File Management inOpenOffice.orgTitle: File Management in OpenOffice.orgVersion: 1.0First edition: December 2004First Englishedition: December 2004
Opening filesOpening presentationsIn addition to its native formats (.sxi and .sti), can open the followingpresentation formats:Microso
Saving filesFigure 3. Saving a new filePassword protectionTo protect an entire document from being viewable without a password, there is an option ont
Saving filesIf the passwords match. the document will be saved password protected. If thepasswords do not match, you will receive the prompt to enter
Saving filesWriter can save to these file formatsIn addition to its native formats (.sxw and .stw), Writer can save in these Wr
Saving filesImpress can save to these file formatsMicrosoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (*.ppt; *.pps)Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP Template (*.pot)StarDr
Exporting filesExporting filesXHTML has the ability to export files to XHTML. This feature is not installed bydefault. You can
Exporting filesScreen optimizedFiles will be very small but they will not print well.Print optimizedFiles are optimized for high quality printing and
Deleting and renaming filesDeleting a fileTo delete a file while using this dialog: 1) Right-click on the file name to display a context menu. 2) Clic
File associationsFigure 6. Choosing file associations when installing OpenOffice.orgIf during installation you chose not to have automa
Using the Open and Save As dialogsUsing the Open and Save As dialogsUnder Microsoft Windows there you can choose whether to use the Ope
Using the Open and Save As dialogsUse the File type field to specify the type of file to be opened or the format of the file to besaved.The Read only
Creating new files... 12Using t
OverviewOverviewThis chapter describes basic file management (opening, saving, exporting, deleting, andrenaming files; creating new files; file associ
Opening filesOpening filesTo open an existing document, choose File > Open or click the Open File icon on theFunction Toolbar, or press Control+O.T
Opening filesFile can import Microsoft Office files. However, Microsoft Office cannot files, so if you want
Opening filesFigure 2. Choosing default formats for saving filesOpening text format filesIn addition to its native formats (.sxw and .stw), OpenOffice
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