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Writer Guide
Word Processing with
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Second edition
March 2010
Updated for V3.2
Free eBook Edition
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Page 1 - Free eBook Edition

Writer GuideWord Processing with OpenOffice.orgThis PDF is designed to be read onscreen, two pages at a time. If you want to print a copy, your PDF vi

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Chapter 1 Introducing WriterFree eBook Edition

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NoteAutomatic word completion only occurs after you type a word for the second time in a document.Using AutoTextAutoText allows you to assign text, ta

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Figure 88: Line numbering exampleYou can choose how many lines are numbered (for example, every line or every tenth line), the numbering type and whet

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• Save versions that are stored as part of the original file. However, this method can cause problems with documents of nontrivial size or complexity,

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TipHold the mouse pointer over a marked change; you will see a Help Tip showing the type of change, the author, date, and time of day for the change.

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3) Click Accept or Reject to accept or reject the selected change. You can also click Accept All or Reject All if you do not want to review the change

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Merging modified documentsThe processes discussed to this point are effective when you have one reviewer at a time. Sometimes, however, multiple revie

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To insert a comment in the text, place the cursor in the place the comment refers to and select Insert > comment or press Ctrl+Alt+N. The anchor po

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Linking to another part of a documentIf you type in references to other parts of the document, those references can easily get out of date if you reor

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about bookmarks, see “Using bookmarks” in Chapter 14 (Working with Fields).Using hyperlinksWhen you type text (such as a website addresses or URL) tha

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5) In the Navigator list, select the item that you want to insert as a hyperlink.6) Drag the item to where you want to insert the hyperlink in the doc

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What is Writer?Writer is the word processor component of (OOo). In addition to the usual features of a word processor (spelling check,

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Figure 95. Hyperlink dialog box showing details for Internet linksThe top right part of the dialog box changes according to your choice for the hyperl

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• Form specifies if the link is to be presented as text or as a button.• Text specifies the text that will be visible to the user.• Name is applicable

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Switching between insert and overwrite modeWith the keyboard, press Insert to toggle between overwrite mode and insert mode. In insert mode, any text

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Chapter 4 Formatting Pages Using Page Styles, Tables, Frames, Columns, and SectionsFree eBook Edition

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IntroductionWriter provides several ways for you to control page layouts:• Page styles• Columns• Frames• Tables• SectionsThis chapter describes these

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Use page styles (with two columns) for an index or other document with two columns of text where the text continues from the left-hand column to the r

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Setting up basic page layout using stylesIn Writer, page styles define the basic layout of all pages, including page size, margins, the placement of h

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Figure 96: Inserting a manual page breakDefining a different first page for a documentMany documents, such as letters and reports, have a first page t

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Figure 98: Flow of page stylesTo set up this sequence:1) Open the Styles and Formatting window. (Do one of the following: click the Styles and Formatt

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NoteYou can override the Next Style property by manually inserting a page break and specifying a page style or by starting a page with a paragraph or

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Starting from the system menuThe most common way to start Writer is by using the system menu, the standard menu from which most applications are star

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6) Click OK to save the changes.Figure 101: Setting orientation and margins for a landscape pageInserting a landscape page into a portrait documentNow

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Figure 102: Specifying a page break before a paragraphFigure 103: Specifying a page break before a tableTipIf you need the headers or footers on the l

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To change margins using the rulers:1) The shaded sections of the rulers are the margins (see Figure104). Put the mouse cursor over the line between th

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(described in “Using sections for page layout” starting on page 136) for pages or parts of pages with different numbers of columns.To define the numbe

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Formatting column width and spacingTo create evenly-spaced columns that are all the same width, select the AutoWidth option in the Width and spacing a

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You can create columns and then type or paste text into them, or you can select some existing text and change the number of columns for displaying it.

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• Newspaper-style—Writer fills the columns one at a time, beginning with the first column. The last column may be shorter than the others.Figure 107:

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• Allow text on one page to continue on another page, somewhere more distant than the next one, by linking the content of one frame to another so the

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• Select text or a graphic, choose Insert > Frame, and click OK to create a frame containing the selection. The selected text is automatically dele

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You can resize the frame manually (by clicking on the green squares and dragging to the appropriate size) or start adding content to it (the frame wil

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Using the Quickstarter under WindowsThe Quickstarter is an icon that is placed in the Windows system tray during system startup. It indicates that Ope

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To remove the default border on a newly created frame, open the Frame dialog box, go to the Borders page, and under Line Style, select None. Alternati

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To CharacterThe frame is associated with a character but is not in the text sequence. It moves with the paragraph but may be placed in the margin or a

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automatically adjust to the size of the contents (that is, the AutoHeight attribute is disabled). Only the last frame of a chain can adapt its height

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Using tables for page layoutWriter’s tables can serve several purposes, such as holding data as you might see it in a spreadsheet, lining up material,

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Figure 115: Defining a two-column borderless table with no header3) Right-click on the table and choose Table from the pop-up menu. On the Columns pa

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Figure 117: Defining the space above and below a tableTipTo check the top and bottom spacing for ordinary paragraphs:1) Position the cursor in a parag

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Figure 118: Setting number format to TextUsing sections for page layoutA section is a block of text that has special attributes and formatting. You ca

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At any time, you can reset a tabbed page to its default settings by clicking the Reset button. (Note, however, that you cannot reset the Section page.

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Figure 120: Linking sections2) Click the (...) button to the right of the File name field. The Insert dialog box opens.3) Find and select the document

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3) Click OK. The Enter Password dialog box closes. Anyone who tries to edit the section’s attributes or format will be prompted to enter the password.

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Reactivating the QuickstarterIf the Quickstarter has been disabled, you can reactivate it by selecting the Load during system start-up

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Formatting a section into columnsUse the Columns page of the Insert Section dialog box to format the current section into columns. This page is very s

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To number the current section’s footnotes separately from the other footnotes in the document, follow these steps:1) In the Footnotes area, make sure

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Figure 126: Numbering footnotes for sectionsCustomizing endnotesIf you want the current section’s endnotes to appear at the end of the section rather

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To select the section that you want to edit or delete, follow these steps:1) From the main menu, choose Format > Sections. The Edit Sections dialog

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Editing the format of a sectionTo edit the format of the current section, click the Options button. The Options dialog box opens.The Options dialog bo

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2) In the Update area, under Update links when loading, select one of the following three options:• Select Always if you want Writer to update links a

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4) Click the Update button. The most recently saved contents of the linked file appear in the current document.5) To close the Edit Links dialog box,

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Items such as document titles, chapter titles, and page numbers, which often go into headers and footers, are best added as fields. That way, if somet

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To set up portrait headers and footers on landscape pages:1) Calculate the required margins so the text area of the landscape page is the same size as

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4) In a blank paragraph in the text, type the footer text or insert fields such as the page number or the chapter number and name—to match the footer

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Option Description-helpGet a complete list of options.-nologoDo not show the startup screen.-show <odp-file>Start presentation immediately.-view

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7) If your footer has a line above the text, as in this book, on the Borders page, select a right border and specify the line width and spacing to the

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The page number field always displays the page number for the page where it is placed. If you see the words “Page number” instead of a number, press C

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• Add the document title so the header reads, for example: Peter's favourite poems, left justified, and page x with right justification, where x

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Figure 137: Changing format of page numbersNumbering the first page something other than 1Sometimes you may want to start a document with a page numbe

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Numbering pages by chapterTechnical documents often include the chapter number with the page number in the header or footer. For example, 1-1, 1-2, 1-

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For more information, see “Choosing paragraph styles for outline levels” and “Including chapter or section information in page headers” in Chapter 7 (

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5) In the Position drop-down list, select Before or After to position where you want to insert the page break.6) Select With Page Style and specify th

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3) Add a header to Preface and insert the Page Number field. Make the page numbers display as Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, …):a) Open the page styl

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Figure 142: Set the new page number to 1 and the page style to Default.NoteYou cannot assign an odd page number to a left page or an even page number

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Solving the page count problemSuppose you know exactly how many pages are not to be included in the page count. (You want one page to be excluded in t

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MenusThe Menu bar is located across the top of the Writer window, just below the Title bar. When you choose one of the menus listed below, a submenu d

