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Math Objects:
The Equation Editor
Title: Math Objects: The Equation Editor
Version: 1.0
First edition: November 2004
First English
edition: November 2004
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 21 22

Résumé du contenu

Page 1 - Math Objects:

Math Objects:The Equation EditorTitle: Math Objects: The Equation EditorVersion: 1.0First edition: November 2004First Englishedition: November 2004

Page 2

Tips and tricksTips and tricksCustomizing the interfaceThere are a few ways to customize the equation editor's interface to make you moreproducti

Page 3 - Contents

Tips and tricksDone! If you later add more equations to the paper before the referenced equation, all theequations will automatically renumber and the

Page 4 - Overview

Math commands - ReferenceMath commands - ReferenceUnary / binary operatorsTable 1. Commands, unary & binaryOperation Command Display+sign +11-sig

Page 5 - Introduction

Math commands - ReferenceRelational operatorsTable 2. Commands, relationsOperation Command DisplayIs equala = ba=bIs not equala <> ba≠2Approxima

Page 6 - Entering a Formula

Math commands - ReferenceSet operations Table 3. Commands, set operatorsOperation Command DisplayIs ina in Ba∈BIs not ina notin Ba∉BOwens A owns bA∋bE

Page 7 - Complex Formulas

Math commands - ReferenceFunctionsTable 4. Commands, functionOperation Command DisplayExponentialfunc e^{a}eaNatural logarithmln(a)ln aExponential f

Page 8 - Derivatives

Math commands - ReferenceOperatorsAll operators can be used with the limit functions (“from” and “to”)Table 5. Commands, operatorsOperation Command Di

Page 9 - Complex layout

Math commands - ReferenceAttributesTable 6. AttributesOperation Command DisplayAcute accent acute aaGrave accent grave aaReverse circumflex check a

Page 10 - Tips and tricks

Math commands - ReferenceOperation Command DisplayMake color of following textcyancolor cyan qvqvMake color of following textyellowcolor yellow qvqvMa

Page 11 - Math Objects 7

Math commands - ReferenceOthersTable 7. Commands, othersOperation Command DisplayInfinity infinity∞Partial partial∂Nabla nabla∇There exists exists∃Fo

Page 13 - Relational operators

Math commands - ReferenceBracketsTable 8. Commands, bracesOperation Command DisplayRound Brackets(a)aSquare Brackets[b][b]Double Square Brackets ldb

Page 14 - Set operations

Math commands - ReferenceFormatsTable 9. Commands, formatsOperation Command DisplayLeft Superscripta lsup{b}abCenter Superscriptsum(a)a csup{b}abRight

Page 15 - Functions

Math commands - ReferenceCharacters – GreekTable 10. Characters, Greek%ALPHAA%BETAB%CHIX%DELTA%EPSILONE%ETAH%GAMMA%IOTAI%KAPPAK%LAMBDA%MUM%NUN%OMEG

Page 16 - Operators


Page 17 - Attributes has a component (OOo Math) for mathematical equations. OOo Mathprovides mathematical objects which can be embedded in

Page 18 - Operation Command Display (OOo) has a component for mathematical equations. It is most commonlyused as an equation editor for text docum

Page 19 - Table 7. Commands, others

IntroductionThe equation editor uses a markup language to represent formulas. For example, “%beta”creates the Greek character beta (). This markup

Page 20

Complex FormulasComplex FormulasOf course, most people can figure out how to do something simple like a. The problemsappear when you try to write mo

Page 21

Complex FormulasMatricesMatrices are done through the matrix command. The basic syntax is:Display Commanda bc dmatrix { a # b ## c # d }A single “#”

Page 22 - Characters - Special

Complex layoutComplex layoutOften, the problem is not in writing the equation as such, but obtaining the desired layout.There are some features that c

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