Math GuideThe Equation EditorThis PDF is designed to be read onscreen, two pages at a time. If you want to print a copy, your PDF viewe
Example 2: ≃ 3.14159For this example we will suppose that:• We want to enter the above formula (the value of pi rounded to 5 decimal places).• We kno
Figure 10. Final resultCustomizationsFormula editor as a floating windowThe formula editor can cover a large part of the Writer window. To turn the fo
How can I make a formula bigger?This is one of the most common questions people ask about OOo Math. The answer is simple, but not intuitive:1) Start t
Formula layoutThe most difficult part of using OOo Math comes when writing complicated formulas. This section provides some advice.Brackets are your f
Markup Resultint from 0 to x f(t) dtor int_0^x f(t) dt∫0xf tdt or ∫0xf t dtint from Re f∫ℜfsum to infinity 2^{-n}∑∞2−nNoteFor more details on int
How do I make a derivative?Making derivatives essentially comes down to one trick: Tell OOo it’s a fraction.In other words, you have to use the over c
Figure 16: Changing spacing in a matrix formula2) In the Spacing dialog (Figure 16), click the Category button and select Matrices in the drop-down me
Done! If you later add more equations to the paper before the referenced equation, all the equations will automatically renumber and the cross-referen
Math commands - ReferenceUnary / binary operatorsOperation Command Display+sign +11–sign –1−1+/– sign +–1±1–/+ sign–+1∓1Boolean not neg a¬aAddition +
Relational operatorsOperation Command DisplayIs equal a = ba=bIs not equal a <> ba≠2Approximately a approx 2a≈2Divides a divides ba∣bDoes not di
CopyrightThis document is Copyright © 2005–2010 by its contributors as listed in the section titled Authors. You may distribute it and/or modify it un
Set operationsOperation Command DisplayIs in a in Ba ∈BIs not in a notin Ba ∉BOwns A owns bA∋bEmpty set emptyset ∅Intersection A intersection BA∩BUni
FunctionsOperation Command DisplayExponential func e^{a}eaNatural logarithm ln(a)ln aExponential function exp(a)exp aLogarithm log(a)loga Power
OperatorsAll operators can be used with the limit functions (“from” and “to”).Operation Command DisplayLimit lim{a}lim aSum sum{a}∑aProduct prod{a} ∏a
AttributesOperation Command DisplayAcute accent acute aaGrave accent grave aaReverse circumflex check aaBreve breve aaCircle circle a˚aVector a
Operation Command DisplayMake color of following text cyan3color cyan qvqvMake color of following text yellowcolor yellow qvqvMake color of following
MiscellaneousOperation Command DisplayInfinity infinity∞Partial partial∂Nabla nabla∇There exists exists∃For all forall∀H bar hbarℏLambda bar lambd
BracketsOperation Command DisplayRound Brackets (a)aSquare Brackets [b][b]Double Square Brackets ldbracket c rdbracket〚c〛Single line lline a rline∣a
FormatsOperation Command DisplayLeft superscript a lsup{b}abCenter superscript a csup{b}abRight superscript a^{b}abLeft subscript a lsub{b}abCenter su
CautionIn localized versions of Writer, the markup names of Greek and special characters are localized. If this document is not localized to the same
IndexB brackets (Math) 13brackets commands (Math) 26C characters – special (Math) 28characters – Greek (Math) 28D derivative markup (Math) 15
ContentsWhat is Math?...4Getting started...
What is Math?Math is (OOo)’s component for writing mathematical equations. It is most commonly used as an equation editor for text docu
Entering a formulaThe equation editor uses a markup language to represent formulas. For example, %beta creates the Greek character beta (). This mark
The Elements window is divided into two main parts.• The top shows the symbol categories. Click on these to change the list of symbols.• The bottom sh
Figure 4: Result of selecting the multiplication symbolThe <?> symbols shown in Figure 4 are placeholders that you can replace by other text, fo
Figure 6: Right-click (context) menuMarkupYou can type the markup directly in the equation editor. For example, you can type 5 times 4 to obtain 5×4.
Greek charactersGreek characters ( , , , , etc) are common in mathematical formulas. These characters are not available in the Elements window o
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