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To insert a cross-reference to the last page in the header or footer where you want to refer to the total number of pages:1) Position the cursor at th

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Numbering portrait and landscape pagesTo create page numbers on portrait and landscape pages in the same place and orientation:1) Refer to “Portrait h

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Figure 147: Frame dialog box: Borders page• Line specifies what the border looks like: the style and color. There are a number of different styles and

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Figure 148. Frame dialog box: Background page showing color choicesAdding a graphic to the backgroundTo add a graphic to the background:1) From the As

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• To repeat the graphic across the entire background area, select Tile.6) In the Transparency area, you can adjust the transparency of the graphic. Th

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Chapter 5 Printing, Exporting, Faxing, and E-MailingFree eBook Edition

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IntroductionGeneral information about printing and faxing documents from OOo is provided in the Getting Started guide. This chapter describes some ite

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what paper size to print on. The properties available depend on the selected printer; consult the printer’s documentation for details.• What pages to

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– Brochure—the results of this selection are discussed in “Printing a brochure” on page 170.• In the Notes section, you can choose whether to print an

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2) Click Properties to open the properties dialog box for the printer. The available choices vary from one printer to another, but you should find an

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Displaying or hiding toolbarsTo display or hide toolbars, choose View > Toolbars, then click on the name of a toolbar in the list. An active toolba

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3) To print the document in this page view, click the Print page view icon to open the Print dialog box (Figure 150). Choose your options and click

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4) Click File > Print and check Properties to make sure the printer setup is still correct.5) Click Options again. In the Pages section of the Prin

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You can type information directly into the Addressee and Sender boxes, or use the right-hand drop-down lists to select the database or table from whic

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5) After formatting, go to the Printer page to choose printer options such as envelope orientation and shifting. You may need to experiment a bit to s

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Printing labelsLabels are commonly used for printing address lists (where each label shows a different address), but they can also be used for making

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Figure 159. Labels dialog box, Format page5) Click Save to save your new format.6) On the Options page, choose to print the entire page of labels or o

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Sending a faxTo send a fax directly from, you need a fax modem and a fax driver that allows applications to communicate with the fax mo

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asked to enter the location and file name of the PDF to be created, and click Save to export the file.General page of PDF Options dialog boxOn the Gen

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Images section• Lossless compression: Images are stored without any loss of quality. Tends to make large files when used with photographs. Recommende

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• Export comments: Exports comments in Writer and Calc documents as PDF notes. You may not want this!• Export automatically inserted blank pages: If s

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Figure 4: Moving a docked toolbarFigure 5: Moving a floating toolbarFloating toolbarsWriter includes several additional context-sensitive toolbars, wh

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Window options section• Resize window to initial page. Causes the PDF viewer window to resize to fit the first page of the PDF.• Center window on scre

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Links page of PDF Options dialog boxOn this page you can choose how links in documents are exported to PDF.Figure 164: Links page of PDF Options dialo

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• With an open password set, the PDF can only be opened with the password. Once opened, there are no restrictions on what the user can do with the doc

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After you set a password for permissions, the other choices on the Security page (shown in Figure 165) become available. These selections should be se

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2) In your e-mail program, enter the recipient, subject, and any text you want to add, then send the e-mail.File > Send > E-mail as OpenDocument

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2) On the second page, select E-mail message and click Next.Figure 168: Select document type3) On the third page, click the Select Address List butto

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Figure 170: Deselecting a salutation5) In the left-hand list, click 8. Save, print or send. OOo displays a “Creating documents” message and then displ

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Digital signing of documentsTo sign a document digitally, you need a personal key, the certificate. A personal key is stored on your computer as a com

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Chapter 6 Introduction to StylesParagraph, Page, Character, and List StylesFree eBook Edition

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What are styles?Most people are used to writing documents according to physical attributes. For example, you might specify the font family, font size,

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To dock a window, do one of the following:• Click on the title bar of the floating window and drag it to the side until you see the outline of a box a

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Style categoriesOOo Writer has five style categories:• Paragraph styles affect entire paragraphs represented with those styles.• Character styles affe

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To open the Styles and Formatting window, do any one of the following:• Click on the icon located at the left-hand end of the Formatting toolbar.• S

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5) To quit the Fill Format mode, click the icon again or press the Esc key.CautionWhen this mode is active, a right-click anywhere in the document und

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Figure 173: Dialog to name a new style from selectionUpdate Style (from a selection)Let’s use paragraph styles as an example.1) Create a new paragraph

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Load Styles (from a template or document)The last option in the New Style from Selection icon is used to copy styles into the current document by load

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purpose styles only (such as those styles used in writing this user guide), select instead Custom Styles. The Hierarchical Styles view is most useful

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When a paragraph style is in use in a document, the style name appears on the Apply Style menu near the left end of the formatting bar, to the right o

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Figure 177: Click on the Styles and Formatting icon to bring up the windowDouble-click the Heading 1 entry of Styles and Formatting (Figure178). This

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2) Keeping the cursor on the same paragraph, select Heading 1 in the Apply Styles list.The text acquires the properties of the Heading 1 style. If the

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Unset/undo character stylesSometimes, you will want to remove the formatting from a block of text. You must resist the temptation to do this manually.

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CopyrightThis document is Copyright © 2005–2010 by its contributors as listed in the section titled Authors. You may distribute it and/or modify it un

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Right-click (context) menusYou can quickly access many menu functions by right-clicking on a paragraph, graphic, or other object. A context menu will

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The right-click menu also has items for anchoring and arrangement, as well as for wrap and alignment.Applying page stylesTo apply a page style, place

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(except the last) chapter, we return to the New Chapter page style for the first page of the next chapter.OOo doesn’t have a predefined New Chapter st

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Example: Page with special formattingSometimes you may need to insert a page with special formatting. For example, a landscape page or a page with mor

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use the other three styles. All you need to do is to create a suitable list style and set up the Next Style property in the Organizer page of the Para

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This section shows how you can quickly make simple modifications to existing paragraph styles using the same tools you would use for applying formatti

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Move to the page where the setting you want to modify is specified and input the new value. You can click the Help button at any time to bring up the

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Center Heading 1On the Styles and Formatting window, select the Paragraph Styles icon (if it isn’t already chosen), right-click on Heading 1, and choo

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Indent Heading 3On the Styles and Formatting window, right-click on the Heading 3 paragraph style and choose Modify (as before). After the Paragraph S

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Figure 190: The Organizer page of the Paragraph Style dialog boxCreating custom paragraph styles: examplesYou have seen that the Styles and Formatting

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This opens the Paragraph Style dialog box, with the Organizer page selected. To create a custom style, you have to understand and configure the top th

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If any bookmarks have been defined in the document, a right-click on this field pops up a list of bookmarks; click on the required one.To jump to a sp

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Creating the PoemHeading styleCreate a new PoemHeading style. Use the same procedure as before, with these changes:• Next Style: Select Poem, not Poem

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Figure 193: Sample poemIndent PoemFirst, set the Poem style to left alignment:1) In the Styles and Formatting window, select Poem and right-click and

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Figure 194: Final result, using three custom stylesCopying and moving stylesStyles are part of the document properties, therefore changes made to a st

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Figure 195: Choosing to copy styles from a document, not a template3) To load styles from a file, click the File button. When you return to this windo

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CautionIf you do not hold down the Control key when dragging, the style will be moved from one list to the other. The style will be deleted from the l

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Assigning styles to shortcut keysYou can configure shortcut keys to quickly assign styles in your document. Some shortcuts are predefined, such as Ctr

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Figure 199: Choosing paragraph styles for outline levels2) Click the number in the Level box corresponding to the heading for which you want to change

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Figure 200: Specifying an outline level on the Outline & Numbering page for a paragraph styleSetting up heading numberingIf you want one or more h

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Figure 202: Default settings on the Outline Numbering dialog box.Figure 203: Specifying numbering of Level 1 headings.Figure 204: Specifying numbering

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Figure 205: Specifying numbering of Level 3 headings.These choices produce the layout shown in Figure 206.Figure 206: Results of numbering choices for

