Apache OpenOfficeWriterfor studentsby David Paenson, B. A. Hons.January 2014
7 Table of ContentsHaving told the programme what are your headings and having activated their automatic num-bering, you can now insert an
When your table of contents appears,you will notice that most of the entrieshave been moved to the right with thedotted tab stops in the wrong place
Illustration index. The various tables, illustrations and so on in your text need to have aCaption, which will then appear in the index. You could com
10 Group WorkMore and more students have to give in group papers. Up to four or even more authors mightbe involved.To facilitate the joining together
• make all the appropriate changes applicable to your standard default pages, e.g. a leftmargin of 3cm and of course a activate the header to accomm
• you save your file under a new name to be on the safe side (see section 41)• you open your file and choose the menu Edit › Changes › Accept or Rejec
line and also Characters at beginning of line from 2 to 3. This will avoidhyphenation of short words such as “impact”. Two rather enigma
and thus building a kind of dependency tree – though dependencies can be broken at anypoint, allowing for full flexibility. The most basic style is
2. The more gentle solution is to delete or replace existing styles with others. For thatjust go to Edit › Find & Replace › More Options and tic
16 Unnumbered First PagesYou will surely want your text pages to be numbered but need to leave your first page(s)unnumbered. Also you would like your
IMPRESSUMCopyright David Paenson 2008©Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance w
• place your cursor at the very bottom of your title page and insert a new page for yourtable of contents using Ctrl + Return; this new page will aut
• most of the automation possibilities cannot be put to use17 Formatting your Title PageThe title page is the only page where you won’t need to use st
19 Numbered Default PageAs already mentioned, the Default page needs to be modified in order to accommodatepage numbering. For this you can either a
20 Roman Page NumberingRoman page number-ing for the introduct-ory pages followingthe title page but pre-ceding the actual textis quite easy.For t
bering – symbol: * and the programme stops bothering you. This is a mistake because infact this automatism is extremely useful, especially as it allow
22 Line NumberingLine Numbering comes in handy for interviews, so you could say: “See interview line 78”. Thestumbling block here is: How do you get o
course) or even both, then confirm with Insert and Close. In similar fashion you canpoint to tables or illustrations.24 Footnotes and ReferencesYou
In case you only have a few footnotes, it’s better to use a single Character instead of Auto-matic Numbering, e.g. a *.25 Formatting your Literature L
An ellipsis without square brackets you would use for words left out already in the originalquote or as a stylistic means for symbolizing incomplete
Branch Great importance Lesser Importance No Deployment All branches 83,8 15,2 1Education and Research 91,6 7,5 0,9Software & Consulting 91 8 1Tel
CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Automation 3 Document Structure 4 First Steps 5 Headings 6 Chapter Numbering 7 Table of Contents 8 Outline 9 Navigating your
• right click on your Chart to provide it with a meaningful caption.Note that as soon as you click on a graph, the symbols on your menu change, offeri
5. Within xnview select area you actually need and press Shift + x so as to crop picturedown to selection.6. Press Ctrl + a to mark all contents.7. Ct
a period of tens of thousands of years is simply unbeatable. Precisely because an image sup-posedly “expresses more than a thousand words” it robs
1. Mark the two columns of interest, i.e. “sex” and “extent of rejection” in the raw datatable 4, copy them into memory, go to the module Spreadshee
□ Example of survey involving yes/no answersIn a fictitious yes/no survey we aimed to find out if handedness is related to sex. So we putthe questi
Questionnaire Sex Handedness1 M R2 F R3 F L4 M R5 F R6 F R7 M L8 F R9 M L10 F R11 M L12 F RTable 6: Right- and Left-Handedness and Sex (raw data)Sex L
Please refer to: http://de.search.yahoo.com/long_chain/long_chain/long_chain/long_chain/long_chain/long_chain/To achieve this do the following:• under
Arial 40 ptFutura Lt BT 40 ptAaBbCcDdEeFfGg (Times New Roman 12 pt)AaBbCcDdEeFfGg (Garamond 12 pt)AaBbCcDdEeFfGg (Arial 12 pt)AaBbCcDdEeFfGg (Futura
cial resources for the purchase of fonts and cramped space to store them and too few person-nel faced similar problems. In our times of laser and offs
• Ctrl + m marked text will loose all individual formatting – only the paragraph stylewill remain active• Ctrl + s save file• Ctrl + p print file• Ct
1 IntroductionThis short guide is based on introductory courses I have been giving since 2008 to all first yearstudents at the Faculty of Social Work
40 PDFsPDF (Portable Data Format) developed by Adobe is an open, operating system independentformat. It is very popular for distributing documents. PD
43 Search and ReplaceUnder Edit › Find & Replace (Ctrl + f) you can search through your whole documentfor a particular string of text. If you ha
Author’s or editor’s name is entered in another menu: Tools › Options › User data.This makes sense since the same document might well be edited by
Horizontal pitch 7,00 cmVertical pitch 3,70 cmWidth 7,00 cmHeight 3,70 cmLeft margin 1,20 cmTop margin 0,60 cmColumns 3Rows 8Table 8: Sizes and spacin
48 HelpUnder the menu Help you will find easy to follow step-by-step instructions. While hoveringwith your mouse pointer over any button or menu, you
• while text remains marked and to make absolutely sure that all manual formattingis definitely removed go to menu Format › Default Formatting (shor
7. Activate automatic Outline Numbering for the first two levels of ChapterHeaders:• Open menu Tools › Outline Numbering• in the l
10. Prepare formatting style for first pages:• open menu Format › Styles and Formatting• in menu bar choose fourth button from left for Page Styles• u
• under tab Index/Table reduce Evaluate up to level down to 2 (so youcould well have three or more levels of chapter headings in your text but only t
• confirm OK• in case you have at this point a blank page too many, just delete it with Del key18. Add numbers to your default page:• place cursor ins
2 AutomationYour thesis like any other typical document, book or magazine will contain a number ofrecurring elements such as headings, footnotes, page
Note: The decision what is a heading and what it should look like are two separate decisions.4 First StepsWhen embarking on a new text you will invari
• single line spacing• concisenessHere my formatting suggestions for the first three levels of headings:Style Font Size Typeface SpacingaboveSpacingbe
2.2 Section2.3 Sectionetc.Per level you should have at least two headings. If you have a 2.1 heading then you should alsohave a 2.2 heading, a 2.1 al
activate automatic numbering, then they allget together and insert their various contri-butions into a new, empty document andfinally, with the help o
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