1.1 ImpressQuickStart GuideTitle: 1.1 Impress QuickStart GuideVersion: 0.6First edition: March 2004
6) Select the desired Speed for the transition between the different slides in thepresentation from the speed drop-down menu.7) Click Create. A new pr
The Modify Slide window appears. See Figure 4: Modify Slide window. The Select anAutoLayout section contains a wide variety of thumbnail slides to hel
Inserting slides is easy, yet important—this is how you build a presentation. See Figure 5:Insert Slide dialog box and Figure 6: Full screen with slid
Select Format > Page to change the margins, size of the slides, and other settings. The PageSetup window appears. See Figure 7: Page Setup window.
1) Select the slide you want to delete.2) Select Edit > Delete Slide. A dialog box appears asking “Are you sure you want todelete 'Slide ##&ap
Impress has five different workspace views from which to choose. Each view is designed tomake completing certain tasks easier. See Figure 9: Workspace
There are two ways to change workspace views:Selecting View > Workspace then choosing the desired view, orClicking one of the View Buttons located
1) Select Slide Show > Slide Show or click the Start Slide Show button to start slideshow. See Figure 10:The View buttons.2) Use the arrow keys on
There are two ways to insert text into presentation. One way is to use the AutoLayout asdescribed in the Format slides section. The other way is to ty
In Drawing View, notice how the pointer changes to an I-beam as you move it over the textin a text box.1) Click when the pointer becomes an I-beam. Th
To view the Character Formatting options, select Format > Character or click theCharacter button on the Object Bar. The Character window appears. S
To insert special characters, such as copyright, math, geometric, or monetary symbols, orcharacters from another language:1) Click in the place in the
To view the Paragraph Formatting options, select Format > Paragraph or click theParagraph button on the Object Bar. The Paragraph window appears. S
1) If necessary, press Enter to begin a new line.2) Press Tab. Each time you press Tab the line indents to the next outline level. PressingEnter creat
Tip: Just as you can place the cursor in a single line and change the bullet style, you can alsochange it to a number by choosing a numbering style in
Master slides contain formatted text and background items that will appear on all of theslides in the presentation. They can give the presentation con
To change a slide background:1) Select Format > Page. The Page Setup window appears. See Figure 18: Backgroundtab in the Page Setup window.2) Click
To set a common background using the Stylist:1) Right-click on Background in the Stylist.2) Select Modify.3) Choose the type and style of background d
There are two ways to insert a chart into a slide. One way is to use the AutoLayout asdescribed in the Format slides section. The other method is to c
1) Select Insert > Chart, or click the Insert Chart icon on the Main toolbar. Achart appears which has been created using sample data. See Figure 2
1) Double-click the chart. It should now have a gray border. The main toolbar has nowchanged to show tools specifically for charts.2) Click the Chart
The format menu has many options for formatting and fine tuning the look of your charts.Double-click the chart so that it is enclosed by a gray border
There are two main areas of the chart. These areas control different settings and attributes forthe chart. See Figure 25: The Chart wall and Chart are
Note: If your graphic is 3D, round red handles appear which control the three-dimensionalangle of the graphic. You cannot resize or reposition the gra
There are many different types of graphics that can be placed in presentations. You canimport your own graphic files or choose ready-made graphics fro
The Gallery contains a collection of images that you can use in a presentation.Select Tools > Gallery or click the Gallery icon on the Function Bar
You can add new graphic files to the existing themes.To add a file to an existing theme:1) Right-click on the theme name in the theme scroll box.2) Ch
1) Click the graphic, if necessary, to show the green resizing handles.2) Move the pointer over the graphic until the pointer becomes a four-headed ar
The main toolbar contains the tools used to create rectangles, circles, and other lines andshapes to enhance the design of the presentation. If the ma
Use the Format menu to modify lines and shapes. See Figure 31: Shape format menu.To format lines and shapes:1) Click on the shape or line to select it
Formatting characters...11Inserting special ch
Slide transitions are the effects that take place when one slide gives way to the next one inthe presentation, like “Roll down from top” or “Fly in fr
1) From Slide View, click on a slide to select it. The transition you apply to this slidewill occur as the slide comes into view in the slide show.2)
From slide View, Shift + click all the slides you want the transition applied to. Follow steps2-9 above. Only the first selected slide will show in th
Choosing Automatic Transition will activate the Duration box. Use the arrows todesignate the amount of time the transition should take to complete. Yo
The Effects button is the same as in the Slide Transition window—it displays thevarious animations. The Update, Assign, and Preview buttons are also t
1) From Drawing View, select the desired slide by clicking its tab at the bottom leftcorner of the workspace. (See Figure 6: Full screen with slide ta provides many options for printing a presentation: with multiple slides onone page, with a single slide per page, with notes, as an out
Figure 37: The Modify Slide window
Portable Document Format files (PDFs) are compatible with most platforms. Impress has theability to save files as PDF (the extension is .pdf) which ca
Figure 38: PDF Options window
Adding graphics to the Gallery themes...27Adding a new theme to the Galle
Note: You can also click the Export Directly as PDF icon to create a PDF. However,clicking the Export Directly as PDF icon will not give you the optio
4) Under File Format, choose HTML Document( Impress)(.htm).5) Click Save. Your new folder is automatically chosen as the location. If yo's Impress file format is highly compatible with Microsoft's PowerPointformat. You can open a PowerPoint presentation in Impre
Enter key Activate the focused button in a dialog box.Esc Terminate the action or dialog box. Spacebar Toggle the focused check box in a dialog box.Cu
F1 Open the Help menu.Shift + F1 Access Context Help.Control+F4 orAlt+F4Close the current document (close when the last
The purpose of this guide is to teach users how to use Impress to designprofessional-quality presentations. This quick-start approach p
0.1 06/27/03 Initial edition issued for comment0.3 07/07/03 TIF screen shots converted to PNGs0.4 01/27/04 Mostly re-written and re-desktop published.
Welcome to Impress–'s slide show program. This easy-to-learn program,which features user-friendly functions and standard toolbars a
This section shows how to set up a new presentation.After launching, choose File > New > Presentation, or File > AutoPilot >
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