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Digital signatureIf the document has been digitally signed, an icon shows here. You can double-click the icon to view the certificate.Section or obj

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Figure 207: Setting up the position of level 1 headings1) In the Level list on the left, choose 2. Change the values for Numbering followed by... at

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Figure 210: Wrapping long headingsFigure 211: Result of changing Indent at value3) In the Level list, choose 3. Change the values for Numbering follow

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Figure 213: Setting up level 1 headingsFigure 214: Indenting Level 2 headingsFigure 215: Changing the Width of numbering value to wrap long headings2

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Figure 216: Indenting Level 3 headingsChapter 6 Introduction to Styles 223Free eBook Edition

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Chapter 7 Working with StylesFree eBook Edition

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IntroductionChapter 6 (Introduction to Styles) described the basics of how to use, apply, and manage styles. This chapter gives a more detailed descri

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most of the options. The dialog box used to create a new style and to modify an existing one is exactly the same.TipAn exception to the above rule is

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• Next Style: only available for paragraph and page styles. Use it to specify which style will be applied to the next element. It is customary, for ex

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Linking styles is a very powerful method to create “families” of styles and allows you to change their properties simultaneously. For example, if you

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Figure 220: Select the heading fontNow, the fonts of all the heading styles (Heading 1 through Heading 10) are changed in a single operation. Figure 2

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with the selected view layout to determine how many pages are visible in the document window.Changing document viewsWriter has several ways to view a

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Settings on the Indents & Spacing pageIn the Indents & Spacing page, you can set up the parameters that affect the position of the paragraph o

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• Automatic: check this box to allow Writer to automatically control the indentation of the first line. The value is calculated by Writer on the basis

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Register-True box selected, you may want however to activate the vertical grid also for other styles (or not apply it to styles dependent on the refer

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• Characters at line begin: controls the minimum number of characters that can be placed at the beginning of a new line following a hyphen.• Maximum n

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NoteIf you want the first page of a new chapter to always start on a right (recto) page, make sure that the page style for the first chapter page is s

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Thus, the resultant font size of text in a paragraph formatted with the Heading 1 paragraph style is 14pt times 115% = 16.1pt.To specify a percentage

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Figure 226: Selecting a language for a paragraph styleOptions for positioning textThe Position page of the Paragraph Style dialog box collects all the

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The second section of the Position page controls the rotation of the paragraph area. Two common uses for rotated paragraphs are (a) to put portrait he

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4) If the headings are aligned to the top of the cells, you may want to change the alignment to the bottom of the cells, as shown in Figure 228. To do

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create a custom fill character by entering it in the corresponding box. Common use of a fill character is adding dots between a heading and a page num

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To open the Navigator, click its icon on the Standard toolbar, or press F5, or choose View > Navigator on the menu bar, or double-click on the Pa

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To assign an outline level to a paragraph style, go to the Outline & Numbering page for the style, and select the required outline level. Click OK

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want the drop caps to be of a different color or apply an outline effect. Select the character style you want to use in the corresponding drop-down me

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MyTextBody to be black by default but turn white when inside a frame with a blue background.Probably the most common use for conditional formatting is

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When you create a conditional style, you are saying “in this condition make this style look like that other style”. For example, “When typing into a f

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Other ways of using character styles are described elsewhere in the Writer Guide. These uses include making chapter numbers, page numbers, or list num

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Creating a new character styleThis section illustrates the use of the style dialog box for creating a new character style.The pages used to configure

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Migrating to character stylesFor people accustomed to formatting text manually, character styles can take some getting used to. Here are some suggesti

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Because frames and objects are used together, it sometimes is easy to forget they are separate elements. In some cases, such as charts, you can edit t

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Style Comments and UseMarginalia A style for placing a frame beside the left margin. As the name suggests, the Marginalia style is intended for commen

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• Border page: sets the line around the frame, if any. Many beginning designers make the mistake of adding a border to every frame. However, when a co

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Table 1: Function of icons in the NavigatorNot active in ordinary documents. In a master document, switches between the master document file and its s

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Figure 235: The tabbed pages for the Page Style dialog boxThe next style propertyAs for the other styles, use the Next style property (described in “T

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General settings for the page styleThe Page page of the Page Style dialog box is where you can control the general settings of the page. The page show

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• A common practice in page layouts is to have asymmetrical page margins—both for left and right margins and for top and bottom margins. There are var

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changes does not include the area outside the margins. If you plan to print on colored paper and want to have a feel of the final result you will obta

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the parameters manually. When you work with multiple columns per page, you can also fine tune the position and size of a separator line between the co

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Figure 239 illustrates the transitions from the Right Page to Default page styles, with the change of header between left and right pages shown by the

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Figure 241: Setting page margins and layout for the Right Page style5) On the Header and Footer pages, be sure the Header on and Footer on options are

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Figure 242: Setting page margins and layout for the Default page styleFigure 243: Setting up the header properties for the Default page styleStep 3. S

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Step 4. Start a new chapter.Apply the Heading 1 paragraph style to the first paragraph, which will be the title of the chapter.NoteBy default, the Hea

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Working with list stylesList styles (also called numbering styles) work together with paragraph styles. They define indentation, alignment, and the nu

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TipObjects are much easier to find if you have given them names when creating them, instead of keeping OOo’s default names of graphics1, graphics2, Ta

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Creating a new list styleThe dialog box to create a new list style consists of six pages, in addition to the usual Organizer page discussed in “The Or

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between a tab stop, a space, or nothing. If you select the tab stop, you can specify the position of the tab.• Indent at: how much space is reserved f

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Figure 247: A numbered list of CD tracks highlighting the various elementsPosition page for earlier versions of OOoIf your document was created with a

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For any level other than Level 1, the Relative option causes the indentation to be measured from the start of the previous level rather than from the

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The options available on this page depend on the type of marker selected for the list. First, on the left side, select the level you want to modify. T

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paragraph style using the Numbering page of the Paragraph Style dialog box, and then apply only the paragraph style to the list.This section gives an

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Creating the CDTracks numbered listAs for the previous example, start by clicking the List Styles icon (fifth from the left) in the Styles and Formatt

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Applying the list styleNow that the list style is available, it can be quickly applied to any list in the document:1) If starting a new list, before p

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Chapter 8 Working with GraphicsFree eBook Edition

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Graphics (images) in WriterWhen you create a text document using (OOo) Writer, you may want to include some illustrations. Illustration

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Rearranging chapters using the NavigatorYou can arrange chapters and move headings in the document by using the Navigator.1) Click the Content View ic

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doing this, because the results might not be as clear as you would like.• Do any other required image manipulation (brightness and contrast, color bal

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If the document will be available in black-and-white print only, a better result can often be obtained by choosing grayscale fills, not color fills—an

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Figure 250: Insert picture dialogLinking an image fileIf the Link option in the Insert picture dialog is selected, OOo creates a link to the file cont

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in a subfolder named Images (under the folder containing the document); the recipient of the file needs to put the images in a subfolder with the same

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Inserting an image from the clipboardUsing the clipboard, you can copy images into an OOo document from another OOo document and from other programs.

