has a length and breadth that is 50% smaller than theback face. It is even possibl
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsFigure 27 shows a few normals drawn on a sphere with 10 segments.Normals let you define the exterior aspect of an objec
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsDouble-sided illumination lets you light an object from the inside and outside.Lets you create double or single-sided 3
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsThe Shading mode refers to the method that Draw uses to render objects and theirinteraction with light. Draw offers thr
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsIllumination pageUse the Illumination page to define the way in which 3D objects are illuminated. Contrary tomost 3D dr
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsThe color can be chosen from the dropdown list or by using the small button on the right ofthe list. The position of th
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsThe first method is better in that you can easily choose the number of tiles of the bitmapmotif to be applied. To obta
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsWe have just seen how to change the number of tilings of the bitmap pattern. Now let's lookat the method that Draw
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsMaterials Management pageThe Materials Management page concerns the use of materials on the surface of 3D objects.This
OverviewOverviewThis document describes how to use Draw, the vector drawing component of OpenOffice.org(OOo).Copyright and trademark informationThe co
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsManaging BitmapsUp to now, we have only dealt with vector drawings. Draw also includes functions formanaging bitmaps, s
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsAdjust the transparency of the image from 0% (opaque) to 100% (totallytransparent).This tool lets you crop an image. Wh
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsSmooths an image.Sharpens an image.Rids your image of noise pixels.Draw Guide 74
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsApplies a solarization effect to an image. A dialog box lets you choose thedegree of solarization for the image.Applies
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsThe pop art filter applies an effect that transforms the image into somethingresembling a pop art drawing:Simulates a c
Managing 3D Objects and BitmapsThe mosaic filter transforms the image into a pixellated mosaic.Draw Guide 77
Combining Multiple ObjectsThis chapter describes the tools and functions that let you combine several objects together sothat changes can be carried o
Combining Multiple ObjectsAs indicated at the beginning of the chapter, the objects of a group maintain theirindividuality and it is possible to undo
Combining Multiple ObjectsIn the example given, we are going to rotate the straight rectangle. After you rotate therectangle, you can press Control +
Combining Multiple ObjectsThe result of the combination is given in the following illustration:At first glance, this can seem rather surprising. Fortu
Introduction to DrawDraw is a vector graphics drawing tool. It offers a series of powerful tools that enable you toquickly create all sorts of graphic
Combining Multiple ObjectsSubtractSubtraction will take away from the lowermost layered object the area corresponding to theoverlap from the uppermost
Combining Multiple ObjectsIntersectIntersecting two objects leads to an object that just represents the area of overlap between thetwo selected object
Combining Multiple ObjectsPutting the Shape Merge Functions to useThe following example illustrates how complex shapes can be created by using the Sha
Combining Multiple ObjectsAids for Object PositioningThe Draw module has various tools that are designed to help in the positioning of objects, inorde
Combining Multiple ObjectsAll of the objects are aligned on their left side.All of the objects are centered vertically.All of the objects are aligned
Combining Multiple ObjectsAll of the objects are horizontally centered.All of the objects are aligned on the lower side.Distribution of ObjectsWhen se
Combining Multiple ObjectsThe objects are distributed horizontally from their left side.The objects are distributed horizontally from their middle (in
Combining Multiple ObjectsManaging Object ArrangementThe toolbar for object arrangement is as shown below. The toolbar lets you manage therelative sup
Combining Multiple ObjectsThe square was selected.This button brings the selected object forward onelayer. The square has been moved in front of thetr
Combining Multiple ObjectsThe result of the arrangement is shown on the left.Figure 49 - InvertarrangementFor this button to work, you need to have at
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