Math Objects:The Equation EditorTitle: Math Objects: The Equation EditorVersion: 1.0First edition: November 2004First Englishedition: November 2004
Tips and tricksTips and tricksCustomizing the interfaceThere are a few ways to customize the equation editor's interface to make you moreproducti
Tips and tricksDone! If you later add more equations to the paper before the referenced equation, all theequations will automatically renumber and the
Math commands - ReferenceMath commands - ReferenceUnary / binary operatorsTable 1. Commands, unary & binaryOperation Command Display+sign +11-sig
Math commands - ReferenceRelational operatorsTable 2. Commands, relationsOperation Command DisplayIs equala = ba=bIs not equala <> ba≠2Approxima
Math commands - ReferenceSet operations Table 3. Commands, set operatorsOperation Command DisplayIs ina in Ba∈BIs not ina notin Ba∉BOwens A owns bA∋bE
Math commands - ReferenceFunctionsTable 4. Commands, functionOperation Command DisplayExponentialfunc e^{a}eaNatural logarithmln(a)ln aExponential f
Math commands - ReferenceOperatorsAll operators can be used with the limit functions (“from” and “to”)Table 5. Commands, operatorsOperation Command Di
Math commands - ReferenceAttributesTable 6. AttributesOperation Command DisplayAcute accent acute aaGrave accent grave aaReverse circumflex check a
Math commands - ReferenceOperation Command DisplayMake color of following textcyancolor cyan qvqvMake color of following textyellowcolor yellow qvqvMa
Math commands - ReferenceOthersTable 7. Commands, othersOperation Command DisplayInfinity infinity∞Partial partial∂Nabla nabla∇There exists exists∃Fo
Math commands - ReferenceBracketsTable 8. Commands, bracesOperation Command DisplayRound Brackets(a)aSquare Brackets[b][b]Double Square Brackets ldb
Math commands - ReferenceFormatsTable 9. Commands, formatsOperation Command DisplayLeft Superscripta lsup{b}abCenter Superscriptsum(a)a csup{b}abRight
Math commands - ReferenceCharacters – GreekTable 10. Characters, Greek%ALPHAA%BETAB%CHIX%DELTA%EPSILONE%ETAH%GAMMA%IOTAI%KAPPAK%LAMBDA%MUM%NUN%OMEG
ContentsOverview... has a component (OOo Math) for mathematical equations. OOo Mathprovides mathematical objects which can be embedded in (OOo) has a component for mathematical equations. It is most commonlyused as an equation editor for text docum
IntroductionThe equation editor uses a markup language to represent formulas. For example, “%beta”creates the Greek character beta (). This markup
Complex FormulasComplex FormulasOf course, most people can figure out how to do something simple like a. The problemsappear when you try to write mo
Complex FormulasMatricesMatrices are done through the matrix command. The basic syntax is:Display Commanda bc dmatrix { a # b ## c # d }A single “#”
Complex layoutComplex layoutOften, the problem is not in writing the equation as such, but obtaining the desired layout.There are some features that c
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