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This section explains the basics of inserting a Gallery image into a Writer document:1) To open the Gallery, click on the Gallery icon (located in t

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When the Gallery is docked, to hide it and view the full Writer workspace, click the Hide/Show button in the middle of the thin bar separating the Gal

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Flip vertically or horizontallyTo flip an image vertically or horizontally, select the image, and then click either the relevant icon .FiltersTable 5

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Table 5: Graphic filters and their effectsIcon Name EffectInvertInverts the color values of a color image or the brightness values of a grayscale imag

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or you can (in the Borders page of the Picture dialog) add a shadow to the image.Cropping imagesWhen you are only interested in a section of the image

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to add or correct information, make some other change, or simply mark where you finished editing. The possible uses of reminders are limited only by y

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Left, Right, Top, and BottomThe image is cropped by the amount entered in these boxes. For example, a value of 3cm in the Left box cuts 3 cm from the

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Figure 255. Three examples of resized images, plus the original imageFor more accurate resizing, use either the Crop page of the Picture dialog box (

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Rotating a pictureWriter does not provide a tool for rotating a picture; however, there is a simple workaround:1) Open a new Draw or Impress document

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• Background: use this page to change the background color of the picture. This setting produces the desired results only for images with a transparen

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Creating drawing objectsTo begin using the drawing tools, display the Drawing toolbar, by clicking View > Toolbars > Drawing.If you are planning

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3) For more control, or to define new attributes, you can click on the Area or Line icons on the toolbar to display detailed dialog boxes.The default

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Grouping drawing objectsTo group drawing objects:1) Select one object, then hold down the Shift key and select the others you want to include in the g

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The settings can be accessed in a number of ways, depending on the nature of the graphics:1) From the Format menu, where you can find Alignment, Arra

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Bring ForwardBrings the graphic one level up in the stack (z-axis). Depending on the number of overlapping objects, you may need to apply this option

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To CharacterThe graphic is associated with a character but is not in the text sequence. It moves with the paragraph but may be placed in the margin or

Page 212

type, or click the Templates icon to start a new document using a template.You can also start a new document in one of the following ways. If a docume

Page 213

placed at 3 cm from the left margin of the page horizontally and on the top margin vertically.Wrapping text around graphicsThe Wrap setting determines

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NoteWhen anchoring a graphic as character, you can only adjust the distance between the image and the text, but no wrapping option is displayed.To fin

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ContourWraps the text around a custom contour rather than around the edge of the picture. This option is only available for Page or Optimal Page Wrap.

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Figure 261: The Contour Editor in actionExample 1: page wrappingFigure 262 shows an example of page wrapping in action.Figure 262: Example of image wi

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The process to obtain this is the following:1) Insert the image into the document, then anchor it to the first paragraph. To move the anchor, select t

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6) Enable the contour wrap by selecting Format > Wrap > Contour from the main menu. As discussed previously, OOo automatically generates the con

Page 219

selected. Change the transparency to a suitable value (in the example this is 40%) so that the text can be read. In the example, a shadow effect is ap

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2) Select AutoCaption. Now you can see several choices at the right of the dialog box for adding captions automatically.3) Choose which objects you wa

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example in Figure 265 and type your caption text in the Caption text box at the top. Whatever text you enter for the caption appears in the box at the

Page 222

2) Right-click on the picture (not the frame surrounding picture and caption) and make sure that Anchor > To paragraph is selected.3) Left-click on

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ContentsChapter 1 Introducing Writer...10What is Writer?...

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Figure 17. Creating a document from a templateOpening an existing documentWhen no document is open, the Welcome screen provides an icon for opening an

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TipsIf you are manually adding captions to a lot of figures using this method, you might want to make an AutoText entry containing, for example, Figur

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Figure 267: The dialog to create or edit an image mapThe main part of the dialog shows the image on which the hotspots are defined. A hotspot is ident

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• Text: type the text that you want to be displayed when the mouse pointer is moved over the hotspot.• Frame: where the target of the hyperlink will o

Page 228

Figure 268. Gallery properties dialog box4) On the Files page, click the Find Files button. The Select path dialog box opens.5) You can enter the path

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Chapter 9 Working with TablesFree eBook Edition

Page 230

IntroductionTables are a useful way to organize and present large amounts of information, for example:• Technical, financial, or statistical reports.•

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Figure 269: Inserting a new table using the Insert Table dialog boxHere you can specify the properties for the new table.Under Name, you can enter a

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• Border — Surrounds each cell of the table with a border. This border can be modified or deleted later.The AutoFormat button opens a dialog box from

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creates a table like this:NoteThis function can be disabled or enabled in Tools > AutoCorrect. On the Options tab, deselect or select Create table.

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In this case, the separator between elements is a semicolon. By selecting the text and applying the conversion, we obtain the following result.Row 1 C

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You can also open an existing OOo Writer document using the same methods you would use to open any document in your operating system.If you have assoc

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Resizing and positioning the tableUsing the default settings, any newly created table will occupy the entire width of the text area. This is sometimes

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Selecting an alignment option other than Automatic activates the Width field in the Properties section, where you can enter the desired size of the ta

Page 238

Figure 273: Table Format dialog box: Columns pageRight-click on the table and choose Table from the pop-up menu or choose Table > Table Properties

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It is also possible to resize a table using only the keyboard. This is on occasions easier than using the mouse.1) Place the cursor on the cell whose

Page 240

You can also quickly insert a row or a column using only the keyboard:1) Place the cursor in the row or column next to the row or column you want to i

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Borders have three components: where they go, what they look like, and how much space is left around them.• Line arrangement specifies where the borde

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by a pair of black arrows in the User-defined map on the left hand side of the dialog box.• Spacing to contents specifies how much space to leave betw

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4) In the For section, chose whether to apply the settings to cell, row, or table.• If you choose Cell, changes apply only to the selected cells, or t

Page 244

b) You can use the Link option to link the graphic file. If it is linked, changes to the graphic (for example, if you edit it in a different software

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NoteTurning boundaries off does not hide the borders that the table may have.TipYou can also turn table boundaries on and off through Tools > Optio

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2) Type the same password in the two fields, and then click OK. If the passwords match, the document is saved password protected. If the passwords do

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• Use the Keep with next paragraph option to keep the table and an immediately following paragraph together if you insert a page break.• Use the Repea

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Vertical alignmentBy default, text entered into a table is aligned to the top-left of the cell. You can change the default for the entire table, as de

Page 249

Rotating text in a table cellYou can rotate text in a table cell by 90 or 270 degrees. Text rotation is useful when you have long headings for narrow

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TipTo enter a Tab character as part of the text of the cell, press the Control and Tab keys at the same time.Sorting data in a tableJust as in a sprea

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For example, suppose you had two numbers in cells <B1> and <C2> and wanted to display the sum of the two in cell <A1>, as shown in F

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3) Press the Enter key or click the green tick (checkmark) on the Formula Bar.4) The answer appears in the cell you have selected.When using a functio

Page 253

NoteOnce the category, numbering style and separator are established in the Caption dialog box, you can edit them in the document if you choose. Howe

Page 254

• Use Level to specify the outline levels that triggers a restart of the numbering as well as how many levels of outline numbering are shown before th

Page 255

3) Set the Type to Table. A list of captioned tables will be shown in the Selection panel; select the one you want to reference.4) In the Format pane,

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Figure 280: The table AutoFormat dialogTo create your own AutoFormat, proceed as follows:1) Create a table and manually format it as you wish, includi

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From this point on, all changes you make to the document will occur only in the Microsoft Word document. You have changed the name and file type of y

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Merging and splitting tablesOne table can be split into two tables, and two tables can be merged into a single table. Tables are split only horizontal

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NoteThe second method also merges the paragraph after the table with the paragraph before the table, which may not be what you want.Copying a tableTo

Page 260

Using tables as a page layout toolTables may be used as a page layout tool to position text in a document instead of using tabs or spaces. For example

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1 Table 9 Top 17 Select Column2 Line Style 10 Center (vertical) 18 Select Row3 Line Color (border) 11 Bottom 19 AutoFormat4 Borders 12 Insert Row 20 T

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Name DescriptionSplit Cells Opens the Split Cell dialog box where you can define how to split a cell. Refer to Merging and splitting cells on page 314

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Chapter 10 Working with TemplatesFree eBook Edition

Page 264

IntroductionA template is a model that you use to create other documents. For example, you can create a template for business reports that has your co

Page 265

Figure 282. Templates and Documents dialog boxCreating a templateYou can create your own templates in two ways: from a document, and using a wizard.Cr

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To learn more about template folders, see “Organizing templates” on page 345.6) Click OK to save the new template.Figure 283. Saving a new templateAny

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• Options for sender and recipient information (business fax)• Text to include in the footer (business fax)To create a template using a wizard:1) From

Page 268

Undoing and redoing changesWhen a document is open, you can undo the most recent change by pressing Control+Z, or clicking the Undo icon on the Stan

Page 269

To edit a template:1) From the main menu, choose File > Templates > Organize. The Template Management dialog box opens.Figure 285. Template mana

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Caution If you choose No in the message box shown in Figure 285, that message will not appear again the next time you open the document after changing

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To install an extension, follow these steps:1) Download the extension package and save it anywhere on your computer.2) In Writer, select Tools > Ex

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you can add the template to a folder as described in “Importing atemplate” on page 346.To set a custom template as the default:1) From the main menu,

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You can do this in two ways. In both cases, for best results the names of styles should be the same in the existing document and the new template. If

Page 274

Organizing templatesWriter can only use templates that are in OOo template folders. You can, however, create new OOo template folders and use them to

Page 275

templates contained in that folder appears underneath the folder name.2) Click the template that you want to move and drag it to the desired folder. I

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Exporting a templateTo export a template from a template folder to another location:1) In the Template Management dialog box, double-click the folder

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Chapter 11 Using Mail MergeForm letters, mailing labels, and envelopesFree eBook Edition

Page 278

What is mail merge? (OOo) Writer provides very useful features to create and print:• Multiple copies of a document to send to a list of

Page 279

If more than one OOo window is open, each window looks like the sample shown on the left in Figure 21. Closing this window leaves the other OOo window

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Figure 288: Spreadsheet data sourceRegistering a data sourceFor a data source to be directly accessible from within a Writer document, it must first b

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Figure 290: Select type of external address book3) On the next page of the Wizard, click the Settings button.Figure 291: Starting the Settings part of

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5) In the next dialog box, click Browse and navigate to the spreadsheet that contains the address information. Select the spreadsheet and click Open t

Page 283

8) Name the file in the Location field. The default is ...\Addresses.odb; but you may replace Addresses with another name if you wish. You may also ch

Page 284

You can create a form letter manually, which is the simplest and most comprehensive method and is described here, or you can use the Mail Merge wizard

Page 285

Figure 297: Dragging fields to the body of the form letter.5) Continue until you have composed the entire document. (See Figure 298 for an example.) A

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6) To suppress blank lines:a) Click at the end of the first paragraph to be suppressed and then choose Insert > Fields > Other.b) Select the Fun

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The document is now ready to be printed.1) Choose File > Print and respond with Yes in the message box.Figure 300: Confirmation message for merging

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4) If you have not saved the original, prototype form letter document (template) previously, then you should do so now. Having a form letter template

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4) Click the dropdown arrow under Database field. Select the first field to be used in the label (in this example, Title). Click the left arrow button

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Chapter 2 Setting up WriterChoosing options to suit the way you workFree eBook Edition

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6) Click New Document. You now have a new, single-page document containing a series of frames, one for each label of the selected type and filled with

Page 292

address field. It has the general form of:![Database.Table.Database field]where the ‘!’ (NOT) character indicates the negative case and the square bra

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2) In the Mail Merge dialog box (Figure 301), you can choose to print all records or selected records. To select records to be printed, use Ctrl+click

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2) Then from the Paragraph Style dialog box, you can make changes to the font name, the font size, the indents, and other attributes.Printing envelope

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Figure 305: Envelope formatting dialog box3) The next step is to select the Printer tab (Figure 306), from where you may choose the printer you intend

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Figure 306: Choosing printer options for an envelope5) Select the Envelope tab (Figure 307). Verify, add, or edit the information in the Addressee and

Page 297

Figure 307: Choosing addressee and sender information for envelopes7) Quite often some of the fields in your address data source will be unused, leadi

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lines, you need to replace line breaks with paragraphs as follows.c) Click at the end of the last data source address field in the first line of the l

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3) Make your selections and then click OK to print direct to the printer. If you wish to check the envelopes before printing them, see Step 9 of “Crea

Page 300

Select Use the current document and click Next.Figure 308: Select starting documentStep 2: Select document typeThe wizard can produce letters or, if

Page 301

Choosing options that affect all of OOoThis section covers some of the settings that apply to all the components of OOo and are particularly important

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Step 3: Insert address blockThis is the most complex step in the wizard. In this step you will do three things:1) Tell the wizard which data source to

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2) If you have not already created the address list, you may click Create to do so now. This step will allow you to create a CSV (Comma Separated Valu

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formats provided are relatively common, but they might not exactly match your preference. If this is the case, select the address block that is closes

Page 305

Matching the fieldsFinally, it is time to match the wizard’s fields with the spreadsheet fields, so that items like <Last Name> and “Surname” ma

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3) When you have matched all the fields, click OK to return to step 3 of the wizard. Now, when you use the arrow buttons to look at all the addresses,

Page 307

and the field value to F. The male salutation is then printed for all men and the female salutation for all women.NoteYou do not need to tell OOo who

Page 308

Figure 317: Edit documentYou can also edit the body of the document. If you started with a blank document, you can write the whole letter in this step

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Figure 319: Insert mail merge fields dialog box6) Click the field you want to insert, then click Insert to insert the field.You can insert any number

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Figure 320: Personalize documentAs with step 6, when editing the document, the wizard shrinks to a small window (Figure 318). Click on this window to

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The merged document can now be saved by selection of Save merged document. This will reveal the Save merged document settings section, from which you

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Figure 23: Filling in user dataGeneral optionsThe options on the – General page are described below.Figure 24: Setting general options

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Chapter 12 Tables of Contents, Indexes, and BibliographiesFree eBook Edition

Page 314

IntroductionThis chapter describes how to create and maintain a table of contents (TOC), an index, and a bibliography for a text document using OpenOf

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4) Click OK. The result will be a typical table of contents.Some tips you may find useful:• If some of your headings do not show up in the table of co

Page 316

You can also access this dialog box at any time by right-clicking anywhere in an existing table of contents and choosing Modify from the pop-up menu.F

Page 317

Index/Table pageUse the Index/Table page, pictured in Figure 324, to set the attributes of the TOC.Changing the titleTo give the table of contents a d

Page 318

Creating a table of contents from an outlineThe third section of the Index/Table page is used to determine what Writer should use to create the TOC. T

Page 319

In versions of Writer before 3.1, here is how to include paragraphs formatted with other styles:1) In the Create from area, deselect Outline and selec

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you are entering the index entries for use in a TOC, so that Writer can distinguish between them and any index entries intended for inclusion in an al

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NoteIf the chapter number defined for your document includes the word “Chapter” before the number itself, then the E# field in the TOC will also inclu

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Figure 328 represents the completion of the above steps. The number and the text of the entries on that level will now be hyperlinks.Figure 328: Hyper

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Help AgentTo turn off the Help Agent (similar to Microsoft’s Office Assistant), deselect this option. To restore the default behavior, click Reset Hel

Page 324

an indent on the left, tab stops are relative to this indent. If this option is not selected, tab stops are relative to the left margin position.Style

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Columns pageUse the Columns page to change the number of columns for the TOC. Multiple columns are more likely to be used in indexes than in TOCs, so

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Updating a table of contentsWriter does not update the TOC automatically, so after any changes to the headings, you must update it manually. To update

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NoteWriter will not prompt you to confirm the delete! Use caution when deleting a TOC.You can also delete the index from the Navigator by selecting In

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Figure 331: Inserting an index entrySee “Customizing index entries” on page 395 for an explanation of the fields on this dialog box.You can create mul

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Creating an alphabetic index quicklyNow that you have some index entries, you can create the index.Although indexes can be customized extensively in W

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2nd keyYou can have a three-level index, where some of the first-level keys have level-2 entries that are also keys (without page numbers). This degre

Page 331

• Use the Index/Table page to set the attributes of the index.• Use the Entries and Styles pages to format the entries in the index.• Use the Columns

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Insert Table/Index dialog box. If the option is not selected, the index can be changed directly on the document page, just like other text, but any ma

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Figure 334: Entries page for creating an alphabetical indexTo begin, click a number in the Level column to select the index level whose elements you w

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Autoformatting...84Creating numbered or bulleted lists...

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Memory optionsIn the Options dialog, click > Memory. Some considerations:• More memory can make faster and more conve

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Changing elementsTo change an element in the Structure line, click the button representing that element and then click the element that you want to su

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• Tab position relative to Paragraph Style indent. When checked, entries are indented according to the settings of their individual formats. Where a p

Page 338

2) To evenly distribute the columns according to the page width, check the AutoWidth box. If it is unchecked, you can manually set each of the followi

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Figure 336: Viewing and editing index entriesOther types of indexesAn alphabetical index is not the only type of index that you can build with Writer.

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Figure 337: Creating other types of indexes2) Be sure Captions is selected in the Create from section, and choose the category of caption. The default

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Figure 339: Resulting index of illustrationsBibliographiesA bibliography is useful for displaying references used throughout a document. These referen

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You can use the top portion of this window to:• Filter for specific records within the database (see “Filteringrecords” below).• Change some details o

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Filtering recordsTo set up a filter for specific records within the bibliographic database, select Tools > Filter from the Bibliographic Database m

Page 344

Changing the data sourceTo change the data source in use (for example, if you have more than one bibliographic database for different purposes), click

Page 345

Figure 345: Main window for working with databases4) If Tables (under the Database view) is not selected, select it now. 5) Right-click on the biblio

Page 346

Figure 26: Choosing View options for applicationsUser Interface – ScalingIf the text in the help files or on the menus of the OOo user

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6) You can now select each of the rows and modify the Field Properties as required.7) When finished, you will be asked to confirm that you want the ch

Page 348

Adding a reference (citation) into a documentWriter supports two ways of showing references (citations) in the text of a document:• Using authors’ nam

Page 349

6) You can keep the dialog box open and insert another reference into the document; you don’t need to close and reopen it.7) When you have finished in

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Index/Table pageThe basic settings are selected on this page.1) To give the bibliography a title, enter it in the Title field. (A title is not require

Page 351

Figure 349: Entries page for bibliographiesStyles, Columns and Background pagesRefer to “Styles page” on page 390 and “Columns page” on page 401. Use

Page 352

2) On the Numbering Style dialog, go to the Options page. In our example we want to have the numbers enclosed in square brackets. To do this, type [ i

Page 353

4) Click OK to save these settings and close the Numbering Style dialog. Return to the Styles and Formatting window, click on the Paragraph Styles ico

Page 354

Updating and editing an existing bibliographyTo modify the display of bibliography entries:1) Click anywhere in the bibliography and then right-click.

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Chapter 13 Working with Master DocumentsFree eBook Edition

Page 356

Why use a master document?Master documents are typically used for producing long documents such as a book, a thesis, or a long report. A master docume

Page 357

Font Lists - Show preview of fontsCauses the font list to look like Figure 27, Left, with the font names shown as an example of the font; with the opt

Page 358

Using the NavigatorThe Navigator is a very useful tool that helps you move quickly to specific parts of your document. It also provides information ab

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In a master document, the Navigator lists the subdocuments and text sections, as shown on the right hand side of Figure 354. The use of the Navigator

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How to do it: Open the document and click File > Send > Create Master Document to split the document. You will find that each of the subdocument

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NoteIf the subdocuments were all created with the same template and the styles were not modified in the documents, then the styles are imported into t

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Step 3. Create the master document and subdocuments from the sametemplateStep 4. Insert some information directly into the master documentStep 5. Inse

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If you use an existing document or template, delete all the text from it except for fields in headers and footers before saving it as the template for

Page 364

Create subdocumentsA subdocument is no different from any other text document. It becomes a subdocument only when it is linked into a master document

Page 365

• Show text boundaries, table boundaries, and section boundaries (Tools > Options > > Appearance). 2) Type the contents of the

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Figure 356: Inserting a page break before the first page of the front matterStep 5. Insert the subdocuments into the master documentAt last we are rea

Page 367

The inserted file is listed in the Navigator before the Text item, as shown in Figure 358.Figure 358: Navigator after inserting one subdocument3) Beca

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keyboard shortcuts. Clipboard and “Selection clipboard” can contain different contents at the same time.Function Clipboard Selection clipboardCopy con

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Figure 360. The Navigator showing a series of files and text sections TipYou can define your Heading 1 paragraph style to start on a new page, and thu

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Paragraph markerSection markerProtected section containing subdocumentFigure 361: Page break before subdocument, which is in a protected section7) Not

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Click on this blank paragraph and insert a page break, specifying the First Page style, but do not select the Change page number checkbox.Repeat for a

Page 372

Editing subdocumentsYou cannot save edits made to a subdocument from within the master document. Instead, you must open the subdocument, either by dou

Page 373

Using bookmarksBookmarks are listed in the Navigator and can be accessed directly from there with a single mouse click. In HTML documents, bookmarks a

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Figure 365: Setting text to be used as a target for a cross-referenceInserting the cross-references1) Open the master document. In the Navigator (Figu

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3) In the Fields dialog box, on the References page, select Insert Reference in the Type list on the left hand side (Figure 367). The Selection list i

Page 376

(You can turn on the display of field codes by clicking View > Field Names. The two fields shown as gray lines in Figure 368 now look like Figure 3

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2) On the Export dialog (Figure 371), type a name for the exported .odt file and choose OpenDocument Text (.odt) from the File format list. Click Expo

Page 378

6) After breaking the links, you may wish to also remove some or all of the sections. To do that, go to Format > Sections, select the sections you

Page 379

TipIf your printouts are incorrectly placed on the page or chopped off at the top, bottom, or sides or the printer is refusing to print, the most like

Page 380

2) Modify the style for the chapter title (usually Heading 1) to enable a page break before, using the page style you want for the first page of each

Page 381

Figure 373. Using an offset to start at a different page number3) You might need to make the same change on the second page of the first chapter.Inclu

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3) Using the method described on page 428 to include a manual page break in a text section before and after the landscape document.If you want portrai

Page 383

Figure 374. Anchoring a graphic and setting its position on a pageHere is the secret:1) Right-click on the first list item in the first list in the do

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Chapter 14 Working with FieldsFree eBook Edition

Page 385

Introduction to fieldsFields are extremely useful features of Writer. They are used for a variety of purposes; for example, data that changes (such as

Page 386

Using document properties to hold information that changesUse the Properties dialog box for any document to enter information that you might want to r

Page 387

• In the Value column, type what you want to appear in the document where this field is used.• If you need more than four custom properties, click the

Page 388

choosing Insert > Fields > Other or pressing Ctrl+F2. Notice the Custom item in the Type list; this is derived from the Custom Properties page o

Page 389

Some of these items are picked up from the User Data page of the Options dialog box (covered in Chapter 2, Setting up Writer), so make sure the inform

Page 390

0Color optionsOn the – Colors page, you can specify colors to use in OOo documents. You can select a color from a color table, edit an

Page 391

Now whenever you want to insert this field at the cursor position, type the shortcut, and then press F3.Defining your own numbering sequencesYou may w

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4) Click Insert. The name of the variable (Step) now appears in the Selection list, and a number field (showing 1) appears at the insertion point in y

Page 393

Use AutoText to insert a number range fieldYou certainly do not want to go through all of that every time you want to put in a step number. Instead, c

Page 394

Figure 383: The Cross-references page of the Fields dialog boxInserting cross-referencesTo insert a cross-reference to a heading, figure, or other ite

Page 395

caption), Page (to insert the number of the page the figure is on), or Numbering (to insert only the figure number).6) Click Insert.For a full list of

Page 396

Preparing items as targets for cross-referencingOccasionally you might want to insert a cross-reference to something that is not automatically shown o

Page 397

3) Click in the document and highlight the text of the first item to set as a target for a cross-reference. Click on the Fields dialog box. The text o

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386. (Writer calls chapter titles Chapter names.) If you have used outline numbering on your Heading 1, you can choose whether to include these number

Page 399

• You can add a page count to the footer—for example “Page 9 of 12”. Type the word “Page” and a space in front of the Page field. Type a space, the wo

Page 400

Figure 387: Defining a number range variable for AppendixesTricks for working with fieldsKeyboard shortcuts for fieldsHere are some handy keyboard sho

Page 401

Modify the color components as required and click OK to exit the dialog. The newly defined color now appears in the lower of the color preview boxes s

Page 402

Converting fields into textWriter does not provide any easy way to convert field contents into text. To do this, you need to copy the field contents a

Page 403

Hidden textWith hidden text (a word, phrase, or sentence), you have only two choices: show or hide. If the condition you specify is met, the text is h

Page 404

Choose or define a variableYou can use the following variables in your condition:• User-defined variables• Predefined variables, which

Page 405

3) Select Set variable in the Type list and Text in the Format list. Type a name for the variable in the Name box, and a value in the Value box. I hav

Page 406

Apply the condition to the contentNow that you have defined the variable, you can use it in a condition statement. This topic describes some of the po

Page 407

Hidden textYou might use hidden text for words or short phrases that describe features of Great Product Pro that are not found in the Lite version. Yo

Page 408

To show hidden paragraphs so you can edit them, do one of the following:• Choose View > Hidden Paragraphs from the menu bar, so it is checked (show

Page 409

To show all the hidden sections so you can edit them, change the value of the variable to something that the conditions will not recognize. In our exa

Page 410

Figure 392: Changing the value of the variableTipTo turn on automatic updating of fields, choose Tools > Options > Writer > Ge

Page 411

Figure 393: Inserting a placeholder fieldBecause the <Logo> field is a graphics placeholder, when you click on the field in the document, the In

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3) In the Replace With box, select a suitable font from the drop-down list of fonts installed on your computer.4) The check mark to the right of the R

Page 413

To edit an input field, click on it in the document. In the small dialog box that opens, edit the text of the field.Figure 394: Inserting an input fie

Page 414

Input listAn input list is a text field that displays one item from a list. To insert an input list field into a document:1) Choose Insert > Fields

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Figure 397: Choosing an item from an input listTo add, edit, and remove items from this list, and change their order in the list, click the Edit butto

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Chapter 15 Using Forms in WriterFree eBook Edition

Page 417

Introduction to formsThis chapter covers the use of forms within Writer documents. Most of the information here also applies to forms in other OpenOff

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3) They fill in the form, save it and send it back to you.4) You open the form and see what their answers are.TipBy using a data source, or setting a

Page 419

Figure 399: The Form Control, More Controls and Form Design ToolbarsActivate design modeClick the Design Mode On/Off button on the Form Controls tool

Page 420

6) To stop inserting controls, click on the Select button on the Form Controls toolbar, or click on any of the controls you have just inserted. The

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Figure 400: Example of the Properties dialog box for a form controlUse the formTo use the form, leave design mode by clicking the Design Mode On/Off b

Page 422

Form Control toolbar Check BoxA box that can be selected or deselected on the form. You can label the box. Text BoxA control to create a box into whic

Page 423

Figure 33: Choosing security options for opening and saving documentsClick the Options button to open a separate dialog with specific choices (Figure

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Form Control toolbar Form DesignLaunches the Form Design toolbar, which can also be opened with View > Toolbars > Form Design. Wizards On/OffSom

Page 425

More Controls toolbar File SelectionAllows a user to select a file, either by typing the path and name directly or by clicking on a Browse button and

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Form Design toolbar SelectSelects a form control to perform an action on it. Design mode on/offToggles between design mode on (to edit forms) and desi

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Form Design toolbar Position and SizeLaunches the Position and Size dialog box, allowing you to specify both by typing in precise values, rather than

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Example: a simple formCreate the documentOpen a new document (File > New > Text Document). It is a good idea to write down the outline of the do

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4) Make sure the Wizards On/Off button is on (shaded with a border). Click the More Controls button to launch the More Controls toolbar.5) On the

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c) Give a value to your fields. Typically, you would give one field the value 1 and the other field the value 2. If there are more than 2 option field

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7) Finally create four check boxes by All the shapes you like. Click on the Check Box button and then draw out four check boxes, side by side across

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Figure 407: Properties dialog box for a list box3) Click on the first Check Box. The Properties dialog box stays open but changes to show the properti

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5) Click on each of the other three check boxes in turn. Change the Label in the Properties dialog box to Triangle, Square, and Pentagon in turn.6) Cl

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Ctrl-click required to follow hyperlinks. In older versions of OOo, clicking on a hyperlink in a document opened the linked document. Now you can choo

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Accessing data sourcesThe most common use for a form is as the front end of a database. You can provide a form that allows users to enter information

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Figure 410: Database WizardAfter saving the database, you should see the main Base window (Figure 405), which contains three panels. The left-hand pan

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The next step is to create a table. Again, this is covered in more detail in Chapter 8 (Getting Started with Base) in the Getting Started guide. Here

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Accessing an existing data sourceIf you have an existing data source, such as a spreadsheet or database, you simply need to tell about

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Creating a form for data entryWhether you created a new database, or already had a data source, it must be registered with (see above).

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Figure 414: Form properties, connecting to a data source3) For each form control in turn, launch the Properties dialog box.. Click on the control to s

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TipIf you created a database in OOo Base and your Primary Key field had Auto Value set to Yes, that field does not need to be part of the form. If Aut

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Advanced form customizationLinking a macro to a form controlYou can set any form control (for example, text box or button) to perform an action when t

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Figure 418: Assign action dialog boxMacros can also be assigned to events relating to the form as a whole. To assign these, right-click on a form cont

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Figure 419: Data Properties of a FormIndividual fields can also be protected. This might be useful if you wanted a user to be able to modify some part

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Chapter 5 Printing, Exporting, Faxing, and E-Mailing...165Introduction...

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Figure 35: Showing or hiding text, object, and table boundariesChoosing options for loading and saving documentsYou can set the Load/Save options to s

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• For a text box, you can set the maximum text length. This is very useful when adding records into a database. Every database text field has a maximu

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Chapter 16 Math ObjectsThe Equation EditorFree eBook Edition

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What is Math?Math is (OOo)’s component for writing mathematical equations. It is most commonly used as an equation editor for text docu

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Chapter 17 Customizing WriterFree eBook Edition

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IntroductionThis chapter describes some common customizations that you may wish to do.You can customize menus, toolbars, and keyboard shortcuts in Ope

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Figure 420. The Menus page of the Customize dialog boxCreating a new menuIn the Customize dialog box, click New to display the New Menu dialog box, sh

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Figure 421: Adding a new menuModifying existing menusTo modify an existing menu, select it in the Menu list and click the Menu button to drop down a l

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Adding a command to a menuYou can add commands to the supplied menus and to menus you have created. On the Customize dialog box, select the menu in th

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Most of the actions should be self-explanatory. Begin a group adds a separator line after the highlighted entry.Customizing toolbarsYou can customize

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Modifying existing toolbarsTo modify an existing toolbar:1) In the Save In drop-down list, choose whether to save this changed toolbar for the applica

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Figure 37: Choosing Load and Save optionsLoad user-specific settings with the documentWhen you save a document, certain settings are saved with it. So

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Modify > Change icon. On the Change Icon dialog box, you can scroll through the available icons, select one, and click OK to assign it to the comma

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Figure 425: Setting up OOo for sending faxes5) On the Add Commands dialog box (Figure 426), select Documents in the Category list, then select Send De

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Creating a new toolbarTo create a new toolbar:1) Choose Tools > Customize > Toolbars from the menu bar.2) Click New. On the Name dialog box, typ

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3) Next select the required function from the Category and Function lists.4) Now select the desired shortcut keys in the Shortcut keys list at the top

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Figure 427. Defining keyboard shortcuts for applying styles6) To assign Ctrl+9 to be the shortcut key combination for the List 1 style, select List 1

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1) Choose Tools > Macros > Record Macro to start recording a macro.A small window is displayed so you know that is recording.2) C

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4) Be sure to open the library container named My Macros. Find the library named Standard under My Macros. Select Module1 and click Save.5) Repeat ste

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TipFor inserting en- and em-dashes, and other special characters, you may find extensions such as Compose Special Characters useful. See “Adding funct

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“open document” event to run a macro that performs certain setup tasks for the document.To associate a macro with an event, use the Events page of the

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3) A file browser window opens. Find and select the extension you want to install and click Open. The extension begins installing. You may be asked to

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your document after a system crash will be easier; but recovering an earlier version of the document may be harder.Save URLs relative to file system /

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PDF ImportThis extension enables you to make minor modifications to the text of existing PDF files when the original source files do not exist or you

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Appendix A Keyboard ShortcutsUsing Writer without a mouseFree eBook Edition

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IntroductionYou can use (OOo) without requiring a pointing device, such as a mouse or trackball, by using its built-in keyboard shortcu

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from one element or area to the next one, or press Shift+Tab to go in the reverse direction.Press Esc to close the dialog without saving changes or ac

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Shortcut keys EffectF12 Turns paragraph numbering on or off.Ctrl+F12 Inserst or edits a table.Shift+F12 Turns bullets on or off.Ctrl+Shift+F12 Turns n

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Shortcut Keys EffectCtrl+Enter Inserts a page break.Ctrl+Shift+Enter Inserts a column break in multi-column texts.Alt+Enter Inserts a new paragraph wi

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Shortcut Keys EffectCtrl+Shift+Backspace Deletes text to beginning of sentence.Ctrl+Tab Uses next suggestion with automatic word completion.Ctrl+Shift

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Shortcut Keys EffectAlt+Arrow Keys Increases or decreases the size of the column or row on the right or bottom cell edge.Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys Increase

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Shortcut Keys Effect Shift+Tab When the cursor is at the beginning of the heading text, moves a heading in format Heading X (X = 2–10) up one level i

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IndexA accepting or rejecting changes 107accessibility features 522address book 351address data source 350align cells in table 334Aligning graph

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Save original Basic code takes precedence over Load Basic code. If both options are seleted and you edit the disabled code in OOo, the original Micros

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D dashes 79data source accessing existing 493accessing using a form 490definition 349registering 350database access permissions 498creating

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Functions tab: conditional text 464Functions tab: hidden text 465Functions tab: placeholder field 469open using keyboard 459References tab 435fil

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images adding from file 271linking 272resizing 280scanned 274wrapping text around 290indent distance 57indents 82index capitalizing entries

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no existing documents 422planning 424splitting one document 421styles 419, 424subdocument creation 426subdocument inclusion 428table of contents

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digital rights management (DRM) 181encrypt 181EPS images 178export documents to 176image compression and resolution 178initial view selection 17

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snap to grid 58sorting data in a table 334spacing at tops of pages 63spacing between paragraphs and tables 63special characters 78spelling 91spel

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exporting 347Extension Manager 341folders 345importing 346moving 345organizing 345setting a default 342update document styles from 340Template

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HTML compatibility Load/Save optionsChoices made on the Load/Save – HTML Compatibility page affect HTML pages imported into and those e

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Import - Ignore font settingsSelect this option to have OOo ignore all font settings when importing. The fonts that were defined in the HTML Page Styl

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Choosing options for WriterSettings chosen on the pages in the Writer section of the Options dialog box determine how your Writer docum

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Update fields and charts automaticallyYou may not want fields or charts to update automatically when you are working, because that slows down performa

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Formatting Aids optionsThe display of symbols such as paragraph ends and tabs help you when writing, editing, and doing page layout. For example, you

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Figure 45: Choosing Grid optionsDefault fontsThe default fonts specified on the Writer – Basic Fonts (Western) page apply to both Write

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Working with list styles...259Chapter 8 Working with Graphics...

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available. Otherwise, it will substitute a font that is available on the system.• Type the list of fonts, separated by commas, in the boxes. If you wa

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• If you are printing double-sided on a non-duplexing printer, you might choose to print only left or right pages, then turn the stack over and print

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• The Keyboard handling section specifies the distances that cells move when you use keyboard shortcuts to move them and the size of rows and columns

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Figure 50: Choosing compatibility optionsUse printer metrics for document formattingIf this option is selected, the printer specified for the document

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if the paragraph is positioned on the first page of the document, or after a manual page break.If you import an MS Word document, the spaces are autom

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Figure 51: Setting up a new category for automatic captions on graphicsMail Merge E-mail optionsYou can produce form letters using Writer and then use

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Choosing options for HTML documentsYou can configure to treat HTML documents in Writer differently than regular documents.1) If the Opt

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In the Options dialog box, click Language Settings > Languages.Figure 53: language optionsOn the right-hand side of the Language Set

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Figure 55: Extra pages available when enhanced language support options are selectedChoose spelling optionsTo choose the options for checking spelling

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Here you can also check which of the user-defined (custom) dictionaries are active, or you can add or remove dictionaries by clicking the New or Delet

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Chapter 11 Using Mail Merge...348What is mail merge?...

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Chapter 3 Working with TextFree eBook Edition

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IntroductionThis chapter covers the basics of working with text in Writer, the word-processing component of (OOo). It assumes that you

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Now you can work with the selected text (copy it, delete it, change the style, and so on).NoteMacintosh users: substitute the Command key when instruc

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Figure 58: Selecting a vertical block of textCutting, copying, and pasting textCutting and copying text in Writer is similar to cutting and copying te

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This example includes the formatting option DDE link. DDE is an acronym for Dynamic Data Exchange, a mechanism whereby selected data in document A can

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Figure 60: Expanded Find & Replace dialog boxFind and replace specific formattingA very powerful use of Find & Replace takes advantage of the

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To search for specific text with specific formatting (for example, the word hello in bold), specify the formatting, type the text in the Search for bo

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NoteTo search for a character that is defined as a wildcard, type a backslash (\) before the character. For example, to find the text $5.00, you would

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Inserting special charactersA “special” character is one not found on a standard English keyboard. For example, © ¾ æ ç ñ ö ø ¢ are all special charac

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Inserting non-breaking spaces and hyphensNon-breaking spacesTo prevent two words from being separated at the end of a line, press Control+spacebar aft

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Using other fields to hold information that changes...447Using AutoText to insert often-used fields...

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WindowsHold down one of the Alt keys and type on the numeric keypad: 0150 for an en dash or 0151 for an em dash. The dash appears when you release the

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1Open Styles and Formatting Window5Align Right10Numbering On/Off6Justified11Bullets On/Off2Apply Style7Line Spacing: 112Decrease Indent3Align Left8Lin

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Figure 65: Options for the last line of a justified paragraphSetting tab stops and indentsThe horizontal ruler shows both the default tab stops and an

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Figure 66: Specifying tab stops and fill charactersTipUsing tabs to space out material on a page is not recommended. Depending on what you are trying

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Figure 68: Ruler showing default tab stopsFormatting charactersYou can apply many formats to characters using the buttons on the Formatting toolbar.

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Figure 70: Autoformat choices on the Options page of the AutoCorrect dialog boxThe Help describes each of these choices and how to activate the autofo

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To automatically format the file according to the options you have set, choose Format > AutoCorrect Options and select or deselect the items on the

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1 Bullets On/Off 6 Move Up (One Level) with Sub-points10 Move Down2 Numbering On/Off 11 Move Up in Sub-points3 Numbering Off 7 Move Down (One Level) w

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This example uses one of the supplied styles, Numbering 1, however if you intend to reuse this type of nested list you can also create a new style as

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Figure 74: Checking the outline numbering for level-1 list itemsFigure 75: Numbering style for level-2 list itemsTo make the indentation at each level

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Appendix A Keyboard Shortcuts...521Introduction...

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• Define the format of footnotes.• Define the location of footnotes on the page; see Chapter 4 (Formatting Pages).Inserting footnotes/endnotesTo inser

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To delete a footnote or endnote, delete the footnote marker. The contents of the footnote or endnote are deleted automatically, and the numbering of o

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the menu, the selection will replace the misspelled word in your text. Other menu options are discussed below.• You can change the dictionary language

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Figure 80: The Language Tool extensionUsing built-in language toolsWriter provides some tools that make your work easier if you mix multiple languages

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You can also set the language for the whole document, for individual paragraphs, or even for individual words and characters, all from Tools > Lang

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Using the thesaurusThe thesaurus gives alternative words and phrases. Select the word or phrase you want to find more choices for and select Tools >

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Figure 83: Modifying a paragraph style2) On the Paragraph Style dialog box, select the Text Flow tab.Figure 84: Turning on automatic hyphenation3) Und

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Figure 85: Setting hyphenation optionsTo change the minimal number of characters for hyphenation, the minimum number of characters before a line break

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Using AutoCorrectWriter’s AutoCorrect function automatically corrects a long list of common misspellings and typing errors. For example, “hte” will be

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Using word completionIf Word Completion is enabled, Writer tries to guess which word you are typing and offers to complete this word for you. To accep

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